Changelog for package pi_trees_lib
0.1.2 (2016-09-25)
- Added error message when number of random weights do not match number of children
- Added
- Added weighted versions of random selector, sequence and iterator
- Added example
- Added try-except to print_tree function
- Replaced print_tree function to fix some pathological cases
- Fixed syntax errors in WaitTask
- Merge branch 'indigo-devel' of into indigo-devel
Fixed typo in WaitTask
- Fixed reset_after behavior for Sequence and Selector tasks
- typo for waittask
- Added root level status (BEHAVE.status) to the main loop so that root node status would be colored appropriately
- Removed old parallel tasks (commented out earlier)
- Fixed ParallelOne and ParallelAll tasks to really execute each child task on every iteration
- Fixed reset_after status for Sequence
- Added status colors to root node for DOT graph
- Added parallelogram shape for ParallelOne and ParallelAll tasks
- Added for use with example
- Added root node status color to display
- Updated the sample script to check battery level only when not recharging
- Changed rate from 10 to 5 for patrol_tree.launch example
- Added patrol example to pi_trees_lib examples
- Modified print_dot_tree() function to write dotfile only if tree has changed since last write
- Fixed initial value of last_dot_tree from None to the empty string
- Added pi_trees_viewer suppot to pi_trees_lib
- Added reset_after option to other composite tasks
- Added a few more task decorators and the reset_after option (defaults to False) to reset any task after execution if set True
- Added ASCII symbols option to graph representation and improved the print_dot_tree() output
- Added UntilFail and until_fail() decorators
- Fixed bug in task_not() decorator and added invert alias
- Fixed bug in TaskNot decorator and add Invert alias
- Added limit() decorator
- Added 1 to the displayed loop count for the loop() decorator to be consistent with the Limit decorator
- Added Limit decorator
- Added random versions of Sequence, Selector and Iterator
- Added new CallbackTask to pi_trees_lib
- Added new CallbackTask to pi_trees_lib
- Added catkin_install_python line to CMakeLists.txt
- Renamed scripts directory back to examples and to
- Small reformatting of comment
- Renamed examples directory to scripts and renamed example to
- Removed dependency on pygraph and pygraphviz for now
- Updated dependencies in package.xml files
- Contributors: Jack000, Patrick Goebel
0.1.1 (2014-08-01)
- Added initial CHANGELOG.rst files
- Removed print_dot_tree statement from example
- Updates some comments
- Updated example
- Did some house cleaning
- Cleanup
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Patrick Goebel