Change history
0.2.4 (2017-12-06)
- Convert to package xml format 2 and add launch file dependencies
- Possibility to compute paths between GeoPoints.
- Remove unused map file.
- Add Ixtapa testing map.
- Add default configuration for RVIZ.
- Create new launch file to start all the needed nodes to plan on a map.
- Contributors: Bence Magyar, Diego Ramos
0.2.3 (2015-10-12)
- move static transform from viz_osm.launch to
tests/test_viz_osm.launch (#5)
0.2.2 (2015-10-08)
- Add publisher queue_size for Indigo (#3).
- Remove references to deprecated geodesy.gen_uuid module.
- Release to Indigo.
- Contributors: Augusto Luis Ballardini, Jack O'Quin
0.2.1 (2013-09-24)
- Install missing launch scripts (#2).
0.2.0 (2013-09-18)
- Convert to catkin (#2).
- Release to Hydro.
0.1.0 (2012-07-16)
- initial experimental release to Electric, Fuerte and Groovy, uses