Changelog for package ros_web_video
0.1.14 (2014-10-30)
Contributors: Russell Toris
0.1.13 (2014-10-08)
Merge pull request #6 from mitchellwills/develop Fix ros_web_video HTTP header generation
Fixed ROS_INFO argument mismatch
Fixed HTTP Header generation
Contributors: Mitchell Wills, Russell Toris
0.1.12 (2014-04-21)
travis speed fix
resets SSL flag in cmake
travis updated to remove external gits
Contributors: Russell Toris
0.1.11 (2014-04-18)
CA-cert fix
Contributors: Russell Toris
0.1.10 (2014-04-17)
ignores downloads
Remove submodule entry
modules removed
submodules being weird
Contributors: Russell Toris
0.1.9 (2014-04-17)
build now downloads deps
Contributors: Russell Toris
0.1.8 (2014-04-17)
submodule now in correct directory
travis now runs hydro and groovy and submodules now initilized in build
Contributors: Russell Toris
0.1.7 (2014-04-16)
submodule moved to HTTPS
git submodules now used instead of willow servers for ffmpeg
v1.2.0 libvpx
libvpx added
moved to submodule
cmake cleanup
basic cleanup
adding travis.yml
adding travis.yml
Contributors: Julius Kammerl, Russell Toris
0.1.6 (2013-05-16)
0.1.5 -> 0.1.6
adding switch to disable file serving
adding file_server ros parameter
renaming project to ros_web_video
Contributors: Julius Kammerl
0.1.5 (2013-04-22)
0.1.4 -> 0.1.5
patching "codec not found" crash
Contributors: Julius Kammerl
0.1.4 (2013-04-17)
0.1.3 -> 0.1.4
patching ffmpeg bug
Contributors: Julius Kammerl
0.1.3 (2013-02-15)
0.1.2 -> 0.1.3
adding to 3rdparty
Contributors: Julius Kammerl
0.1.2 (2013-02-14 16:23)
0.1.1 -> 0.1.2
adding mk package dependency
Contributors: Julius Kammerl
0.1.1 (2013-02-14 14:21)
version 0.1.1
Contributors: Julius Kammerl
0.1.0 (2013-02-13)
version 0.1.0
adding download script to 3rdparty dir
Removed the '?' prefix requirement for URLs
making http headers optional
removing depthcloud proof-of-concept code
removed bad bzip2 dependecy
adding missing bzip2 dependency
more catkinization
adding zlib dependency to CMakeLists.txt and package.xml
Merge branch 'groovy-devel' of into groovy-devel
adding zlib to package.xml
minor.. added comments
adding MIME types for css and javascript files
fixing wwwroot bug
adding debug output to web file server
renaming webGL_pointcloud_image_encoder in CMakeList
renaming web_gl pointlcoud converter node
switching to local rosparam nodehandle + additional debug output
Merge pull request
from jon-weisz/cmake_fixcmake-fix-for-3rdparty fixed 3rdparty library build problem in ros_http_video_streamer by expli...
fixed 3rdparty library build problem in ros_http_video_streamer by explicitly executing the make command in CMakeLists.txt
more ffmpeg tuning
adding rosparam parameter in order to define the ROS image transport
adding filter in order to remove raw image topics from topic list
fixed encoding <-> data transmission synchronization
adding additional parameters to server configuration
adding roscpp and rostime deps
catkinizing image streamer
Adding 3rdparty checkout&compilation to CMake
Merge pull request
from KaijenHsiao/master added rosdep for yasm
added rosdep for yasm
adding mutex lock manager
adding additional mutext to protect av_open/av_close
explicit ffmpeg_wrapper shutdown
adding ROS makefile
restructured javascript code
ffmepg initialization startup protection
transfercoding header fix
shared pointers seem to be reused in openni_launch
more thread security
more mleak fixing
fixing memory leak
switching back to image transport
moving OrbitControls.js to js folder
Adding orbit control to webgl pointcloud viewer
unsubscribe from image topics in deconstructor
Merge branch 'master' of
major commit: improved pointcloud rendering, fixed image subscription bug
major commit: improved pointcloud rendering, fixed image subscription bug
fixing http headers
Merge branch 'master' of
adding .webm to URLs to make Firefox happy
fixing multithreading
Merge branch 'master' of
fixing race condition
missing include
improved depth encoding for webgl-pointcloud streamer
Adding ROS makefile
removed depth encoding functionality from streaming server
adding webgl-based pointcloud streaming html page
adding file server functionality to streamer
adding webGL-based http frontend for pointcloud streaming + first working version of depth_to_webGL streamer
Merge branch 'master' of
more on depth_to_webGL_pointclouds..
ffmpeg tuning
adding additional parameters to the streaming URL request
added depth_to_webGL_pointclouds.cpp tool
adding global encoding configuration
more depth coding
Merge branch 'master' of
extended depthmap encoding
revisions, added image rescaling
improved parameter handling, added experimental depth_to_rgb encoding tests
adding webgl_pointcloud_streaming file
adding ros_http_video_streamer namespace
initial commit
Contributors: Interactive Manipulation, Julius Kammerl, Kaijen Hsiao, jon-weisz