Program Listing for File PermutationMatrix.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/eigenpy/decompositions/PermutationMatrix.hpp)

 * Copyright 2024 INRIA

#ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_permutation_matrix_hpp__
#define __eigenpy_decompositions_permutation_matrix_hpp__

#include "eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp"
#include "eigenpy/eigen/EigenBase.hpp"

namespace eigenpy {

template <int SizeAtCompileTime, int MaxSizeAtCompileTime = SizeAtCompileTime,
          typename StorageIndex_ = int>
struct PermutationMatrixVisitor
    : public boost::python::def_visitor<PermutationMatrixVisitor<
          SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, StorageIndex_> > {
  typedef StorageIndex_ StorageIndex;
  typedef Eigen::PermutationMatrix<SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime,
  typedef typename PermutationMatrix::DenseMatrixType DenseMatrixType;
  typedef PermutationMatrix Self;
  typedef Eigen::Matrix<StorageIndex, SizeAtCompileTime, 1, 0,
                        MaxSizeAtCompileTime, 1>

  template <class PyClass>
  void visit(PyClass &cl) const {
    cl.def(bp::init<const Eigen::DenseIndex>(bp::args("self", "size"),
                                             "Default constructor"))
            bp::args("self", "indices"),
            "The indices array has the meaning that the permutations sends "
            "each integer i to indices[i].\n"
            "It is your responsibility to check that the indices array that "
            "you passes actually describes a permutation, i.e., each value "
            "between 0 and n-1 occurs exactly once, where n is the array's "

            +[](const PermutationMatrix &self) {
              return VectorIndex(self.indices());
            bp::arg("self"), "The stored array representing the permutation.")

             bp::args("self", "i", "j"),
             "Multiplies self by the transposition (ij) on the left.",
             bp::args("self", "i", "j"),
             "Multiplies self by the transposition (ij) on the right.",

             (void(PermutationMatrix::*)()) & PermutationMatrix::setIdentity,
             "Sets self to be the identity permutation matrix.")
             (void(PermutationMatrix::*)(Eigen::DenseIndex)) &
             bp::args("self", "size"),
             "Sets self to be the identity permutation matrix of given size.")

        .def("toDenseMatrix", &PermutationMatrix::toDenseMatrix,
             "Returns a numpy array object initialized from this permutation "

            +[](const PermutationMatrix &self) -> PermutationMatrix {
              return self.transpose();
            bp::arg("self"), "Returns the tranpose permutation matrix.")
            +[](const PermutationMatrix &self) -> PermutationMatrix {
              return self.inverse();
            bp::arg("self"), "Returns the inverse permutation matrix.")

        .def("resize", &PermutationMatrix::resize, bp::args("self", "size"),
             "Resizes to given size.")

        .def(bp::self * bp::self)

  static void expose(const std::string &name) {
                                  "Permutation matrix.\n"
                                  "This class represents a permutation matrix, "
                                  "internally stored as a vector of integers.",

}  // namespace eigenpy

#endif  // ifndef __eigenpy_decompositions_permutation_matrix_hpp__