Program Listing for File DisparityConverter.hpp

Return to documentation for file (/tmp/ws/src/depthai-ros/depthai_bridge/include/depthai_bridge/DisparityConverter.hpp)

#pragma once

#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "depthai/pipeline/datatype/ImgFrame.hpp"
#include "rclcpp/time.hpp"
#include "sensor_msgs/image_encodings.hpp"
#include "stereo_msgs/msg/disparity_image.hpp"

namespace dai {

namespace ros {

namespace DisparityMsgs = stereo_msgs::msg;
namespace ImageMsgs = sensor_msgs::msg;
using ImagePtr = ImageMsgs::Image::SharedPtr;
using DisparityImagePtr = DisparityMsgs::DisparityImage::SharedPtr;

using TimePoint = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration>;

class DisparityConverter {
        const std::string frameName, float focalLength, float baseline = 7.5, float minDepth = 80, float maxDepth = 1100, bool getBaseDeviceTimestamp = false);

    void updateRosBaseTime();

    void setUpdateRosBaseTimeOnToRosMsg(bool update = true) {
        _updateRosBaseTimeOnToRosMsg = update;

    void toRosMsg(std::shared_ptr<dai::ImgFrame> inData, std::deque<DisparityMsgs::DisparityImage>& outImageMsg);
    DisparityImagePtr toRosMsgPtr(std::shared_ptr<dai::ImgFrame> inData);

    const std::string _frameName = "";
    const float _focalLength = 882.2, _baseline = 7.5, _minDepth = 80, _maxDepth;
    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> _steadyBaseTime;
    rclcpp::Time _rosBaseTime;
    bool _getBaseDeviceTimestamp;
    // For handling ROS time shifts and debugging
    int64_t _totalNsChange{0};
    // Whether to update the ROS base time on each message conversion
    bool _updateRosBaseTimeOnToRosMsg{false};

}  // namespace ros

namespace rosBridge = ros;

}  // namespace dai