Source code for rocon_python_utils.ros.icons

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Description

.. module:: ros.icons
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Icon manipulation.

This module contains converters and ros resource finders for icons and icon


# Imports

# system
import os

# ros
import rocon_std_msgs.msg as rocon_std_msgs

# local
from .resources import find_resource_from_string

# Functions

[docs]def icon_to_msg(filename): ''' Loads the specified filename and puts in `rocon_std_msgs.Icon`_ format :param str filename: to the icon resource. :returns: the icon in msg format :rtype: `rocon_std_msgs.Icon`_ .. include:: weblinks.rst ''' icon = rocon_std_msgs.Icon() if filename == None or filename == "": return icon unused_basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if extension.lower() == ".jpg" or extension.lower() == ".jpeg": icon.format = "jpeg" elif extension.lower() == ".png": icon.format = "png" else: icon.format = "" return icon = open(filename, "rb").read() return icon
[docs]def icon_resource_to_msg(resource): ''' Loads the icon resource and puts in `rocon_std_msgs.Icon`_ format :param str resource: resource identifier (package/name) :returns: the icon in msg format :rtype: `rocon_std_msgs.Icon`_ ''' filename = find_resource_from_string(resource) icon = icon_to_msg(filename) icon.resource_name = resource return icon