Class NavStateFGParams

Class Documentation

class NavStateFGParams

Parameters needed by NavStateFG.

Public Functions

NavStateFGParams() = default
~NavStateFGParams() = default
void loadFrom(const mrpt::containers::yaml &cfg)

Loads all parameters from a YAML map node.

Public Members

double max_time_to_use_velocity_model = 2.0

Valid estimations will be extrapolated only up to this time since the last incorporated observation. If a request is done farther away, an empty estimation will be returned.

double sliding_window_length = 5.0

Time to keep past observations in the filter.

double time_between_frames_to_warning = 3.0

If the time between two keyframes is larger than this, a warning will be emitted; but the algorithm will keep trying its best.

double sigma_random_walk_acceleration_linear = 1.0
double sigma_random_walk_acceleration_angular = 1.0
double sigma_integrator_position = 0.10
double sigma_integrator_orientation = 0.10
double robust_param = 0.0
double max_rmse = 2.0
mrpt::math::TTwist3D initial_twist
double initial_twist_sigma_lin = 20.0
double initial_twist_sigma_ang = 3.0