Template Struct dict_to_map

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

template<typename Container>
struct dict_to_map

Conversion from dict to map solution proposed in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6116345/boostpython-possible-to-automatically-convert-from-dict-stdmap This template encapsulates the conversion machinery.

Subclassed by eigenpy::GenericMapVisitor< std::map< Key, T, std::less< Key >, std::allocator< std::pair< const Key, T > > >, false >, eigenpy::GenericMapVisitor< Container, NoProxy >

Public Static Functions

static inline void register_converter()
static inline void *convertible(PyObject *object)

Check if conversion is possible.

static inline void construct(PyObject *object, bp::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data *data)

Perform the conversion.

static inline bp::dict todict(Container &self)