Function fuse_core::getPositiveParam(node_interfaces::NodeInterfaces<node_interfaces::Logging, node_interfaces::Parameters>, const std::string&, rclcpp::Duration&, const bool)

Function Documentation

inline void fuse_core::getPositiveParam(node_interfaces::NodeInterfaces<node_interfaces::Logging, node_interfaces::Parameters> interfaces, const std::string &parameter_name, rclcpp::Duration &default_value, const bool strict = true)

Helper function that loads positive duration values from the parameter server.

  • interfaces[in] - The node interfaces used to load the parameter

  • parameter_name[in] - The parameter name to load

  • default_value[inout] - A default value to use if the provided parameter name does not exist. As output it has the loaded (or default) value

  • strict[in] - Whether to check the loaded value is strictly positive or not, i.e. whether 0 is accepted or not