Changelog for package fetch_pbd_interaction
0.0.8 (2017-08-08)
- Update README and CMakeLists
- Do reachability check for ref_type PREVIOUS_TARGET
- Interface improvements: update markers more efficiently, etc
- Implemented pre-conditions for primitives
- Interface improvements: object labels, marker fixes
- Namespace topics and services, some marker fixes
- Install specific version of polymer-cli to not get issues when polymer changes
- Change World node to C++ and add Grasp suggestion integration
- Contributors: Sarah Elliott
0.0.7 (2017-04-20)
- Built frontend and now serve pre-built frontend directly
- add couchdb as run_depend, fix #6
- Custom ros3d.js to use unsubscribeTf and show mesh colours. Use local copies of Robot Web Tools libraries.
- Contributors: Sarah Elliott
0.0.6 (2016-10-29)
- Update
- Contributors: Sarah Elliott
0.0.5 (2016-09-17)
- Update package.xml
- Contributors: Russell Toris
0.0.4 (2016-09-09)
- Dependencies again
- Contributors: Sarah Elliott
0.0.3 (2016-09-09)
0.0.2 (2016-09-09)
- Dependencies
- Contributors: Sarah Elliott
0.0.1 (2016-09-09)
- Update package.xml
- License and documentation updates
- Update examples
- Okay last CMakelists.tx change...
- Fix some frame initialisation issue
- Accidentally deleted line before...
- Switch from GuiInput.msg to GuiInput.srv
- Less gross CMakelist/path stuff
- CMakelists change
- Loading/saving json files, still need to work on location of files
- Small fix for editing actions
- Small fix for deleting objects from world
- Require version of rail_segmentation
- Switched to use rail_segmentation
- Getting ready to be released
- Small fix for deleting actions
- Fix frame issues when reordering primitives
- Fix bug in reordering primitives
- Marker UI fixes
- Small fixes so things appear better on mobile
- Error message popups
- Add table to planning scene
- Add functionality for stopping execution
- Fixes based on Russell's comments
- Change dependencies and action selection
- Misc reorganisation and added to example script
- Fix for trajectory marker
- Coloring for selected primitive
- Changes to selecting a primitive and structure of markers functionality
- More marker fixes. Probably needs a lot of cleanup now.
- Really made the markers work this time...
- Marker and UI fixes
- Fixed the no sound/no head movement behaviour
- Lots of changes but added ability to edit actions numerically
- Documentation and code cleanup
- Make my own sortable list
- Fix object marker location for web viz
- Get rid of arrows pointing to objects
- Added markers being relative to each other
- Show and hide markers, plus some other marker fixes
- Polymer web interface
- Add back the standalone arm control node
- Huge reorganisation. Now working.
- Huge reorganisation. Now working.
- Make continuous trajectories work (although crappily)
- Fixed bug in moving to marker location
- Changes to make 'links' between steps work
- Found small naming bug in unused service
- Cleaning up code
- Replace moveit_python with moveit_commander and use poses instead of joints
- Changed ArmControls class to ArmInteraction, fixed bug in PbD
- Working, all functionality of PR2 PbD
- First commit of port of PbD to Fetch. Things work. Rough around the edges.
- Contributors: Russell Toris, Sarah Elliott