Changelog for package socketcan_bridge
0.6.8 (2017-07-18)
0.6.7 (2017-03-28)
0.6.6 (2017-03-18)
0.6.5 (2016-12-10)
- hamonized versions
- styled and sorted CMakeLists.txt
* removed boilerplate comments
* indention
* reviewed exported dependencies
- styled and sorted package.xml
- Removes gtest from test dependencies.
This dependency is covered by the rosunit dependency.
- Removes dependency on Boost, adds rosunit dependency.
The dependency on Boost was unnecessary, rosunit is required for gtest.
- Improves StateInterface implementation of the DummyInterface.
The doesLoopBack() method now returns the correct value. A state change is
correctly dispatched when the init() method is called.
- Changes the exit code of the nodes if device init fails.
Now exits with 1 if the initialization of the can device fails.
- Changes the frame field for the published messages.
An empty frame name is more commonly used to denote that there is no frame
associated with the message.
- Changes return type of setup() method.
Setup() calls the CreateMsgListener and CreateStateListener, it does not attempt
to verify if the interface is ready, which makes void more applicable.
- Cleanup, fixes and improvements in CmakeLists.
Improves add_dependency on the messages to be built.
Removes unnecessary FILES_MATCHING.
Moves the roslint_cpp macro to the testing block.
- Finalizes work on the socketcan_bridge and can_msgs.
Readies the packages socketcan_bridge and can_msgs for the merge with ros_canopen.
Bumps the version for both packages to 0.1.0. Final cleanup in CMakeLists, added
comments to the shell script and launchfile used for testing.
- Adds tests for socketcan_bridge and bugfixes.
Uses rostests and the modified DummyInterface to test whether behaviour
is correct. Prevented possible crashes when can::tostring was called on
invalid frames.
- Adds conversion test between msg and SocketCAN Frame.
This test only covers the conversion between the can_msgs::Frame message and can::Frame from SocketCAN.
- Introduces topic_to_socketcan and the bridge.
Adds TopicToSocketCAN, the counterpart to the SocketCANToTopic class.
Also introduces a node to use this class and a node which combines the two
classes into a bidirectional bridge.
Contrary to the previous commit message the send() method appears to be
available from the ThreadedSocketCANInterface afterall.
- Introduces socketcan_to_topic and its node.
This is based on the ThreadedSocketCANInterface from the socketcan_interface package. Sending might become problematic with this class however, as the send() method is not exposed through the Threading wrappers.
- Contributors: Ivor Wanders, Mathias Lüdtke