Changelog for package hrpsys_gazebo_general
0.1.12 (2017-01-11)
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general][iob/CMakeLists.txt] fix: remove build type specification from install
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Pass CONF_FILE option to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Iori Kumagai
0.1.11 (2016-08-30)
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/CMakeLists.txt, hrpsys_gazebo_general/cmake/compile_robot_model_for_gazebo.cmake] install whole robot_models directory.
- Modified package.xml to fix dependency
- Merge pull request #224 from mmurooka/add-LIP-plugin
[hrpsys_gazebo_general, hrpsys_gazebo_msgs] Add plugin for Linear Inverted Pendulum
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/LIPPlugin.cpp] add LIPPlugin, which controls Linear Inverted Pendulum.
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/package.xml] set gazebo_model_path in package.xml
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Iori Yanokura
0.1.10 (2016-03-24)
- [CMakeLists.txt] hotfix for compiling iob,
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Supress message from SetVelPlugin.cpp
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/IOBPlugin.cpp] add message when timeout loose synchronization
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general] add USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF and USE_FOOTCOORDS argument to select how to compute odometry
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Use $PROJECT_DIR to specify path to model file
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/SetVelPlugin.cpp] set pose in gazebo loop by SetVelPlugin
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup.launch] add kinematics mode option to launch file of sample robot in rtmros_gazebo
- [CMakeLists.txt, Makefile] Remove rosbuild related files
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/scripts/] do not disable gravity in kinematics mode
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/IOBPlugin.cpp] add publish stepping
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/IOBPlugin.cpp] add averaging joint effort
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/cmake/compile_robot_model_for_gazebo.cmake] add auto generation for default robot config file for gazebo
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/iob/iob.cpp] add loose_synchronize mode to IOBPlugin
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/iob/iob.cpp] fix for setting gain on velocity feedback mode
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/iob/iob.cpp] average filtering force sensor
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Add BASE_LINK argument
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/robot_hrpsys_bringup.launch,hrpsys_gazebo_general/scripts/] add launch file option and script for gazebo kinematics mode
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/gazebo_kinect.launch, hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/gazebo_sensor.launch, hrpsys_gazebo_general/worlds/] use slow update world file for sensor simulation
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/robot_hrpsys_bringup.launch] add hrpsys_py argument
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Add kinect sensor
* add PubTfPlugin
* fix indent of SetVelPlugin
* add kinect launch file
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Shintaro Noda
0.1.9 (2015-06-11)
- Replace shared_dynamic_cast to dynamic_pointer_cast because shared_dynamic_cast is deprecated from boost 1.53
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Use find_package macro to look up collada_jsk_patch package
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Fix typo
- [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Fix path for catkin build
- add use_joint_effort for using effort on velocity feedback mode
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Iori Kumagai
0.1.7 (2015-01-09)
- add pthread for link only for raling 64bit
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.1.6 (2015-01-08)
- update CHANGELOG.rst
- add dl to target_link_libraries
- add SPAWN_MODEL and fix for PAUSE
- change model name when spawning robot model
- update
- fix using SPAWN_MODEL argument
- udpate PubQueue.h for matching gazebo_ros_pkgs
- Contributors: Kei Okada, YoheiKakiuchi
0.1.4 (2014-10-23)
- install compile-robot-model-for-gazebo.cmake
- deletece unnecessary file. added xacro file
0.1.3 (2014-10-12)
- set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to install, also support RelWithDebInfo for deb release
- install files
- add compile_robot_model_for_gazebo.cmake and generate model and launch file for samplerobot simulation.
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka
0.1.2 (2014-10-06)
- add gazebo_ros, gazebo_msgs, and gazebo_plugins to dependency of hrpsys_gazebo_general, eusgaebo.
- Merge pull request #111 from k-okada/hrpEC_with_hrpIo_gazebo
compile hrpEC liked with hrpIo_gazebo
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yohei Kakiuchi, Masaki Murooka
0.1.1 (2014-09-26)
- Initial release of hrpsys_gazebo_general
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Masaki Murooka, Shinichiro Noda