Changelog for package carl_dynamixel
0.0.34 (2016-02-23)
- Update package.xml
- Contributors: David Kent
0.0.33 (2015-08-10)
0.0.32 (2015-05-08)
0.0.31 (2015-05-07)
0.0.30 (2015-05-04)
0.0.29 (2015-04-29)
0.0.28 (2015-04-27)
0.0.27 (2015-04-22)
0.0.26 (2015-04-17)
0.0.25 (2015-04-10)
0.0.24 (2015-04-06)
0.0.23 (2015-04-03)
0.0.22 (2015-04-03)
0.0.21 (2015-03-31)
0.0.20 (2015-03-31)
0.0.19 (2015-03-27)
0.0.18 (2015-03-27)
0.0.17 (2015-03-24)
0.0.16 (2015-02-17)
- Fixed a timestamp problem for tf lookups
- Documentation
- Asus servo commands to look at point or look at frame
- Contributors: David Kent
0.0.15 (2015-02-10)
0.0.14 (2015-02-06)
0.0.13 (2015-01-21)
0.0.12 (2015-01-19)
- cleanup of cmake
- Contributors: Russell Toris
0.0.11 (2014-12-18)
0.0.10 (2014-12-02)
- deleted everything
- Contributors: Peter
0.0.9 (2014-10-22)
0.0.8 (2014-10-03)
0.0.7 (2014-09-22)
0.0.6 (2014-09-19)
0.0.5 (2014-09-10)
0.0.4 (2014-09-02)
- fixed typo in front servos
- updated links for servos
- Contributors: Russell Toris
0.0.3 (2014-08-25)
0.0.2 (2014-08-18)
0.0.1 (2014-08-15)
- revert changelogs
- changelog updated
- updated the joint names
- added servo_pan_tilt to carl_dynamixel launch file
- added front_joints_node to install
- fixed creative range
- fixed the launch file
- velocity commands and teleop controls for the second camera
- Switched to front
- Merged my changes
- adjustments to asus joint servo speed
- Servo velocity control and teleop initial commit
- output mapped to screen
- removed dumb output
- removed dumb output
- changed launch file to look for config scripts
- carl_dynamixel package cleanup
- updated run dependencies needed for launch files
- updated launch files
- added dependency in carl_dynamixel for dynamixel_msgs to be generated first
- corrected the link name
- fixed error
- fixed minor changes
- updated the joint publisher to publish radians for the servo angle
- removed a launch file in carl_dynamixel
- updated carl_dynamixel to publish joint states and added a yaml to define the joints
- added carl_dynamixel
- Contributors: Chris Dunkers, Russell Toris, dekent