Package containing demos for lifecycle implementation
ROS 2 introduces the concept of managed nodes, also called LifecycleNode
In the following tutorial, we explain the purpose of these nodes, what makes them different from regular nodes and how they comply to a lifecycle management.
Managed nodes contain a state machine with a set of predefined states.
These states can be changed by invoking a transition id which indicates the succeeding consecutive state.
The state machine is implemented as described at the ROS 2 design page.
Our implementation differentiates between Primary States
and Transition States
Primary States are supposed to be steady states in which any node can do the respected task.
On the other hand, Transition States are meant as temporary intermediate states attached to a transition.
The result of these intermediate states are used to indicate whether a transition between two primary states is considered successful or not.
Thus, any managed node can be in one of the following states:
Primary States (steady states):
Transition States (intermediate states):
The possible transitions to invoke are:
For a more verbose explanation on the applied state machine, we refer to the design page which provides an in-detail explanation about each state and transition.
The demo
What’s happening
The demo is split into 3 separate applications:
The lifecycle_talker
represents a managed node and publishes according to which state the node is in.
We split the tasks of the talker node into separate pieces and execute them as follows:
configuring: We initialize our publisher and timer
activate: We activate the publisher and timer in order to enable a publishing
deactivate: We stop the publisher and timer
cleanup: We destroy the publisher and timer
This demo shows a typical talker/listener pair of nodes. However, imagine a real scenario with attached hardware which may have a rather long booting phase, i.e. a laser or camera. One could imagine bringing up the device driver in the configuring state, start and stop only the publishing of the device’s data in active/deactive state, and only in the cleanup/shutdown state actually shutdown the device.
The lifecycle_listener
is a simple listener which shows the characteristics of the lifecycle talker.
The talker enables message publishing only in the active state and thus the listener only receives messages when the talker is in an active state.
The lifecycle_service_client
is a script calling different transitions on the lifecycle_talker
This is meant as the external user controlling the lifecycle of nodes.
Run the demo
In order to run this demo, we open three terminals and source our ROS 2 environment variables either from the binary distributions or the workspace we compiled from source.
lifecycle_talker |
lifecycle_listener |
lifecycle_service_client |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Alternatively, these three programs can be run together in the same terminal using the launch file:
ros2 launch lifecycle
If we look at the output of the lifecycle_talker
, we notice that nothing seems to happen.
This makes sense, since every node starts as unconfigured
The lifecycle_talker is not configured yet and in our example, no publishers and timers are created yet.
The same behavior can be seen for the lifecycle_listener
, which is less surprising given that no publishers are available at this moment.
The interesting part starts with the third terminal.
In there we launch our lifecycle_service_client
which is responsible for changing the states of the lifecycle_talker
Triggering transition 1 (configure)
[lc_client] Transition 1 successfully triggered.
[lc_client] Node lc_talker has current state inactive.
Makes the lifecycle talker change its state to inactive. Inactive means that all publishers and timers are created and configured. However, the node is still not active. Therefore no messages are getting published.
[lc_talker] on_configure() is called.
Lifecycle publisher is currently inactive. Messages are not published.
At the same time the lifecycle listener receives a notification as it listens to every state change notification of the lifecycle talker. In fact, the listener receives two consecutive notifications. One for changing from the primary state “unconfigured” to “configuring”, and a second notification changing the state from “configuring” to “inactive” (since the configuring step was successful in the talker).
[lc_listener] notify callback: Transition from state unconfigured to configuring
[lc_listener] notify callback: Transition from state configuring to inactive
Triggering transition 2 (activate)
[lc_client] Transition 2 successfully triggered.
[lc_client] Node lc_talker has current state active.
Makes the lifecycle talker change its state to active. That means all publishers and timers are now activated and therefore the messages are now getting published.
[lc_talker] on_activate() is called.
[lc_talker] Lifecycle publisher is active. Publishing: [Lifecycle HelloWorld #11]
[lc_talker] Lifecycle publisher is active. Publishing: [Lifecycle HelloWorld #12]
The lifecycle listener receives the same set of notifications as before. Lifecycle talker changed its state from inactive to active.
[lc_listener]: notify callback: Transition from state inactive to activating
[lc_listener]: notify callback: Transition from state activating to active
The difference from the earlier transition event is that our listener now also receives the actual published data.
[lc_listener] data_callback: Lifecycle HelloWorld #11
[lc_listener] data_callback: Lifecycle HelloWorld #12
Please note that the index of the published message is already at 11.
The purpose of this demo is to show that even though we call publish
at every state of the lifecycle talker, the messages are only actually published when the state in active.
For the rest of the demo, you will see similar output as we deactivate and activate the lifecycle talker and finally shut it down.
The demo code
lifecycle_talker, lifecycle_listener and lifecycle_service_client
If we have a look at the code, there is one significant change for the lifecycle talker compared to a regular talker.
Our node does not inherit from the regular rclcpp::node::Node
but from rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode
class LifecycleTalker : public rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode
Every child of LifecycleNodes have a set of callbacks provided. These callbacks go along with the applied state machine attached to it. These callbacks are:
on_configure(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & previous_state)
on_activate(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & previous_state)
on_deactivate(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & previous_state)
on_cleanup(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & previous_state)
on_shutdown(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & previous_state)
In the following we assume that we are inside the namespace rclcpp_lifecycle::node_interfaces::LifecycleNodeInterface
to shorten the name of the return type.
All these callbacks have a positive default return value (return CallbackReturn::SUCCESS
This allows a lifecycle node to change its state even though no explicit callback function was overridden.
There is one other callback function for error handling.
Whenever a state transition throws an uncaught exception, we call on_error
CallbackReturn on_error(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & previous_state)
This gives room for executing custom error handling.
Only (!) in the case that this function returns CallbackReturn::SUCCESS
, the state machine transitions to the state unconfigured
By default, the on_error
returns CallbackReturn::FAILURE
and the state machine transitions into finalized
At the same time, every lifecycle node has by default 5 different communication interfaces.
: publishes in case a transition is happening.
This allows users to get notified of transition events within the network.
: query about the current state of the node.
Return either a primary or transition state.
: triggers a transition for the current node.
This service call takes a transition id. The transition is fulfilled only in the case that this transition ID is a valid transition from the current state. All other cases are ignored.
: This is meant to be an introspection tool.
It returns a list of all possible states this node can be.
: Same as above, meant to an introspection tool.
It returns a list of all possible transitions this node can execute.
ros2 lifecycle command line interface
The lifecycle_service_client
application is a fixed order script for demo purposes only.
It explains the use and the API calls made for this lifecycle implementation, but may be inconvenient to use otherwise.
For this reason we implemented a command line tool which lets you dynamically change states or various nodes.
In the case you want to get the current state of the lc_talker
node, you would call:
$ ros2 lifecycle get /lc_talker
unconfigured [1]
The next step would be to execute a state change:
$ ros2 lifecycle set /lc_talker configure
Transitioning successful
In order to see what states are currently available:
$ ros2 lifecycle list lc_talker
- configure [1]
Start: unconfigured
Goal: configuring
- shutdown [5]
Start: unconfigured
Goal: shuttingdown
In this case we see that currently, the available transitions are configure
and shutdown
The complete state machine can be viewed with the following command, which can be helpful for debugging or visualization purposes:
$ ros2 lifecycle list lc_talker -a
- configure [1]
Start: unconfigured
Goal: configuring
- transition_success [10]
Start: configuring
Goal: inactive
- transition_failure [11]
Start: configuring
Goal: unconfigured
- transition_error [12]
Start: configuring
Goal: errorprocessing
- transition_error [62]
Start: errorprocessing
Goal: finalized
All of the above commands are nothing more than calling the lifecycle node’s services. With that being said, we can also call these services directly with the ros2 command line interface:
$ ros2 service call /lc_talker/get_state lifecycle_msgs/GetState
requester: making request: lifecycle_msgs.srv.GetState_Request()
lifecycle_msgs.srv.GetState_Response(current_state=lifecycle_msgs.msg.State(id=1, label='unconfigured'))
In order to trigger a transition, we call the change_state
$ ros2 service call /lc_talker/change_state lifecycle_msgs/ChangeState "{transition: {id: 2}}"
requester: making request: lifecycle_msgs.srv.ChangeState_Request(transition=lifecycle_msgs.msg.Transition(id=2, label=''))
It is slightly less convenient, because you have to know the IDs which correspond to each transition. You can find them though in the lifecycle_msgs package.
$ ros2 interface show lifecycle_msgs/msg/Transition