Changelog for package iri_wam_moveit_config
1.0.7 (2016-11-15)
- [fix] iri_wam: remove broken python install directives
- [capability] Adding Gazebo robot controller iri_wam_trajectory_controller
- [enhancement] updating configuration files and allowing trajectory execution (#36)
- Contributors: Michael Goerner, Sergi
1.0.6 (2016-04-19)
1.0.5 (2016-02-10)
1.0.4 (2016-01-15)
1.0.3 (2015-11-02)
1.0.2 (2015-09-19 19:59)
1.0.1 (2015-09-19 19:51)
- More pkg version adjustment
- [iri_wam_moveit_config] Remove dependency to iri_wam_description package.
- [iri_wam_moveit_config]
- Enabling GetPlanningScene service in move_group node
- [iri_wam_moveit_config]
- Adding robot self filtering behaviour
- Adding rgbd sensoring to the scene
- [iri_wam_moveit_config]
- Adding the capability of moveit_planning_execution.launch and new name of joints and links
- [iri_wam_moveit_config]
- Adding execution behaviour using simple controller manager
- Adding direct link to iri_wam_description package
- [iri_wam_moveit_config]
- Moveit config package for WAM robot arm at IRI
- Contributors: Adria Gonzalez Esteve, Isaac IY Saito, Sergi Foix, fsuarez6