Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, 2016, Charles River Analytics, Inc.
00003  * All rights reserved.
00004  *
00005  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00006  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00007  * are met:
00008  *
00009  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
00010  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00011  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
00012  * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
00013  * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
00014  * with the distribution.
00015  * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
00016  * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
00017  * from this software without specific prior written permission.
00018  *
00031  */
00033 #include "robot_localization/ros_filter.h"
00034 #include "robot_localization/filter_utilities.h"
00035 #include "robot_localization/ekf.h"
00036 #include "robot_localization/ukf.h"
00038 #include <tf2_geometry_msgs/tf2_geometry_msgs.h>
00040 #include <algorithm>
00041 #include <map>
00042 #include <string>
00043 #include <utility>
00044 #include <vector>
00045 #include <limits>
00047 namespace RobotLocalization
00048 {
00049   template<typename T>
00050   RosFilter<T>::RosFilter(std::vector<double> args) :
00051       staticDiagErrorLevel_(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK),
00052       tfListener_(tfBuffer_),
00053       dynamicDiagErrorLevel_(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK),
00054       filter_(args),
00055       frequency_(30.0),
00056       historyLength_(0),
00057       lastSetPoseTime_(0),
00058       latestControl_(),
00059       latestControlTime_(0),
00060       tfTimeout_(ros::Duration(0)),
00061       nhLocal_("~"),
00062       printDiagnostics_(true),
00063       gravitationalAcc_(9.80665),
00064       publishTransform_(true),
00065       publishAcceleration_(false),
00066       twoDMode_(false),
00067       useControl_(false),
00068       smoothLaggedData_(false)
00069   {
00070     stateVariableNames_.push_back("X");
00071     stateVariableNames_.push_back("Y");
00072     stateVariableNames_.push_back("Z");
00073     stateVariableNames_.push_back("ROLL");
00074     stateVariableNames_.push_back("PITCH");
00075     stateVariableNames_.push_back("YAW");
00076     stateVariableNames_.push_back("X_VELOCITY");
00077     stateVariableNames_.push_back("Y_VELOCITY");
00078     stateVariableNames_.push_back("Z_VELOCITY");
00079     stateVariableNames_.push_back("ROLL_VELOCITY");
00080     stateVariableNames_.push_back("PITCH_VELOCITY");
00081     stateVariableNames_.push_back("YAW_VELOCITY");
00082     stateVariableNames_.push_back("X_ACCELERATION");
00083     stateVariableNames_.push_back("Y_ACCELERATION");
00084     stateVariableNames_.push_back("Z_ACCELERATION");
00086     diagnosticUpdater_.setHardwareID("none");
00087   }
00089   template<typename T>
00090   RosFilter<T>::~RosFilter()
00091   {
00092     topicSubs_.clear();
00093   }
00095   template<typename T>
00096   void RosFilter<T>::reset()
00097   {
00098     // Get rid of any initial poses (pretend we've never had a measurement)
00099     initialMeasurements_.clear();
00100     previousMeasurements_.clear();
00101     previousMeasurementCovariances_.clear();
00103     // Clear the measurement queue.
00104     // This prevents us from immediately undoing our reset.
00105     while (!measurementQueue_.empty() && ros::ok())
00106     {
00107       measurementQueue_.pop();
00108     }
00110     filterStateHistory_.clear();
00111     measurementHistory_.clear();
00113     // Also set the last set pose time, so we ignore all messages
00114     // that occur before it
00115     lastSetPoseTime_ = ros::Time(0);
00117     // clear tf buffer to avoid TF_OLD_DATA errors
00118     tfBuffer_.clear();
00120     // clear last message timestamp, so older messages will be accepted
00121     lastMessageTimes_.clear();
00123     // reset filter to uninitialized state
00124     filter_.reset();
00126     // clear all waiting callbacks
00127     ros::getGlobalCallbackQueue()->clear();
00128   }
00130   // @todo: Replace with AccelWithCovarianceStamped
00131   template<typename T>
00132   void RosFilter<T>::accelerationCallback(const sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr &msg, const CallbackData &callbackData,
00133     const std::string &targetFrame)
00134   {
00135     // If we've just reset the filter, then we want to ignore any messages
00136     // that arrive with an older timestamp
00137     if (msg->header.stamp <= lastSetPoseTime_)
00138     {
00139       return;
00140     }
00142     const std::string &topicName = callbackData.topicName_;
00144     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::accelerationCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n"
00145              "Twist message:\n" << *msg);
00147     if (lastMessageTimes_.count(topicName) == 0)
00148     {
00149       lastMessageTimes_.insert(std::pair<std::string, ros::Time>(topicName, msg->header.stamp));
00150     }
00152     // Make sure this message is newer than the last one
00153     if (msg->header.stamp >= lastMessageTimes_[topicName])
00154     {
00155       RF_DEBUG("Update vector for " << topicName << " is:\n" << topicName);
00157       Eigen::VectorXd measurement(STATE_SIZE);
00158       Eigen::MatrixXd measurementCovariance(STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE);
00160       measurement.setZero();
00161       measurementCovariance.setZero();
00163       // Make sure we're actually updating at least one of these variables
00164       std::vector<int> updateVectorCorrected = callbackData.updateVector_;
00166       // Prepare the twist data for inclusion in the filter
00167       if (prepareAcceleration(msg, topicName, targetFrame, updateVectorCorrected, measurement,
00168             measurementCovariance))
00169       {
00170         // Store the measurement. Add an "acceleration" suffix so we know what kind of measurement
00171         // we're dealing with when we debug the core filter logic.
00172         enqueueMeasurement(topicName,
00173                            measurement,
00174                            measurementCovariance,
00175                            updateVectorCorrected,
00176                            callbackData.rejectionThreshold_,
00177                            msg->header.stamp);
00179         RF_DEBUG("Enqueued new measurement for " << topicName << "_acceleration\n");
00180       }
00181       else
00182       {
00183         RF_DEBUG("Did *not* enqueue measurement for " << topicName << "_acceleration\n");
00184       }
00186       lastMessageTimes_[topicName] = msg->header.stamp;
00188       RF_DEBUG("Last message time for " << topicName << " is now " <<
00189         lastMessageTimes_[topicName] << "\n");
00190     }
00191     else if (resetOnTimeJump_ && ros::Time::isSimTime())
00192     {
00193       reset();
00194     }
00195     else
00196     {
00197       std::stringstream stream;
00198       stream << "The " << topicName << " message has a timestamp before that of the previous message received," <<
00199                 " this message will be ignored. This may indicate a bad timestamp. (message time: " <<
00200                 msg->header.stamp.toSec() << ")";
00201       addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
00202                     topicName + "_timestamp",
00203                     stream.str(),
00204                     false);
00206       RF_DEBUG("Message is too old. Last message time for " << topicName <<
00207                " is " << lastMessageTimes_[topicName] << ", current message time is " <<
00208                msg->header.stamp << ".\n");
00209     }
00211     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::accelerationCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
00212   }
00214   template<typename T>
00215   void RosFilter<T>::controlCallback(const geometry_msgs::Twist::ConstPtr &msg)
00216   {
00217     geometry_msgs::TwistStampedPtr twistStampedPtr = geometry_msgs::TwistStampedPtr(new geometry_msgs::TwistStamped());
00218     twistStampedPtr->twist = *msg;
00219     twistStampedPtr->header.frame_id = baseLinkFrameId_;
00220     twistStampedPtr->header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00221     controlCallback(twistStampedPtr);
00222   }
00224   template<typename T>
00225   void RosFilter<T>::controlCallback(const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped::ConstPtr &msg)
00226   {
00227     if (msg->header.frame_id == baseLinkFrameId_ || msg->header.frame_id == "")
00228     {
00229       latestControl_(ControlMemberVx) = msg->twist.linear.x;
00230       latestControl_(ControlMemberVy) = msg->twist.linear.y;
00231       latestControl_(ControlMemberVz) = msg->twist.linear.z;
00232       latestControl_(ControlMemberVroll) = msg->twist.angular.x;
00233       latestControl_(ControlMemberVpitch) = msg->twist.angular.y;
00234       latestControl_(ControlMemberVyaw) = msg->twist.angular.z;
00235       latestControlTime_ = msg->header.stamp;
00237       // Update the filter with this control term
00238       filter_.setControl(latestControl_, msg->header.stamp.toSec());
00239     }
00240     else
00241     {
00242       ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(5.0, "Commanded velocities must be given in the robot's body frame (" <<
00243         baseLinkFrameId_ << "). Message frame was " << msg->header.frame_id);
00244     }
00245   }
00247   template<typename T>
00248   void RosFilter<T>::enqueueMeasurement(const std::string &topicName,
00249                                         const Eigen::VectorXd &measurement,
00250                                         const Eigen::MatrixXd &measurementCovariance,
00251                                         const std::vector<int> &updateVector,
00252                                         const double mahalanobisThresh,
00253                                         const ros::Time &time)
00254   {
00255     MeasurementPtr meas = MeasurementPtr(new Measurement());
00257     meas->topicName_ = topicName;
00258     meas->measurement_ = measurement;
00259     meas->covariance_ = measurementCovariance;
00260     meas->updateVector_ = updateVector;
00261     meas->time_ = time.toSec();
00262     meas->mahalanobisThresh_ = mahalanobisThresh;
00263     meas->latestControl_ = latestControl_;
00264     meas->latestControlTime_ = latestControlTime_.toSec();
00265     measurementQueue_.push(meas);
00266   }
00268   template<typename T>
00269   void RosFilter<T>::forceTwoD(Eigen::VectorXd &measurement,
00270                                Eigen::MatrixXd &measurementCovariance,
00271                                std::vector<int> &updateVector)
00272   {
00273     measurement(StateMemberZ) = 0.0;
00274     measurement(StateMemberRoll) = 0.0;
00275     measurement(StateMemberPitch) = 0.0;
00276     measurement(StateMemberVz) = 0.0;
00277     measurement(StateMemberVroll) = 0.0;
00278     measurement(StateMemberVpitch) = 0.0;
00279     measurement(StateMemberAz) = 0.0;
00281     measurementCovariance(StateMemberZ, StateMemberZ) = 1e-6;
00282     measurementCovariance(StateMemberRoll, StateMemberRoll) = 1e-6;
00283     measurementCovariance(StateMemberPitch, StateMemberPitch) = 1e-6;
00284     measurementCovariance(StateMemberVz, StateMemberVz) = 1e-6;
00285     measurementCovariance(StateMemberVroll, StateMemberVroll) = 1e-6;
00286     measurementCovariance(StateMemberVpitch, StateMemberVpitch) = 1e-6;
00287     measurementCovariance(StateMemberAz, StateMemberAz) = 1e-6;
00289     updateVector[StateMemberZ] = 1;
00290     updateVector[StateMemberRoll] = 1;
00291     updateVector[StateMemberPitch] = 1;
00292     updateVector[StateMemberVz] = 1;
00293     updateVector[StateMemberVroll] = 1;
00294     updateVector[StateMemberVpitch] = 1;
00295     updateVector[StateMemberAz] = 1;
00296   }
00298   template<typename T>
00299   bool RosFilter<T>::getFilteredOdometryMessage(nav_msgs::Odometry &message)
00300   {
00301     // If the filter has received a measurement at some point...
00302     if (filter_.getInitializedStatus())
00303     {
00304       // Grab our current state and covariance estimates
00305       const Eigen::VectorXd &state = filter_.getState();
00306       const Eigen::MatrixXd &estimateErrorCovariance = filter_.getEstimateErrorCovariance();
00308       // Convert from roll, pitch, and yaw back to quaternion for
00309       // orientation values
00310       tf2::Quaternion quat;
00311       quat.setRPY(state(StateMemberRoll), state(StateMemberPitch), state(StateMemberYaw));
00313       // Fill out the message
00314       message.pose.pose.position.x = state(StateMemberX);
00315       message.pose.pose.position.y = state(StateMemberY);
00316       message.pose.pose.position.z = state(StateMemberZ);
00317       message.pose.pose.orientation.x = quat.x();
00318       message.pose.pose.orientation.y = quat.y();
00319       message.pose.pose.orientation.z = quat.z();
00320       message.pose.pose.orientation.w = quat.w();
00321       message.twist.twist.linear.x = state(StateMemberVx);
00322       message.twist.twist.linear.y = state(StateMemberVy);
00323       message.twist.twist.linear.z = state(StateMemberVz);
00324       message.twist.twist.angular.x = state(StateMemberVroll);
00325       message.twist.twist.angular.y = state(StateMemberVpitch);
00326       message.twist.twist.angular.z = state(StateMemberVyaw);
00328       // Our covariance matrix layout doesn't quite match
00329       for (size_t i = 0; i < POSE_SIZE; i++)
00330       {
00331         for (size_t j = 0; j < POSE_SIZE; j++)
00332         {
00333           message.pose.covariance[POSE_SIZE * i + j] = estimateErrorCovariance(i, j);
00334         }
00335       }
00337       // POSE_SIZE and TWIST_SIZE are currently the same size, but we can spare a few
00338       // cycles to be meticulous and not index a twist covariance array on the size of
00339       // a pose covariance array
00340       for (size_t i = 0; i < TWIST_SIZE; i++)
00341       {
00342         for (size_t j = 0; j < TWIST_SIZE; j++)
00343         {
00344           message.twist.covariance[TWIST_SIZE * i + j] =
00345               estimateErrorCovariance(i + POSITION_V_OFFSET, j + POSITION_V_OFFSET);
00346         }
00347       }
00349       message.header.stamp = ros::Time(filter_.getLastMeasurementTime());
00350       message.header.frame_id = worldFrameId_;
00351       message.child_frame_id = baseLinkFrameId_;
00352     }
00354     return filter_.getInitializedStatus();
00355   }
00357   template<typename T>
00358   bool RosFilter<T>::getFilteredAccelMessage(geometry_msgs::AccelWithCovarianceStamped &message)
00359   {
00360     // If the filter has received a measurement at some point...
00361     if (filter_.getInitializedStatus())
00362     {
00363       // Grab our current state and covariance estimates
00364       const Eigen::VectorXd &state = filter_.getState();
00365       const Eigen::MatrixXd &estimateErrorCovariance = filter_.getEstimateErrorCovariance();
00368       message.accel.accel.linear.x = state(StateMemberAx);
00369       message.accel.accel.linear.y = state(StateMemberAy);
00370       message.accel.accel.linear.z = state(StateMemberAz);
00372       // Fill the covariance (only the left-upper matrix since we are not estimating
00373       // the rotational accelerations arround the axes
00374       for (size_t i = 0; i < ACCELERATION_SIZE; i++)
00375       {
00376         for (size_t j = 0; j < ACCELERATION_SIZE; j++)
00377         {
00378           // We use the POSE_SIZE since the accel cov matrix of ROS is 6x6
00379           message.accel.covariance[POSE_SIZE * i + j] =
00380               estimateErrorCovariance(i + POSITION_A_OFFSET, j + POSITION_A_OFFSET);
00381         }
00382       }
00384       // Fill header information
00385       message.header.stamp = ros::Time(filter_.getLastMeasurementTime());
00386       message.header.frame_id = baseLinkFrameId_;
00387     }
00389     return filter_.getInitializedStatus();
00390   }
00392   template<typename T>
00393   void RosFilter<T>::imuCallback(const sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr &msg,
00394                                  const std::string &topicName,
00395                                  const CallbackData &poseCallbackData,
00396                                  const CallbackData &twistCallbackData,
00397                                  const CallbackData &accelCallbackData)
00398   {
00399     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::imuCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n" << "IMU message:\n" << *msg);
00401     // If we've just reset the filter, then we want to ignore any messages
00402     // that arrive with an older timestamp
00403     if (msg->header.stamp <= lastSetPoseTime_)
00404     {
00405       std::stringstream stream;
00406       stream << "The " << topicName << " message has a timestamp equal to or before the last filter reset, " <<
00407                 "this message will be ignored. This may indicate an empty or bad timestamp. (message time: " <<
00408                 msg->header.stamp.toSec() << ")";
00409       addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
00410                     topicName + "_timestamp",
00411                     stream.str(),
00412                     false);
00413       RF_DEBUG("Received message that preceded the most recent pose reset. Ignoring...");
00415       return;
00416     }
00418     // As with the odometry message, we can separate out the pose- and twist-related variables
00419     // in the IMU message and pass them to the pose and twist callbacks (filters)
00420     if (poseCallbackData.updateSum_ > 0)
00421     {
00422       // Per the IMU message specification, if the IMU does not provide orientation,
00423       // then its first covariance value should be set to -1, and we should ignore
00424       // that portion of the message. robot_localization allows users to explicitly
00425       // ignore data using its parameters, but we should also be compliant with
00426       // message specs.
00427       if (::fabs(msg->orientation_covariance[0] + 1) < 1e-9)
00428       {
00429         RF_DEBUG("Received IMU message with -1 as its first covariance value for orientation. "
00430                  "Ignoring orientation...");
00431       }
00432       else
00433       {
00434         // Extract the pose (orientation) data, pass it to its filter
00435         geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped *posPtr = new geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped();
00436         posPtr->header = msg->header;
00437         posPtr->pose.pose.orientation = msg->orientation;
00439         // Copy the covariance for roll, pitch, and yaw
00440         for (size_t i = 0; i < ORIENTATION_SIZE; i++)
00441         {
00442           for (size_t j = 0; j < ORIENTATION_SIZE; j++)
00443           {
00444             posPtr->pose.covariance[POSE_SIZE * (i + ORIENTATION_SIZE) + (j + ORIENTATION_SIZE)] =
00445                 msg->orientation_covariance[ORIENTATION_SIZE * i + j];
00446           }
00447         }
00449         // IMU data gets handled a bit differently, since the message is ambiguous and has only a single frame_id,
00450         // even though the data in it is reported in two different frames. As we assume users will specify a base_link
00451         // to imu transform, we make the target frame baseLinkFrameId_ and tell the poseCallback that it is working
00452         // with IMU data. This will cause it to apply different logic to the data.
00453         geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStampedConstPtr pptr(posPtr);
00454         poseCallback(pptr, poseCallbackData, baseLinkFrameId_, true);
00455       }
00456     }
00458     if (twistCallbackData.updateSum_ > 0)
00459     {
00460       // Ignore rotational velocity if the first covariance value is -1
00461       if (::fabs(msg->angular_velocity_covariance[0] + 1) < 1e-9)
00462       {
00463         RF_DEBUG("Received IMU message with -1 as its first covariance value for angular "
00464                  "velocity. Ignoring angular velocity...");
00465       }
00466       else
00467       {
00468         // Repeat for velocity
00469         geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped *twistPtr = new geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped();
00470         twistPtr->header = msg->header;
00471         twistPtr->twist.twist.angular = msg->angular_velocity;
00473         // Copy the covariance
00474         for (size_t i = 0; i < ORIENTATION_SIZE; i++)
00475         {
00476           for (size_t j = 0; j < ORIENTATION_SIZE; j++)
00477           {
00478             twistPtr->twist.covariance[TWIST_SIZE * (i + ORIENTATION_SIZE) + (j + ORIENTATION_SIZE)] =
00479               msg->angular_velocity_covariance[ORIENTATION_SIZE * i + j];
00480           }
00481         }
00483         geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStampedConstPtr tptr(twistPtr);
00484         twistCallback(tptr, twistCallbackData, baseLinkFrameId_);
00485       }
00486     }
00488     if (accelCallbackData.updateSum_ > 0)
00489     {
00490       // Ignore linear acceleration if the first covariance value is -1
00491       if (::fabs(msg->linear_acceleration_covariance[0] + 1) < 1e-9)
00492       {
00493         RF_DEBUG("Received IMU message with -1 as its first covariance value for linear "
00494                  "acceleration. Ignoring linear acceleration...");
00495       }
00496       else
00497       {
00498         // Pass the message on
00499         accelerationCallback(msg, accelCallbackData, baseLinkFrameId_);
00500       }
00501     }
00503     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::imuCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
00504   }
00506   template<typename T>
00507   void RosFilter<T>::integrateMeasurements(const ros::Time &currentTime)
00508   {
00509     const double currentTimeSec = currentTime.toSec();
00511     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::integrateMeasurements ------\n\n"
00512              "Integration time is " << std::setprecision(20) << currentTimeSec << "\n"
00513              << measurementQueue_.size() << " measurements in queue.\n");
00515     // If we have any measurements in the queue, process them
00516     if (!measurementQueue_.empty())
00517     {
00518       // Check if the first measurement we're going to process is older than the filter's last measurement.
00519       // This means we have received an out-of-sequence message (one with an old timestamp), and we need to
00520       // revert both the filter state and measurement queue to the first state that preceded the time stamp
00521       // of our first measurement.
00522       const MeasurementPtr& firstMeasurement =;
00523       int restoredMeasurementCount = 0;
00524       if (smoothLaggedData_ && firstMeasurement->time_ < filter_.getLastMeasurementTime())
00525       {
00526         RF_DEBUG("Received a measurement that was " << filter_.getLastMeasurementTime() - firstMeasurement->time_ <<
00527                  " seconds in the past. Reverting filter state and measurement queue...");
00529         int originalCount = static_cast<int>(measurementQueue_.size());
00530         const double firstMeasurementTime =  firstMeasurement->time_;
00531         const std::string firstMeasurementTopic =  firstMeasurement->topicName_;
00532         if (!revertTo(firstMeasurement->time_ - 1e-9))  // revertTo may invalidate firstMeasurement
00533         {
00534           RF_DEBUG("ERROR: history interval is too small to revert to time " << firstMeasurementTime << "\n");
00535           ROS_WARN_STREAM_DELAYED_THROTTLE(historyLength_, "Received old measurement for topic " <<
00536               firstMeasurementTopic << ", but history interval is insufficiently sized to revert state and "
00537             "measurement queue.");
00538           restoredMeasurementCount = 0;
00539         }
00541         restoredMeasurementCount = static_cast<int>(measurementQueue_.size()) - originalCount;
00542       }
00544       while (!measurementQueue_.empty() && ros::ok())
00545       {
00546         MeasurementPtr measurement =;
00548         // If we've reached a measurement that has a time later than now, it should wait until a future iteration.
00549         // Since measurements are stored in a priority queue, all remaining measurements will be in the future.
00550         if (measurement->time_ > currentTime.toSec())
00551         {
00552           break;
00553         }
00555         measurementQueue_.pop();
00557         // When we receive control messages, we call this directly in the control callback. However, we also associate
00558         // a control with each sensor message so that we can support lagged smoothing. As we cannot guarantee that the
00559         // new control callback will fire before a new measurement, we should only perform this operation if we are
00560         // processing messages from the history. Otherwise, we may get a new measurement, store the "old" latest
00561         // control, then receive a control, call setControl, and then overwrite that value with this one (i.e., with
00562         // the "old" control we associated with the measurement).
00563         if (useControl_ && restoredMeasurementCount > 0)
00564         {
00565           filter_.setControl(measurement->latestControl_, measurement->latestControlTime_);
00566           restoredMeasurementCount--;
00567         }
00569         // This will call predict and, if necessary, correct
00570         filter_.processMeasurement(*(measurement.get()));
00572         // Store old states and measurements if we're smoothing
00573         if (smoothLaggedData_)
00574         {
00575           // Invariant still holds: measurementHistoryDeque_.back().time_ <
00576           measurementHistory_.push_back(measurement);
00578           // We should only save the filter state once per unique timstamp
00579           if (measurementQueue_.empty() ||
00580               ::fabs(>time_ - filter_.getLastMeasurementTime()) > 1e-9)
00581           {
00582             saveFilterState(filter_);
00583           }
00584         }
00585       }
00587       filter_.setLastUpdateTime(currentTimeSec);
00588     }
00589     else if (filter_.getInitializedStatus())
00590     {
00591       // In the event that we don't get any measurements for a long time,
00592       // we still need to continue to estimate our state. Therefore, we
00593       // should project the state forward here.
00594       double lastUpdateDelta = currentTimeSec - filter_.getLastUpdateTime();
00596       // If we get a large delta, then continuously predict until
00597       if (lastUpdateDelta >= filter_.getSensorTimeout())
00598       {
00599         RF_DEBUG("Sensor timeout! Last update time was " << filter_.getLastUpdateTime() <<
00600                  ", current time is " << currentTimeSec <<
00601                  ", delta is " << lastUpdateDelta << "\n");
00603         filter_.validateDelta(lastUpdateDelta);
00604         filter_.predict(currentTimeSec, lastUpdateDelta);
00606         // Update the last measurement time and last update time
00607         filter_.setLastMeasurementTime(filter_.getLastMeasurementTime() + lastUpdateDelta);
00608         filter_.setLastUpdateTime(filter_.getLastUpdateTime() + lastUpdateDelta);
00609       }
00610     }
00611     else
00612     {
00613       RF_DEBUG("Filter not yet initialized.\n");
00614     }
00616     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::integrateMeasurements ------\n");
00617   }
00619   template<typename T>
00620   void RosFilter<T>::loadParams()
00621   {
00622     /* For diagnostic purposes, collect information about how many different
00623      * sources are measuring each absolute pose variable and do not have
00624      * differential integration enabled.
00625      */
00626     std::map<StateMembers, int> absPoseVarCounts;
00627     absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberX] = 0;
00628     absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberY] = 0;
00629     absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberZ] = 0;
00630     absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberRoll] = 0;
00631     absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberPitch] = 0;
00632     absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberYaw] = 0;
00634     // Same for twist variables
00635     std::map<StateMembers, int> twistVarCounts;
00636     twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] = 0;
00637     twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] = 0;
00638     twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] = 0;
00639     twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] = 0;
00640     twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] = 0;
00641     twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] = 0;
00643     // Determine if we'll be printing diagnostic information
00644     nhLocal_.param("print_diagnostics", printDiagnostics_, true);
00646     // Check for custom gravitational acceleration value
00647     nhLocal_.param("gravitational_acceleration", gravitationalAcc_, 9.80665);
00649     // Grab the debug param. If true, the node will produce a LOT of output.
00650     bool debug;
00651     nhLocal_.param("debug", debug, false);
00653     if (debug)
00654     {
00655       std::string debugOutFile;
00657       try
00658       {
00659         nhLocal_.param("debug_out_file", debugOutFile, std::string("robot_localization_debug.txt"));
00662         // Make sure we succeeded
00663         if (debugStream_.is_open())
00664         {
00665           filter_.setDebug(debug, &debugStream_);
00666         }
00667         else
00668         {
00669           ROS_WARN_STREAM("RosFilter::loadParams() - unable to create debug output file " << debugOutFile);
00670         }
00671       }
00672       catch(const std::exception &e)
00673       {
00674         ROS_WARN_STREAM("RosFilter::loadParams() - unable to create debug output file" << debugOutFile
00675                         << ". Error was " << e.what() << "\n");
00676       }
00677     }
00679     // These params specify the name of the robot's body frame (typically
00680     // base_link) and odometry frame (typically odom)
00681     nhLocal_.param("map_frame", mapFrameId_, std::string("map"));
00682     nhLocal_.param("odom_frame", odomFrameId_, std::string("odom"));
00683     nhLocal_.param("base_link_frame", baseLinkFrameId_, std::string("base_link"));
00685     /*
00686      * These parameters are designed to enforce compliance with REP-105:
00687      *
00688      * When fusing absolute position data from sensors such as GPS, the state
00689      * estimate can undergo discrete jumps. According to REP-105, we want three
00690      * coordinate frames: map, odom, and base_link. The map frame can have
00691      * discontinuities, but is the frame with the most accurate position estimate
00692      * for the robot and should not suffer from drift. The odom frame drifts over
00693      * time, but is guaranteed to be continuous and is accurate enough for local
00694      * planning and navigation. The base_link frame is affixed to the robot. The
00695      * intention is that some odometry source broadcasts the odom->base_link
00696      * transform. The localization software should broadcast map->base_link.
00697      * However, tf does not allow multiple parents for a coordinate frame, so
00698      * we must *compute* map->base_link, but then use the existing odom->base_link
00699      * transform to compute *and broadcast* map->odom.
00700      *
00701      * The state estimation nodes in robot_localization therefore have two "modes."
00702      * If your world_frame parameter value matches the odom_frame parameter value,
00703      * then robot_localization will assume someone else is broadcasting a transform
00704      * from odom_frame->base_link_frame, and it will compute the
00705      * map_frame->odom_frame transform. Otherwise, it will simply compute the
00706      * odom_frame->base_link_frame transform.
00707      *
00708      * The default is the latter behavior (broadcast of odom->base_link).
00709      */
00710     nhLocal_.param("world_frame", worldFrameId_, odomFrameId_);
00712     ROS_FATAL_COND(mapFrameId_ == odomFrameId_ ||
00713                    odomFrameId_ == baseLinkFrameId_ ||
00714                    mapFrameId_ == baseLinkFrameId_,
00715                    "Invalid frame configuration! The values for map_frame, odom_frame, "
00716                    "and base_link_frame must be unique");
00718     // Try to resolve tf_prefix
00719     std::string tfPrefix = "";
00720     std::string tfPrefixPath = "";
00721     if (nhLocal_.searchParam("tf_prefix", tfPrefixPath))
00722     {
00723       nhLocal_.getParam(tfPrefixPath, tfPrefix);
00724     }
00726     // Append the tf prefix in a tf2-friendly manner
00727     FilterUtilities::appendPrefix(tfPrefix, mapFrameId_);
00728     FilterUtilities::appendPrefix(tfPrefix, odomFrameId_);
00729     FilterUtilities::appendPrefix(tfPrefix, baseLinkFrameId_);
00730     FilterUtilities::appendPrefix(tfPrefix, worldFrameId_);
00732     // Whether we're publshing the world_frame->base_link_frame transform
00733     nhLocal_.param("publish_tf", publishTransform_, true);
00735     // Whether we're publishing the acceleration state transform
00736     nhLocal_.param("publish_acceleration", publishAcceleration_, false);
00738     // Transform future dating
00739     double offsetTmp;
00740     nhLocal_.param("transform_time_offset", offsetTmp, 0.0);
00741     tfTimeOffset_.fromSec(offsetTmp);
00743     // Transform timeout
00744     double timeoutTmp;
00745     nhLocal_.param("transform_timeout", timeoutTmp, 0.0);
00746     tfTimeout_.fromSec(timeoutTmp);
00748     // Update frequency and sensor timeout
00749     double sensorTimeout;
00750     nhLocal_.param("frequency", frequency_, 30.0);
00751     nhLocal_.param("sensor_timeout", sensorTimeout, 1.0 / frequency_);
00752     filter_.setSensorTimeout(sensorTimeout);
00754     // Determine if we're in 2D mode
00755     nhLocal_.param("two_d_mode", twoDMode_, false);
00757     // Smoothing window size
00758     nhLocal_.param("smooth_lagged_data", smoothLaggedData_, false);
00759     nhLocal_.param("history_length", historyLength_, 0.0);
00761     // Wether we reset filter on jump back in time
00762     nhLocal_.param("reset_on_time_jump", resetOnTimeJump_, false);
00764     if (!smoothLaggedData_ && ::fabs(historyLength_) > 1e-9)
00765     {
00766       ROS_WARN_STREAM("Filter history interval of " << historyLength_ <<
00767                       " specified, but smooth_lagged_data is set to false. Lagged data will not be smoothed.");
00768     }
00770     if (smoothLaggedData_ && historyLength_ < -1e9)
00771     {
00772       ROS_WARN_STREAM("Negative history interval of " << historyLength_ <<
00773                       " specified. Absolute value will be assumed.");
00774     }
00776     historyLength_ = ::fabs(historyLength_);
00778     // Determine if we're using a control term
00779     bool stampedControl = false;
00780     double controlTimeout = sensorTimeout;
00781     std::vector<int> controlUpdateVector(TWIST_SIZE, 0);
00782     std::vector<double> accelerationLimits(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
00783     std::vector<double> accelerationGains(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
00784     std::vector<double> decelerationLimits(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
00785     std::vector<double> decelerationGains(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
00787     nhLocal_.param("use_control", useControl_, false);
00788     nhLocal_.param("stamped_control", stampedControl, false);
00789     nhLocal_.param("control_timeout", controlTimeout, sensorTimeout);
00791     if (useControl_)
00792     {
00793       if (nhLocal_.getParam("control_config", controlUpdateVector))
00794       {
00795         if (controlUpdateVector.size() != TWIST_SIZE)
00796         {
00797           ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Control configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE << ". Provided config was of "
00798             "size " << controlUpdateVector.size() << ". No control term will be used.");
00799           useControl_ = false;
00800         }
00801       }
00802       else
00803       {
00804         ROS_ERROR_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but control_config is missing. No control term will be used.");
00805         useControl_ = false;
00806       }
00808       if (nhLocal_.getParam("acceleration_limits", accelerationLimits))
00809       {
00810         if (accelerationLimits.size() != TWIST_SIZE)
00811         {
00812           ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Acceleration configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE << ". Provided config was of "
00813             "size " << accelerationLimits.size() << ". No control term will be used.");
00814           useControl_ = false;
00815         }
00816       }
00817       else
00818       {
00819         ROS_WARN_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but acceleration_limits is missing. Will use default values.");
00820       }
00822       if (nhLocal_.getParam("acceleration_gains", accelerationGains))
00823       {
00824         const int size = accelerationGains.size();
00825         if (size != TWIST_SIZE)
00826         {
00827           ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Acceleration gain configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE <<
00828             ". Provided config was of size " << size << ". All gains will be assumed to be 1.");
00829           std::fill_n(accelerationGains.begin(), std::min(size, TWIST_SIZE), 1.0);
00830           accelerationGains.resize(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
00831         }
00832       }
00834       if (nhLocal_.getParam("deceleration_limits", decelerationLimits))
00835       {
00836         if (decelerationLimits.size() != TWIST_SIZE)
00837         {
00838           ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Deceleration configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE <<
00839             ". Provided config was of size " << decelerationLimits.size() << ". No control term will be used.");
00840           useControl_ = false;
00841         }
00842       }
00843       else
00844       {
00845         ROS_INFO_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but no deceleration_limits specified. Will use acceleration "
00846           "limits.");
00847         decelerationLimits = accelerationLimits;
00848       }
00850       if (nhLocal_.getParam("deceleration_gains", decelerationGains))
00851       {
00852         const int size = decelerationGains.size();
00853         if (size != TWIST_SIZE)
00854         {
00855           ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Deceleration gain configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE <<
00856             ". Provided config was of size " << size << ". All gains will be assumed to be 1.");
00857           std::fill_n(decelerationGains.begin(), std::min(size, TWIST_SIZE), 1.0);
00858           decelerationGains.resize(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
00859         }
00860       }
00861       else
00862       {
00863         ROS_INFO_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but no deceleration_gains specified. Will use acceleration "
00864           "gains.");
00865         decelerationGains = accelerationGains;
00866       }
00867     }
00869     bool dynamicProcessNoiseCovariance = false;
00870     nhLocal_.param("dynamic_process_noise_covariance", dynamicProcessNoiseCovariance, false);
00871     filter_.setUseDynamicProcessNoiseCovariance(dynamicProcessNoiseCovariance);
00873     std::vector<double> initialState(STATE_SIZE, 0.0);
00874     if (nhLocal_.getParam("initial_state", initialState))
00875     {
00876       if (initialState.size() != STATE_SIZE)
00877       {
00878         ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Initial state must be of size " << STATE_SIZE << ". Provided config was of size " <<
00879           initialState.size() << ". The initial state will be ignored.");
00880       }
00881       else
00882       {
00883         Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> eigenState(, initialState.size());
00884         filter_.setState(eigenState);
00885       }
00886     }
00888     // Debugging writes to file
00889     RF_DEBUG("tf_prefix is " << tfPrefix <<
00890              "\nmap_frame is " << mapFrameId_ <<
00891              "\nodom_frame is " << odomFrameId_ <<
00892              "\nbase_link_frame is " << baseLinkFrameId_ <<
00893              "\nworld_frame is " << worldFrameId_ <<
00894              "\ntransform_time_offset is " << tfTimeOffset_.toSec() <<
00895              "\ntransform_timeout is " << tfTimeout_.toSec() <<
00896              "\nfrequency is " << frequency_ <<
00897              "\nsensor_timeout is " << filter_.getSensorTimeout() <<
00898              "\ntwo_d_mode is " << (twoDMode_ ? "true" : "false") <<
00899              "\nsmooth_lagged_data is " << (smoothLaggedData_ ? "true" : "false") <<
00900              "\nhistory_length is " << historyLength_ <<
00901              "\nuse_control is " << (useControl_ ? "true" : "false") <<
00902              "\nstamped_control is " << (stampedControl ? "true" : "false") <<
00903              "\ncontrol_config is " << controlUpdateVector <<
00904              "\ncontrol_timeout is " << controlTimeout <<
00905              "\nacceleration_limits are " << accelerationLimits <<
00906              "\nacceleration_gains are " << accelerationGains <<
00907              "\ndeceleration_limits are " << decelerationLimits <<
00908              "\ndeceleration_gains are " << decelerationGains <<
00909              "\ninitial state is " << filter_.getState() <<
00910              "\ndynamic_process_noise_covariance is " << (dynamicProcessNoiseCovariance ? "true" : "false") <<
00911              "\nprint_diagnostics is " << (printDiagnostics_ ? "true" : "false") << "\n");
00913     // Create a subscriber for manually setting/resetting pose
00914     setPoseSub_ = nh_.subscribe("set_pose",
00915                                 1,
00916                                 &RosFilter<T>::setPoseCallback,
00917                                 this, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(false));
00919     // Create a service for manually setting/resetting pose
00920     setPoseSrv_ = nh_.advertiseService("set_pose", &RosFilter<T>::setPoseSrvCallback, this);
00922     // Init the last last measurement time so we don't get a huge initial delta
00923     filter_.setLastMeasurementTime(ros::Time::now().toSec());
00924     filter_.setLastUpdateTime(ros::Time::now().toSec());
00926     // Now pull in each topic to which we want to subscribe.
00927     // Start with odom.
00928     size_t topicInd = 0;
00929     bool moreParams = false;
00930     do
00931     {
00932       // Build the string in the form of "odomX", where X is the odom topic number,
00933       // then check if we have any parameters with that value. Users need to make
00934       // sure they don't have gaps in their configs (e.g., odom0 and then odom2)
00935       std::stringstream ss;
00936       ss << "odom" << topicInd++;
00937       std::string odomTopicName = ss.str();
00938       moreParams = nhLocal_.hasParam(odomTopicName);
00940       if (moreParams)
00941       {
00942         // Determine if we want to integrate this sensor differentially
00943         bool differential;
00944         nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + std::string("_differential"), differential, false);
00946         // Determine if we want to integrate this sensor relatively
00947         bool relative;
00948         nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + std::string("_relative"), relative, false);
00950         if (relative && differential)
00951         {
00952           ROS_WARN_STREAM("Both " << odomTopicName << "_differential" << " and " << odomTopicName <<
00953                           "_relative were set to true. Using differential mode.");
00955           relative = false;
00956         }
00958         std::string odomTopic;
00959         nhLocal_.getParam(odomTopicName, odomTopic);
00961         // Check for pose rejection threshold
00962         double poseMahalanobisThresh;
00963         nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + std::string("_pose_rejection_threshold"),
00964                        poseMahalanobisThresh,
00965                        std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
00967         // Check for twist rejection threshold
00968         double twistMahalanobisThresh;
00969         nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + std::string("_twist_rejection_threshold"),
00970                        twistMahalanobisThresh,
00971                        std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
00973         // Now pull in its boolean update vector configuration. Create separate vectors for pose
00974         // and twist data, and then zero out the opposite values in each vector (no pose data in
00975         // the twist update vector and vice-versa).
00976         std::vector<int> updateVec = loadUpdateConfig(odomTopicName);
00977         std::vector<int> poseUpdateVec = updateVec;
00978         std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET, poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET + TWIST_SIZE, 0);
00979         std::vector<int> twistUpdateVec = updateVec;
00980         std::fill(twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET, twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET + POSE_SIZE, 0);
00982         int poseUpdateSum = std::accumulate(poseUpdateVec.begin(), poseUpdateVec.end(), 0);
00983         int twistUpdateSum = std::accumulate(twistUpdateVec.begin(), twistUpdateVec.end(), 0);
00984         int odomQueueSize = 1;
00985         nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + "_queue_size", odomQueueSize, 1);
00987         const CallbackData poseCallbackData(odomTopicName + "_pose", poseUpdateVec, poseUpdateSum, differential,
00988           relative, poseMahalanobisThresh);
00989         const CallbackData twistCallbackData(odomTopicName + "_twist", twistUpdateVec, twistUpdateSum, false, false,
00990           twistMahalanobisThresh);
00992         bool nodelayOdom = false;
00993         nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + "_nodelay", nodelayOdom, false);
00995         // Store the odometry topic subscribers so they don't go out of scope.
00996         if (poseUpdateSum + twistUpdateSum > 0)
00997         {
00998           topicSubs_.push_back(
00999             nh_.subscribe<nav_msgs::Odometry>(odomTopic, odomQueueSize,
01000               boost::bind(&RosFilter::odometryCallback, this, _1, odomTopicName, poseCallbackData, twistCallbackData),
01001               ros::VoidPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(nodelayOdom)));
01002         }
01003         else
01004         {
01005           std::stringstream stream;
01006           stream << odomTopic << " is listed as an input topic, but all update variables are false";
01008           addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
01009                         odomTopic + "_configuration",
01010                         stream.str(),
01011                         true);
01012         }
01014         if (poseUpdateSum > 0)
01015         {
01016           if (differential)
01017           {
01018             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberX];
01019             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberY];
01020             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberZ];
01021             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
01022             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
01023             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
01024           }
01025           else
01026           {
01027             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberX] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberX];
01028             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberY] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberY];
01029             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberZ] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberZ];
01030             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberRoll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
01031             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberPitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
01032             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberYaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
01033           }
01034         }
01036         if (twistUpdateSum > 0)
01037         {
01038           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVx];
01039           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVx];
01040           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVz];
01041           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVroll];
01042           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVpitch];
01043           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVyaw];
01044         }
01046         RF_DEBUG("Subscribed to " << odomTopic << " (" << odomTopicName << ")\n\t" <<
01047                  odomTopicName << "_differential is " << (differential ? "true" : "false") << "\n\t" <<
01048                  odomTopicName << "_pose_rejection_threshold is " << poseMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
01049                  odomTopicName << "_twist_rejection_threshold is " << twistMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
01050                  odomTopicName << "_queue_size is " << odomQueueSize << "\n\t" <<
01051                  odomTopicName << " pose update vector is " << poseUpdateVec << "\t"<<
01052                  odomTopicName << " twist update vector is " << twistUpdateVec);
01053       }
01054     }
01055     while (moreParams);
01057     // Repeat for pose
01058     topicInd = 0;
01059     moreParams = false;
01060     do
01061     {
01062       std::stringstream ss;
01063       ss << "pose" << topicInd++;
01064       std::string poseTopicName = ss.str();
01065       moreParams = nhLocal_.hasParam(poseTopicName);
01067       if (moreParams)
01068       {
01069         bool differential;
01070         nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + std::string("_differential"), differential, false);
01072         // Determine if we want to integrate this sensor relatively
01073         bool relative;
01074         nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + std::string("_relative"), relative, false);
01076         if (relative && differential)
01077         {
01078           ROS_WARN_STREAM("Both " << poseTopicName << "_differential" << " and " << poseTopicName <<
01079                           "_relative were set to true. Using differential mode.");
01081           relative = false;
01082         }
01084         std::string poseTopic;
01085         nhLocal_.getParam(poseTopicName, poseTopic);
01087         // Check for pose rejection threshold
01088         double poseMahalanobisThresh;
01089         nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + std::string("_rejection_threshold"),
01090                        poseMahalanobisThresh,
01091                        std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
01093         int poseQueueSize = 1;
01094         nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + "_queue_size", poseQueueSize, 1);
01096         bool nodelayPose = false;
01097         nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + "_nodelay", nodelayPose, false);
01099         // Pull in the sensor's config, zero out values that are invalid for the pose type
01100         std::vector<int> poseUpdateVec = loadUpdateConfig(poseTopicName);
01101         std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET,
01102                   poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET + TWIST_SIZE,
01103                   0);
01104         std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_A_OFFSET,
01105                   poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_A_OFFSET + ACCELERATION_SIZE,
01106                   0);
01108         int poseUpdateSum = std::accumulate(poseUpdateVec.begin(), poseUpdateVec.end(), 0);
01110         if (poseUpdateSum > 0)
01111         {
01112           const CallbackData callbackData(poseTopicName, poseUpdateVec, poseUpdateSum, differential, relative,
01113             poseMahalanobisThresh);
01115           topicSubs_.push_back(
01116             nh_.subscribe<geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped>(poseTopic, poseQueueSize,
01117               boost::bind(&RosFilter::poseCallback, this, _1, callbackData, worldFrameId_, false),
01118               ros::VoidPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(nodelayPose)));
01120           if (differential)
01121           {
01122             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberX];
01123             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberY];
01124             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberZ];
01125             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
01126             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
01127             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
01128           }
01129           else
01130           {
01131             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberX] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberX];
01132             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberY] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberY];
01133             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberZ] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberZ];
01134             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberRoll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
01135             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberPitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
01136             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberYaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
01137           }
01138         }
01139         else
01140         {
01141           ROS_WARN_STREAM("Warning: " << poseTopic << " is listed as an input topic, "
01142                           "but all pose update variables are false");
01143         }
01145         RF_DEBUG("Subscribed to " << poseTopic << " (" << poseTopicName << ")\n\t" <<
01146                  poseTopicName << "_differential is " << (differential ? "true" : "false") << "\n\t" <<
01147                  poseTopicName << "_rejection_threshold is " << poseMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
01148                  poseTopicName << "_queue_size is " << poseQueueSize << "\n\t" <<
01149                  poseTopicName << " update vector is " << poseUpdateVec);
01150       }
01151     }
01152     while (moreParams);
01154     // Repeat for twist
01155     topicInd = 0;
01156     moreParams = false;
01157     do
01158     {
01159       std::stringstream ss;
01160       ss << "twist" << topicInd++;
01161       std::string twistTopicName = ss.str();
01162       moreParams = nhLocal_.hasParam(twistTopicName);
01164       if (moreParams)
01165       {
01166         std::string twistTopic;
01167         nhLocal_.getParam(twistTopicName, twistTopic);
01169         // Check for twist rejection threshold
01170         double twistMahalanobisThresh;
01171         nhLocal_.param(twistTopicName + std::string("_rejection_threshold"),
01172                        twistMahalanobisThresh,
01173                        std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
01175         int twistQueueSize = 1;
01176         nhLocal_.param(twistTopicName + "_queue_size", twistQueueSize, 1);
01178         bool nodelayTwist = false;
01179         nhLocal_.param(twistTopicName + "_nodelay", nodelayTwist, false);
01181         // Pull in the sensor's config, zero out values that are invalid for the twist type
01182         std::vector<int> twistUpdateVec = loadUpdateConfig(twistTopicName);
01183         std::fill(twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET, twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET + POSE_SIZE, 0);
01185         int twistUpdateSum = std::accumulate(twistUpdateVec.begin(), twistUpdateVec.end(), 0);
01187         if (twistUpdateSum > 0)
01188         {
01189           const CallbackData callbackData(twistTopicName, twistUpdateVec, twistUpdateSum, false, false,
01190             twistMahalanobisThresh);
01192           topicSubs_.push_back(
01193             nh_.subscribe<geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped>(twistTopic, twistQueueSize,
01194               boost::bind(&RosFilter<T>::twistCallback, this, _1, callbackData, baseLinkFrameId_),
01195               ros::VoidPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(nodelayTwist)));
01197           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVx];
01198           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVy];
01199           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVz];
01200           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVroll];
01201           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVpitch];
01202           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVyaw];
01203         }
01204         else
01205         {
01206           ROS_WARN_STREAM("Warning: " << twistTopic << " is listed as an input topic, "
01207                           "but all twist update variables are false");
01208         }
01210         RF_DEBUG("Subscribed to " << twistTopic << " (" << twistTopicName << ")\n\t" <<
01211                  twistTopicName << "_rejection_threshold is " << twistMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
01212                  twistTopicName << "_queue_size is " << twistQueueSize << "\n\t" <<
01213                  twistTopicName << " update vector is " << twistUpdateVec);
01214       }
01215     }
01216     while (moreParams);
01218     // Repeat for IMU
01219     topicInd = 0;
01220     moreParams = false;
01221     do
01222     {
01223       std::stringstream ss;
01224       ss << "imu" << topicInd++;
01225       std::string imuTopicName = ss.str();
01226       moreParams = nhLocal_.hasParam(imuTopicName);
01228       if (moreParams)
01229       {
01230         bool differential;
01231         nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + std::string("_differential"), differential, false);
01233         // Determine if we want to integrate this sensor relatively
01234         bool relative;
01235         nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + std::string("_relative"), relative, false);
01237         if (relative && differential)
01238         {
01239           ROS_WARN_STREAM("Both " << imuTopicName << "_differential" << " and " << imuTopicName <<
01240                           "_relative were set to true. Using differential mode.");
01242           relative = false;
01243         }
01245         std::string imuTopic;
01246         nhLocal_.getParam(imuTopicName, imuTopic);
01248         // Check for pose rejection threshold
01249         double poseMahalanobisThresh;
01250         nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + std::string("_pose_rejection_threshold"),
01251                        poseMahalanobisThresh,
01252                        std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
01254         // Check for angular velocity rejection threshold
01255         double twistMahalanobisThresh;
01256         std::string imuTwistRejectionName =
01257           imuTopicName + std::string("_twist_rejection_threshold");
01258         nhLocal_.param(imuTwistRejectionName, twistMahalanobisThresh, std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
01260         // Check for acceleration rejection threshold
01261         double accelMahalanobisThresh;
01262         nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + std::string("_linear_acceleration_rejection_threshold"),
01263                        accelMahalanobisThresh,
01264                        std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
01266         bool removeGravAcc = false;
01267         nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + "_remove_gravitational_acceleration", removeGravAcc, false);
01268         removeGravitationalAcc_[imuTopicName + "_acceleration"] = removeGravAcc;
01270         // Now pull in its boolean update vector configuration and differential
01271         // update configuration (as this contains pose information)
01272         std::vector<int> updateVec = loadUpdateConfig(imuTopicName);
01274         std::vector<int> poseUpdateVec = updateVec;
01275         std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET,
01276                   poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET + TWIST_SIZE,
01277                   0);
01278         std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_A_OFFSET,
01279                   poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_A_OFFSET + ACCELERATION_SIZE,
01280                   0);
01282         std::vector<int> twistUpdateVec = updateVec;
01283         std::fill(twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET,
01284                   twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET + POSE_SIZE,
01285                   0);
01286         std::fill(twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_A_OFFSET,
01287                   twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_A_OFFSET + ACCELERATION_SIZE,
01288                   0);
01290         std::vector<int> accelUpdateVec = updateVec;
01291         std::fill(accelUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET,
01292                   accelUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET + POSE_SIZE,
01293                   0);
01294         std::fill(accelUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET,
01295                   accelUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET + TWIST_SIZE,
01296                   0);
01298         int poseUpdateSum = std::accumulate(poseUpdateVec.begin(), poseUpdateVec.end(), 0);
01299         int twistUpdateSum = std::accumulate(twistUpdateVec.begin(), twistUpdateVec.end(), 0);
01300         int accelUpdateSum = std::accumulate(accelUpdateVec.begin(), accelUpdateVec.end(), 0);
01302         // Check if we're using control input for any of the acceleration variables; turn off if so
01303         if (static_cast<bool>(controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVx]) && static_cast<bool>(accelUpdateVec[StateMemberAx]))
01304         {
01305           ROS_WARN_STREAM("X acceleration is being measured from IMU; X velocity control input is disabled");
01306           controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVx] = 0;
01307         }
01308         if (static_cast<bool>(controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVy]) && static_cast<bool>(accelUpdateVec[StateMemberAy]))
01309         {
01310           ROS_WARN_STREAM("Y acceleration is being measured from IMU; Y velocity control input is disabled");
01311           controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVy] = 0;
01312         }
01313         if (static_cast<bool>(controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVz]) && static_cast<bool>(accelUpdateVec[StateMemberAz]))
01314         {
01315           ROS_WARN_STREAM("Z acceleration is being measured from IMU; Z velocity control input is disabled");
01316           controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVz] = 0;
01317         }
01319         int imuQueueSize = 1;
01320         nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + "_queue_size", imuQueueSize, 1);
01322         bool nodelayImu = false;
01323         nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + "_nodelay", nodelayImu, false);
01325         if (poseUpdateSum + twistUpdateSum + accelUpdateSum > 0)
01326         {
01327           const CallbackData poseCallbackData(imuTopicName + "_pose", poseUpdateVec, poseUpdateSum, differential,
01328             relative, poseMahalanobisThresh);
01329           const CallbackData twistCallbackData(imuTopicName + "_twist", twistUpdateVec, twistUpdateSum, differential,
01330             relative, twistMahalanobisThresh);
01331           const CallbackData accelCallbackData(imuTopicName + "_acceleration", accelUpdateVec, accelUpdateSum,
01332             differential, relative, accelMahalanobisThresh);
01334           topicSubs_.push_back(
01335             nh_.subscribe<sensor_msgs::Imu>(imuTopic, imuQueueSize,
01336               boost::bind(&RosFilter<T>::imuCallback, this, _1, imuTopicName, poseCallbackData, twistCallbackData,
01337                 accelCallbackData), ros::VoidPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(nodelayImu)));
01338         }
01339         else
01340         {
01341           ROS_WARN_STREAM("Warning: " << imuTopic << " is listed as an input topic, "
01342                           "but all its update variables are false");
01343         }
01345         if (poseUpdateSum > 0)
01346         {
01347           if (differential)
01348           {
01349             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
01350             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
01351             twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
01352           }
01353           else
01354           {
01355             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberRoll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
01356             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberPitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
01357             absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberYaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
01358           }
01359         }
01361         if (twistUpdateSum > 0)
01362         {
01363           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVroll];
01364           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVpitch];
01365           twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVyaw];
01366         }
01368         RF_DEBUG("Subscribed to " << imuTopic << " (" << imuTopicName << ")\n\t" <<
01369                  imuTopicName << "_differential is " << (differential ? "true" : "false") << "\n\t" <<
01370                  imuTopicName << "_pose_rejection_threshold is " << poseMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
01371                  imuTopicName << "_twist_rejection_threshold is " << twistMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
01372                  imuTopicName << "_linear_acceleration_rejection_threshold is " << accelMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
01373                  imuTopicName << "_remove_gravitational_acceleration is " <<
01374                                  (removeGravAcc ? "true" : "false") << "\n\t" <<
01375                  imuTopicName << "_queue_size is " << imuQueueSize << "\n\t" <<
01376                  imuTopicName << " pose update vector is " << poseUpdateVec << "\t"<<
01377                  imuTopicName << " twist update vector is " << twistUpdateVec << "\t" <<
01378                  imuTopicName << " acceleration update vector is " << accelUpdateVec);
01379       }
01380     }
01381     while (moreParams);
01383     // Now that we've checked if IMU linear acceleration is being used, we can determine our final control parameters
01384     if (useControl_ && std::accumulate(controlUpdateVector.begin(), controlUpdateVector.end(), 0) == 0)
01385     {
01386       ROS_ERROR_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but control_config has only false values. No control term "
01387         "will be used.");
01388       useControl_ = false;
01389     }
01391     // If we're using control, set the parameters and create the necessary subscribers
01392     if (useControl_)
01393     {
01394       latestControl_.resize(TWIST_SIZE);
01395       latestControl_.setZero();
01397       filter_.setControlParams(controlUpdateVector, controlTimeout, accelerationLimits, accelerationGains,
01398         decelerationLimits, decelerationGains);
01400       if (stampedControl)
01401       {
01402         controlSub_ = nh_.subscribe<geometry_msgs::TwistStamped>("cmd_vel", 1, &RosFilter<T>::controlCallback, this);
01403       }
01404       else
01405       {
01406         controlSub_ = nh_.subscribe<geometry_msgs::Twist>("cmd_vel", 1, &RosFilter<T>::controlCallback, this);
01407       }
01408     }
01410     /* Warn users about:
01411     *    1. Multiple non-differential input sources
01412     *    2. No absolute *or* velocity measurements for pose variables
01413     */
01414     if (printDiagnostics_)
01415     {
01416       for (int stateVar = StateMemberX; stateVar <= StateMemberYaw; ++stateVar)
01417       {
01418         if (absPoseVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar)] > 1)
01419         {
01420           std::stringstream stream;
01421           stream <<  absPoseVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar - POSITION_OFFSET)] <<
01422               " absolute pose inputs detected for " << stateVariableNames_[stateVar] <<
01423               ". This may result in oscillations. Please ensure that your variances for each "
01424               "measured variable are set appropriately.";
01426           addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
01427                         stateVariableNames_[stateVar] + "_configuration",
01428                         stream.str(),
01429                         true);
01430         }
01431         else if (absPoseVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar)] == 0)
01432         {
01433           if ((static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberX &&
01434                twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVx)] == 0) ||
01435               (static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberY &&
01436                twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVy)] == 0) ||
01437               (static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberZ &&
01438                twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVz)] == 0 &&
01439                twoDMode_ == false) ||
01440               (static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberRoll &&
01441                twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVroll)] == 0 &&
01442                twoDMode_ == false) ||
01443               (static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberPitch &&
01444                twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVpitch)] == 0 &&
01445                twoDMode_ == false) ||
01446               (static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberYaw &&
01447                twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVyaw)] == 0))
01448           {
01449             std::stringstream stream;
01450             stream << "Neither " << stateVariableNames_[stateVar] << " nor its "
01451                       "velocity is being measured. This will result in unbounded "
01452                       "error growth and erratic filter behavior.";
01454             addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::ERROR,
01455                           stateVariableNames_[stateVar] + "_configuration",
01456                           stream.str(),
01457                           true);
01458           }
01459         }
01460       }
01461     }
01463     // Load up the process noise covariance (from the launch file/parameter server)
01464     Eigen::MatrixXd processNoiseCovariance(STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE);
01465     processNoiseCovariance.setZero();
01466     XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue processNoiseCovarConfig;
01468     if (nhLocal_.hasParam("process_noise_covariance"))
01469     {
01470       try
01471       {
01472         nhLocal_.getParam("process_noise_covariance", processNoiseCovarConfig);
01474         ROS_ASSERT(processNoiseCovarConfig.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
01476         int matSize = processNoiseCovariance.rows();
01478         for (int i = 0; i < matSize; i++)
01479         {
01480           for (int j = 0; j < matSize; j++)
01481           {
01482             try
01483             {
01484               // These matrices can cause problems if all the types
01485               // aren't specified with decimal points. Handle that
01486               // using string streams.
01487               std::ostringstream ostr;
01488               ostr << processNoiseCovarConfig[matSize * i + j];
01489               std::istringstream istr(ostr.str());
01490               istr >> processNoiseCovariance(i, j);
01491             }
01492             catch(XmlRpc::XmlRpcException &e)
01493             {
01494               throw e;
01495             }
01496             catch(...)
01497             {
01498               throw;
01499             }
01500           }
01501         }
01503         RF_DEBUG("Process noise covariance is:\n" << processNoiseCovariance << "\n");
01504       }
01505       catch (XmlRpc::XmlRpcException &e)
01506       {
01507         ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ERROR reading sensor config: " <<
01508                          e.getMessage() <<
01509                          " for process_noise_covariance (type: " <<
01510                          processNoiseCovarConfig.getType() << ")");
01511       }
01513       filter_.setProcessNoiseCovariance(processNoiseCovariance);
01514     }
01516     // Load up the process noise covariance (from the launch file/parameter server)
01517     Eigen::MatrixXd initialEstimateErrorCovariance(STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE);
01518     initialEstimateErrorCovariance.setZero();
01519     XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue estimateErrorCovarConfig;
01521     if (nhLocal_.hasParam("initial_estimate_covariance"))
01522     {
01523       try
01524       {
01525         nhLocal_.getParam("initial_estimate_covariance", estimateErrorCovarConfig);
01527         ROS_ASSERT(estimateErrorCovarConfig.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
01529         int matSize = initialEstimateErrorCovariance.rows();
01531         for (int i = 0; i < matSize; i++)
01532         {
01533           for (int j = 0; j < matSize; j++)
01534           {
01535             try
01536             {
01537               // These matrices can cause problems if all the types
01538               // aren't specified with decimal points. Handle that
01539               // using string streams.
01540               std::ostringstream ostr;
01541               ostr << estimateErrorCovarConfig[matSize * i + j];
01542               std::istringstream istr(ostr.str());
01543               istr >> initialEstimateErrorCovariance(i, j);
01544             }
01545             catch(XmlRpc::XmlRpcException &e)
01546             {
01547               throw e;
01548             }
01549             catch(...)
01550             {
01551               throw;
01552             }
01553           }
01554         }
01556         RF_DEBUG("Initial estimate error covariance is:\n" << initialEstimateErrorCovariance << "\n");
01557       }
01558       catch (XmlRpc::XmlRpcException &e)
01559       {
01560         ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ERROR reading initial_estimate_covariance (type: " <<
01561                          estimateErrorCovarConfig.getType() <<
01562                          "): " <<
01563                          e.getMessage());
01564       }
01565       catch(...)
01566       {
01567         ROS_ERROR_STREAM(
01568           "ERROR reading initial_estimate_covariance (type: " << estimateErrorCovarConfig.getType() << ")");
01569       }
01571       filter_.setEstimateErrorCovariance(initialEstimateErrorCovariance);
01572     }
01573   }
01575   template<typename T>
01576   void RosFilter<T>::odometryCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &msg, const std::string &topicName,
01577     const CallbackData &poseCallbackData, const CallbackData &twistCallbackData)
01578   {
01579     // If we've just reset the filter, then we want to ignore any messages
01580     // that arrive with an older timestamp
01581     if (msg->header.stamp <= lastSetPoseTime_)
01582     {
01583       std::stringstream stream;
01584       stream << "The " << topicName << " message has a timestamp equal to or before the last filter reset, " <<
01585                 "this message will be ignored. This may indicate an empty or bad timestamp. (message time: " <<
01586                 msg->header.stamp.toSec() << ")";
01587       addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
01588                     topicName + "_timestamp",
01589                     stream.str(),
01590                     false);
01591       RF_DEBUG("Received message that preceded the most recent pose reset. Ignoring...");
01593       return;
01594     }
01596     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::odometryCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n" << "Odometry message:\n" << *msg);
01598     if (poseCallbackData.updateSum_ > 0)
01599     {
01600       // Grab the pose portion of the message and pass it to the poseCallback
01601       geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped *posPtr = new geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped();
01602       posPtr->header = msg->header;
01603       posPtr->pose = msg->pose;  // Entire pose object, also copies covariance
01605       geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStampedConstPtr pptr(posPtr);
01606       poseCallback(pptr, poseCallbackData, worldFrameId_, false);
01607     }
01609     if (twistCallbackData.updateSum_ > 0)
01610     {
01611       // Grab the twist portion of the message and pass it to the twistCallback
01612       geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped *twistPtr = new geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped();
01613       twistPtr->header = msg->header;
01614       twistPtr->header.frame_id = msg->child_frame_id;
01615       twistPtr->twist = msg->twist;  // Entire twist object, also copies covariance
01617       geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStampedConstPtr tptr(twistPtr);
01618       twistCallback(tptr, twistCallbackData, baseLinkFrameId_);
01619     }
01621     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::odometryCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
01622   }
01624   template<typename T>
01625   void RosFilter<T>::poseCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr &msg,
01626                                   const CallbackData &callbackData,
01627                                   const std::string &targetFrame,
01628                                   const bool imuData)
01629   {
01630     const std::string &topicName = callbackData.topicName_;
01632     // If we've just reset the filter, then we want to ignore any messages
01633     // that arrive with an older timestamp
01634     if (msg->header.stamp <= lastSetPoseTime_)
01635     {
01636       std::stringstream stream;
01637       stream << "The " << topicName << " message has a timestamp equal to or before the last filter reset, " <<
01638                 "this message will be ignored. This may indicate an empty or bad timestamp. (message time: " <<
01639                 msg->header.stamp.toSec() << ")";
01640       addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
01641                     topicName + "_timestamp",
01642                     stream.str(),
01643                     false);
01644       return;
01645     }
01647     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::poseCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n" <<
01648              "Pose message:\n" << *msg);
01650     // Put the initial value in the lastMessagTimes_ for this variable if it's empty
01651     if (lastMessageTimes_.count(topicName) == 0)
01652     {
01653       lastMessageTimes_.insert(std::pair<std::string, ros::Time>(topicName, msg->header.stamp));
01654     }
01656     // Make sure this message is newer than the last one
01657     if (msg->header.stamp >= lastMessageTimes_[topicName])
01658     {
01659       RF_DEBUG("Update vector for " << topicName << " is:\n" << callbackData.updateVector_);
01661       Eigen::VectorXd measurement(STATE_SIZE);
01662       Eigen::MatrixXd measurementCovariance(STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE);
01664       measurement.setZero();
01665       measurementCovariance.setZero();
01667       // Make sure we're actually updating at least one of these variables
01668       std::vector<int> updateVectorCorrected = callbackData.updateVector_;
01670       // Prepare the pose data for inclusion in the filter
01671       if (preparePose(msg,
01672                       topicName,
01673                       targetFrame,
01674                       callbackData.differential_,
01675                       callbackData.relative_,
01676                       imuData,
01677                       updateVectorCorrected,
01678                       measurement,
01679                       measurementCovariance))
01680       {
01681         // Store the measurement. Add a "pose" suffix so we know what kind of measurement
01682         // we're dealing with when we debug the core filter logic.
01683         enqueueMeasurement(topicName,
01684                            measurement,
01685                            measurementCovariance,
01686                            updateVectorCorrected,
01687                            callbackData.rejectionThreshold_,
01688                            msg->header.stamp);
01690         RF_DEBUG("Enqueued new measurement for " << topicName << "\n");
01691       }
01692       else
01693       {
01694         RF_DEBUG("Did *not* enqueue measurement for " << topicName << "\n");
01695       }
01697       lastMessageTimes_[topicName] = msg->header.stamp;
01699       RF_DEBUG("Last message time for " << topicName << " is now " <<
01700         lastMessageTimes_[topicName] << "\n");
01701     }
01702     else if (resetOnTimeJump_ && ros::Time::isSimTime())
01703     {
01704       reset();
01705     }
01706     else
01707     {
01708       std::stringstream stream;
01709       stream << "The " << topicName << " message has a timestamp before that of the previous message received," <<
01710                 " this message will be ignored. This may indicate a bad timestamp. (message time: " <<
01711                 msg->header.stamp.toSec() << ")";
01712       addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
01713                     topicName + "_timestamp",
01714                     stream.str(),
01715                     false);
01717       RF_DEBUG("Message is too old. Last message time for " << topicName << " is "
01718                << lastMessageTimes_[topicName] << ", current message time is "
01719                << msg->header.stamp << ".\n");
01720     }
01722     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::poseCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
01723   }
01725   template<typename T>
01726   void RosFilter<T>::run()
01727   {
01728     ROS_INFO("Waiting for valid clock time...");
01729     ros::Time::waitForValid();
01730     ROS_INFO("Valid clock time received. Starting node.");
01732     loadParams();
01734     if (printDiagnostics_)
01735     {
01736       diagnosticUpdater_.add("Filter diagnostic updater", this, &RosFilter<T>::aggregateDiagnostics);
01737     }
01739     // Set up the frequency diagnostic
01740     double minFrequency = frequency_ - 2;
01741     double maxFrequency = frequency_ + 2;
01742     diagnostic_updater::HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic freqDiag("odometry/filtered",
01743                                                            diagnosticUpdater_,
01744                                                            diagnostic_updater::FrequencyStatusParam(&minFrequency,
01745                                                                                                     &maxFrequency,
01746                                                                                                     0.1, 10));
01748     // We may need to broadcast a different transform than
01749     // the one we've already calculated.
01750     tf2::Transform mapOdomTrans;
01751     tf2::Transform odomBaseLinkTrans;
01752     geometry_msgs::TransformStamped mapOdomTransMsg;
01753     ros::Time curTime;
01754     ros::Time lastDiagTime = ros::Time::now();
01756     // Clear out the transforms
01757     worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform = tf2::toMsg(tf2::Transform::getIdentity());
01758     mapOdomTransMsg.transform = tf2::toMsg(tf2::Transform::getIdentity());
01760     // Publisher
01761     ros::Publisher positionPub = nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odometry/filtered", 20);
01762     tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster worldTransformBroadcaster;
01764     // Optional acceleration publisher
01765     ros::Publisher accelPub;
01766     if (publishAcceleration_)
01767     {
01768       accelPub = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::AccelWithCovarianceStamped>("accel/filtered", 20);
01769     }
01771     ros::Rate loop_rate(frequency_);
01773     while (ros::ok())
01774     {
01775       // The spin will call all the available callbacks and enqueue
01776       // their received measurements
01777       ros::spinOnce();
01778       curTime = ros::Time::now();
01780       // Now we'll integrate any measurements we've received
01781       integrateMeasurements(curTime);
01783       // Get latest state and publish it
01784       nav_msgs::Odometry filteredPosition;
01786       if (getFilteredOdometryMessage(filteredPosition))
01787       {
01788         worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.header.stamp = filteredPosition.header.stamp + tfTimeOffset_;
01789         worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.header.frame_id = filteredPosition.header.frame_id;
01790         worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.child_frame_id = filteredPosition.child_frame_id;
01792         worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform.translation.x = filteredPosition.pose.pose.position.x;
01793         worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform.translation.y = filteredPosition.pose.pose.position.y;
01794         worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform.translation.z = filteredPosition.pose.pose.position.z;
01795         worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform.rotation = filteredPosition.pose.pose.orientation;
01797         // If the worldFrameId_ is the odomFrameId_ frame, then we can just send the transform. If the
01798         // worldFrameId_ is the mapFrameId_ frame, we'll have some work to do.
01799         if (publishTransform_)
01800         {
01801           if (filteredPosition.header.frame_id == odomFrameId_)
01802           {
01803             worldTransformBroadcaster.sendTransform(worldBaseLinkTransMsg_);
01804           }
01805           else if (filteredPosition.header.frame_id == mapFrameId_)
01806           {
01807             try
01808             {
01809               tf2::Transform worldBaseLinkTrans;
01810               tf2::fromMsg(worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform, worldBaseLinkTrans);
01812               tf2::fromMsg(tfBuffer_.lookupTransform(baseLinkFrameId_, odomFrameId_, ros::Time(0)).transform,
01813                            odomBaseLinkTrans);
01815               /*
01816                * First, see these two references:
01817                *
01818                *
01819                * We have a transform from mapFrameId_->baseLinkFrameId_, but it would actually transform
01820                * a given pose from baseLinkFrameId_->mapFrameId_. We then used lookupTransform, whose
01821                * first two arguments are target frame and source frame, to get a transform from
01822                * baseLinkFrameId_->odomFrameId_. However, this transform would actually transform data
01823                * from odomFrameId_->baseLinkFrameId_. Now imagine that we have a position in the
01824                * mapFrameId_ frame. First, we multiply it by the inverse of the
01825                * mapFrameId_->baseLinkFrameId, which will transform that data from mapFrameId_ to
01826                * baseLinkFrameId_. Now we want to go from baseLinkFrameId_->odomFrameId_, but the
01827                * transform we have takes data from odomFrameId_->baseLinkFrameId_, so we need its
01828                * inverse as well. We have now transformed our data from mapFrameId_ to odomFrameId_.
01829                * However, if we want other users to be able to do the same, we need to broadcast
01830                * the inverse of that entire transform.
01831               */
01833               mapOdomTrans.mult(worldBaseLinkTrans, odomBaseLinkTrans);
01835               mapOdomTransMsg.transform = tf2::toMsg(mapOdomTrans);
01836               mapOdomTransMsg.header.stamp = filteredPosition.header.stamp + tfTimeOffset_;
01837               mapOdomTransMsg.header.frame_id = mapFrameId_;
01838               mapOdomTransMsg.child_frame_id = odomFrameId_;
01840               worldTransformBroadcaster.sendTransform(mapOdomTransMsg);
01841             }
01842             catch(...)
01843             {
01844               ROS_ERROR_STREAM_DELAYED_THROTTLE(5.0, "Could not obtain transform from "
01845                                                 << odomFrameId_ << "->" << baseLinkFrameId_);
01846             }
01847           }
01848           else
01849           {
01850             ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Odometry message frame_id was " << filteredPosition.header.frame_id <<
01851                              ", expected " << mapFrameId_ << " or " << odomFrameId_);
01852           }
01853         }
01855         // Fire off the position and the transform
01856         positionPub.publish(filteredPosition);
01858         if (printDiagnostics_)
01859         {
01860           freqDiag.tick();
01861         }
01862       }
01864       // Publish the acceleration if desired and filter is initialized
01865       geometry_msgs::AccelWithCovarianceStamped filteredAcceleration;
01866       if (publishAcceleration_ && getFilteredAccelMessage(filteredAcceleration))
01867       {
01868         accelPub.publish(filteredAcceleration);
01869       }
01871       /* Diagnostics can behave strangely when playing back from bag
01872        * files and using simulated time, so we have to check for
01873        * time suddenly moving backwards as well as the standard
01874        * timeout criterion before publishing. */
01875       double diagDuration = (curTime - lastDiagTime).toSec();
01876       if (printDiagnostics_ && (diagDuration >= diagnosticUpdater_.getPeriod() || diagDuration < 0.0))
01877       {
01878         diagnosticUpdater_.force_update();
01879         lastDiagTime = curTime;
01880       }
01882       // Clear out expired history data
01883       if (smoothLaggedData_)
01884       {
01885         clearExpiredHistory(filter_.getLastMeasurementTime() - historyLength_);
01886       }
01888       if (!loop_rate.sleep())
01889       {
01890         ROS_WARN_STREAM("Failed to meet update rate! Try decreasing the rate, limiting "
01891                         "sensor output frequency, or limiting the number of sensors.");
01892       }
01893     }
01894   }
01896   template<typename T>
01897   void RosFilter<T>::setPoseCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr &msg)
01898   {
01899     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::setPoseCallback ------\nPose message:\n" << *msg);
01901     std::string topicName("setPose");
01903     // Get rid of any initial poses (pretend we've never had a measurement)
01904     initialMeasurements_.clear();
01905     previousMeasurements_.clear();
01906     previousMeasurementCovariances_.clear();
01908     // Clear out the measurement queue so that we don't immediately undo our
01909     // reset.
01910     while (!measurementQueue_.empty() && ros::ok())
01911     {
01912       measurementQueue_.pop();
01913     }
01915     filterStateHistory_.clear();
01916     measurementHistory_.clear();
01918     // Also set the last set pose time, so we ignore all messages
01919     // that occur before it
01920     lastSetPoseTime_ = msg->header.stamp;
01922     // Set the state vector to the reported pose
01923     Eigen::VectorXd measurement(STATE_SIZE);
01924     Eigen::MatrixXd measurementCovariance(STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE);
01925     std::vector<int> updateVector(STATE_SIZE, true);
01927     // We only measure pose variables, so initialize the vector to 0
01928     measurement.setZero();
01930     // Set this to the identity and let the message reset it
01931     measurementCovariance.setIdentity();
01932     measurementCovariance *= 1e-6;
01934     // Prepare the pose data (really just using this to transform it into the target frame).
01935     // Twist data is going to get zeroed out.
01936     preparePose(msg, topicName, worldFrameId_, false, false, false, updateVector, measurement, measurementCovariance);
01938     // For the state
01939     filter_.setState(measurement);
01940     filter_.setEstimateErrorCovariance(measurementCovariance);
01942     filter_.setLastMeasurementTime(ros::Time::now().toSec());
01943     filter_.setLastUpdateTime(ros::Time::now().toSec());
01945     // This method can apparently cancel all callbacks, and may stop the executing of the very callback that we're
01946     // currently in. Therefore, nothing of consequence should come after it.
01947     ros::getGlobalCallbackQueue()->clear();
01949     RF_DEBUG("\n------ /RosFilter::setPoseCallback ------\n");
01950   }
01952   template<typename T>
01953   bool RosFilter<T>::setPoseSrvCallback(robot_localization::SetPose::Request& request,
01954                           robot_localization::SetPose::Response&)
01955   {
01956     geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::Ptr msg;
01957     msg = boost::make_shared<geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped>(request.pose);
01958     setPoseCallback(msg);
01960     return true;
01961   }
01963   template<typename T>
01964   void RosFilter<T>::twistCallback(const geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr &msg,
01965                                    const CallbackData &callbackData,
01966                                    const std::string &targetFrame)
01967   {
01968     const std::string &topicName = callbackData.topicName_;
01970     // If we've just reset the filter, then we want to ignore any messages
01971     // that arrive with an older timestamp
01972     if (msg->header.stamp <= lastSetPoseTime_)
01973     {
01974       std::stringstream stream;
01975       stream << "The " << topicName << " message has a timestamp equal to or before the last filter reset, " <<
01976                 "this message will be ignored. This may indicate an empty or bad timestamp. (message time: " <<
01977                 msg->header.stamp.toSec() << ")";
01978       addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
01979                     topicName + "_timestamp",
01980                     stream.str(),
01981                     false);
01982       return;
01983     }
01985     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::twistCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n"
01986              "Twist message:\n" << *msg);
01988     if (lastMessageTimes_.count(topicName) == 0)
01989     {
01990       lastMessageTimes_.insert(std::pair<std::string, ros::Time>(topicName, msg->header.stamp));
01991     }
01993     // Make sure this message is newer than the last one
01994     if (msg->header.stamp >= lastMessageTimes_[topicName])
01995     {
01996       RF_DEBUG("Update vector for " << topicName << " is:\n" << callbackData.updateVector_);
01998       Eigen::VectorXd measurement(STATE_SIZE);
01999       Eigen::MatrixXd measurementCovariance(STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE);
02001       measurement.setZero();
02002       measurementCovariance.setZero();
02004       // Make sure we're actually updating at least one of these variables
02005       std::vector<int> updateVectorCorrected = callbackData.updateVector_;
02007       // Prepare the twist data for inclusion in the filter
02008       if (prepareTwist(msg, topicName, targetFrame, updateVectorCorrected, measurement, measurementCovariance))
02009       {
02010         // Store the measurement. Add a "twist" suffix so we know what kind of measurement
02011         // we're dealing with when we debug the core filter logic.
02012         enqueueMeasurement(topicName,
02013                            measurement,
02014                            measurementCovariance,
02015                            updateVectorCorrected,
02016                            callbackData.rejectionThreshold_,
02017                            msg->header.stamp);
02019         RF_DEBUG("Enqueued new measurement for " << topicName << "_twist\n");
02020       }
02021       else
02022       {
02023         RF_DEBUG("Did *not* enqueue measurement for " << topicName << "_twist\n");
02024       }
02026       lastMessageTimes_[topicName] = msg->header.stamp;
02028       RF_DEBUG("Last message time for " << topicName << " is now " <<
02029         lastMessageTimes_[topicName] << "\n");
02030     }
02031     else if (resetOnTimeJump_ && ros::Time::isSimTime())
02032     {
02033       reset();
02034     }
02035     else
02036     {
02037       std::stringstream stream;
02038       stream << "The " << topicName << " message has a timestamp before that of the previous message received," <<
02039                 " this message will be ignored. This may indicate a bad timestamp. (message time: " <<
02040                 msg->header.stamp.toSec() << ")";
02041       addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
02042                     topicName + "_timestamp",
02043                     stream.str(),
02044                     false);
02046       RF_DEBUG("Message is too old. Last message time for " << topicName << " is " << lastMessageTimes_[topicName] <<
02047         ", current message time is " << msg->header.stamp << ".\n");
02048     }
02050     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::twistCallback (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
02051   }
02053   template<typename T>
02054   void RosFilter<T>::addDiagnostic(const int errLevel,
02055                                    const std::string &topicAndClass,
02056                                    const std::string &message,
02057                                    const bool staticDiag)
02058   {
02059     if (staticDiag)
02060     {
02061       staticDiagnostics_[topicAndClass] = message;
02062       staticDiagErrorLevel_ = std::max(staticDiagErrorLevel_, errLevel);
02063     }
02064     else
02065     {
02066       dynamicDiagnostics_[topicAndClass] = message;
02067       dynamicDiagErrorLevel_ = std::max(dynamicDiagErrorLevel_, errLevel);
02068     }
02069   }
02071   template<typename T>
02072   void RosFilter<T>::aggregateDiagnostics(diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &wrapper)
02073   {
02074     wrapper.clear();
02075     wrapper.clearSummary();
02077     int maxErrLevel = std::max(staticDiagErrorLevel_, dynamicDiagErrorLevel_);
02079     // Report the overall status
02080     switch (maxErrLevel)
02081     {
02082       case diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::ERROR:
02083         wrapper.summary(maxErrLevel,
02084                         "Erroneous data or settings detected for a robot_localization state estimation node.");
02085         break;
02086       case diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN:
02087         wrapper.summary(maxErrLevel,
02088                         "Potentially erroneous data or settings detected for "
02089                         "a robot_localization state estimation node.");
02090         break;
02091       case diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::STALE:
02092         wrapper.summary(maxErrLevel,
02093                         "The state of the robot_localization state estimation node is stale.");
02094         break;
02095       case diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK:
02096         wrapper.summary(maxErrLevel,
02097                         "The robot_localization state estimation node appears to be functioning properly.");
02098         break;
02099       default:
02100         break;
02101     }
02103     // Aggregate all the static messages
02104     for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator diagIt = staticDiagnostics_.begin();
02105         diagIt != staticDiagnostics_.end();
02106         ++diagIt)
02107     {
02108       wrapper.add(diagIt->first, diagIt->second);
02109     }
02111     // Aggregate all the dynamic messages, then clear them
02112     for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator diagIt = dynamicDiagnostics_.begin();
02113         diagIt != dynamicDiagnostics_.end();
02114         ++diagIt)
02115     {
02116       wrapper.add(diagIt->first, diagIt->second);
02117     }
02118     dynamicDiagnostics_.clear();
02120     // Reset the warning level for the dynamic diagnostic messages
02121     dynamicDiagErrorLevel_ = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK;
02122   }
02124   template<typename T>
02125   void RosFilter<T>::copyCovariance(const double *arr,
02126                                     Eigen::MatrixXd &covariance,
02127                                     const std::string &topicName,
02128                                     const std::vector<int> &updateVector,
02129                                     const size_t offset,
02130                                     const size_t dimension)
02131   {
02132     for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
02133     {
02134       for (size_t j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
02135       {
02136         covariance(i, j) = arr[dimension * i + j];
02138         if (printDiagnostics_)
02139         {
02140           std::string iVar = stateVariableNames_[offset + i];
02142           if (covariance(i, j) > 1e3 && (updateVector[offset  + i] || updateVector[offset  + j]))
02143           {
02144             std::string jVar = stateVariableNames_[offset + j];
02146             std::stringstream stream;
02147             stream << "The covariance at position (" << dimension * i + j << "), which corresponds to " <<
02148                 (i == j ? iVar + " variance" : iVar + " and " + jVar + " covariance") <<
02149                 ", the value is extremely large (" << covariance(i, j) << "), but the update vector for " <<
02150                 (i == j ? iVar : iVar + " and/or " + jVar) << " is set to true. This may produce undesirable results.";
02152             addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
02153                           topicName + "_covariance",
02154                           stream.str(),
02155                           false);
02156           }
02157           else if (updateVector[i] && i == j && covariance(i, j) == 0)
02158           {
02159             std::stringstream stream;
02160             stream << "The covariance at position (" << dimension * i + j << "), which corresponds to " <<
02161                        iVar << " variance, was zero. This will be replaced with a small value to maintain filter "
02162                        "stability, but should be corrected at the message origin node.";
02164             addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
02165                           topicName + "_covariance",
02166                           stream.str(),
02167                           false);
02168           }
02169           else if (updateVector[i] && i == j && covariance(i, j) < 0)
02170           {
02171             std::stringstream stream;
02172             stream << "The covariance at position (" << dimension * i + j <<
02173                       "), which corresponds to " << iVar << " variance, was negative. This will be replaced with a "
02174                       "small positive value to maintain filter stability, but should be corrected at the message "
02175                       "origin node.";
02177             addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
02178                           topicName + "_covariance",
02179                           stream.str(),
02180                           false);
02181           }
02182         }
02183       }
02184     }
02185   }
02187   template<typename T>
02188   void RosFilter<T>::copyCovariance(const Eigen::MatrixXd &covariance,
02189                                  double *arr,
02190                                  const size_t dimension)
02191   {
02192     for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
02193     {
02194       for (size_t j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
02195       {
02196         arr[dimension * i + j] = covariance(i, j);
02197       }
02198     }
02199   }
02201   template<typename T>
02202   std::vector<int> RosFilter<T>::loadUpdateConfig(const std::string &topicName)
02203   {
02204     XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue topicConfig;
02205     std::vector<int> updateVector(STATE_SIZE, 0);
02206     std::string topicConfigName = topicName + "_config";
02208     try
02209     {
02210       nhLocal_.getParam(topicConfigName, topicConfig);
02212       ROS_ASSERT(topicConfig.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
02214       if (topicConfig.size() != STATE_SIZE)
02215       {
02216         ROS_WARN_STREAM("Configuration vector for " << topicConfigName << " should have 15 entries.");
02217       }
02219       for (int i = 0; i < topicConfig.size(); i++)
02220       {
02221         // The double cast looks strange, but we'll get exceptions if we
02222         // remove the cast to bool. vector<bool> is discouraged, so updateVector
02223         // uses integers.
02224         updateVector[i] = static_cast<int>(static_cast<bool>(topicConfig[i]));
02225       }
02226     }
02227     catch (XmlRpc::XmlRpcException &e)
02228     {
02229       ROS_FATAL_STREAM("Could not read sensor update configuration for topic " << topicName <<
02230                        " (type: " << topicConfig.getType() << ", expected: " << XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray
02231                        << "). Error was " << e.getMessage() << "\n");
02232     }
02234     return updateVector;
02235   }
02237   template<typename T>
02238   bool RosFilter<T>::prepareAcceleration(const sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr &msg,
02239                            const std::string &topicName,
02240                            const std::string &targetFrame,
02241                            std::vector<int> &updateVector,
02242                            Eigen::VectorXd &measurement,
02243                            Eigen::MatrixXd &measurementCovariance)
02244   {
02245     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::prepareAcceleration (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
02247     // 1. Get the measurement into a vector
02248     tf2::Vector3 accTmp(msg->linear_acceleration.x,
02249                         msg->linear_acceleration.y,
02250                         msg->linear_acceleration.z);
02252     // Set relevant header info
02253     std::string msgFrame = (msg->header.frame_id == "" ? baseLinkFrameId_ : msg->header.frame_id);
02255     // 2. robot_localization lets users configure which variables from the sensor should be
02256     //    fused with the filter. This is specified at the sensor level. However, the data
02257     //    may go through transforms before being fused with the state estimate. In that case,
02258     //    we need to know which of the transformed variables came from the pre-transformed
02259     //    "approved" variables (i.e., the ones that had "true" in their xxx_config parameter).
02260     //    To do this, we create a pose from the original upate vector, which contains only
02261     //    zeros and ones. This pose goes through the same transforms as the measurement. The
02262     //    non-zero values that result will be used to modify the updateVector.
02263     tf2::Matrix3x3 maskAcc(updateVector[StateMemberAx], 0, 0,
02264                            0, updateVector[StateMemberAy], 0,
02265                            0, 0, updateVector[StateMemberAz]);
02267     // 3. We'll need to rotate the covariance as well
02268     Eigen::MatrixXd covarianceRotated(ACCELERATION_SIZE, ACCELERATION_SIZE);
02269     covarianceRotated.setZero();
02271     this->copyCovariance(&(msg->linear_acceleration_covariance[0]),
02272                          covarianceRotated,
02273                          topicName,
02274                          updateVector,
02275                          POSITION_A_OFFSET,
02276                          ACCELERATION_SIZE);
02278     RF_DEBUG("Original measurement as tf object: " << accTmp <<
02279              "\nOriginal update vector:\n" << updateVector <<
02280              "\nOriginal covariance matrix:\n" << covarianceRotated << "\n");
02282     // 4. We need to transform this into the target frame (probably base_link)
02283     // It's unlikely that we'll get a velocity measurement in another frame, but
02284     // we have to handle the situation.
02285     tf2::Transform targetFrameTrans;
02286     bool canTransform = RosFilterUtilities::lookupTransformSafe(tfBuffer_,
02287                                                                 targetFrame,
02288                                                                 msgFrame,
02289                                                                 msg->header.stamp,
02290                                                                 tfTimeout_,
02291                                                                 targetFrameTrans);
02293     if (canTransform)
02294     {
02295       // We don't know if the user has already handled the removal
02296       // of normal forces, so we use a parameter
02297       if (removeGravitationalAcc_[topicName])
02298       {
02299         tf2::Vector3 normAcc(0, 0, gravitationalAcc_);
02300         tf2::Quaternion curAttitude;
02301         tf2::Transform trans;
02303         if (::fabs(msg->orientation_covariance[0] + 1) < 1e-9)
02304         {
02305           // Imu message contains no orientation, so we should use orientation
02306           // from filter state to transform and remove acceleration
02307           const Eigen::VectorXd &state = filter_.getState();
02308           tf2::Vector3 stateTmp(state(StateMemberRoll),
02309                                 state(StateMemberPitch),
02310                                 state(StateMemberYaw));
02311           // transform state orientation to IMU frame
02312           tf2::Transform imuFrameTrans;
02313           RosFilterUtilities::lookupTransformSafe(tfBuffer_,
02314                                                   msgFrame,
02315                                                   targetFrame,
02316                                                   msg->header.stamp,
02317                                                   tfTimeout_,
02318                                                   imuFrameTrans);
02319           stateTmp = imuFrameTrans.getBasis() * stateTmp;
02320           curAttitude.setRPY(stateTmp.getX(), stateTmp.getY(), stateTmp.getZ());
02321         }
02322         else
02323         {
02324           tf2::fromMsg(msg->orientation, curAttitude);
02325         }
02326         trans.setRotation(curAttitude);
02327         tf2::Vector3 rotNorm = trans.getBasis().inverse() * normAcc;
02328         accTmp.setX(accTmp.getX() - rotNorm.getX());
02329         accTmp.setY(accTmp.getY() - rotNorm.getY());
02330         accTmp.setZ(accTmp.getZ() - rotNorm.getZ());
02332         RF_DEBUG("Orientation is " << curAttitude <<
02333                  "Acceleration due to gravity is " << rotNorm <<
02334                  "After removing acceleration due to gravity, acceleration is " << accTmp << "\n");
02335       }
02337       // Transform to correct frame
02338       // @todo: This needs to take into account offsets from the origin. Right now,
02339       // it assumes that if the sensor is placed at some non-zero offset from the
02340       // vehicle's center, that the vehicle turns with constant velocity. This needs
02341       // to be something like
02342       // accTmp = targetFrameTrans.getBasis() * accTmp - targetFrameTrans.getOrigin().cross(rotation_acceleration);
02343       // We can get rotational acceleration by differentiating the rotational velocity
02344       // (if it's available)
02345       accTmp = targetFrameTrans.getBasis() * accTmp;
02346       maskAcc = targetFrameTrans.getBasis() * maskAcc;
02348       // Now use the mask values to determine which update vector values should be true
02349       updateVector[StateMemberAx] = static_cast<int>(
02350         maskAcc.getRow(StateMemberAx - POSITION_A_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02351       updateVector[StateMemberAy] = static_cast<int>(
02352         maskAcc.getRow(StateMemberAy - POSITION_A_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02353       updateVector[StateMemberAz] = static_cast<int>(
02354         maskAcc.getRow(StateMemberAz - POSITION_A_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02356       RF_DEBUG(msg->header.frame_id << "->" << targetFrame << " transform:\n" << targetFrameTrans <<
02357                "\nAfter applying transform to " << targetFrame << ", update vector is:\n" << updateVector <<
02358                "\nAfter applying transform to " << targetFrame << ", measurement is:\n" << accTmp << "\n");
02360       // 5. Now rotate the covariance: create an augmented
02361       // matrix that contains a 3D rotation matrix in the
02362       // upper-left and lower-right quadrants, and zeros
02363       // elsewhere
02364       tf2::Matrix3x3 rot(targetFrameTrans.getRotation());
02365       Eigen::MatrixXd rot3d(ACCELERATION_SIZE, ACCELERATION_SIZE);
02366       rot3d.setIdentity();
02368       for (size_t rInd = 0; rInd < ACCELERATION_SIZE; ++rInd)
02369       {
02370         rot3d(rInd, 0) = rot.getRow(rInd).getX();
02371         rot3d(rInd, 1) = rot.getRow(rInd).getY();
02372         rot3d(rInd, 2) = rot.getRow(rInd).getZ();
02373       }
02375       // Carry out the rotation
02376       covarianceRotated = rot3d * covarianceRotated.eval() * rot3d.transpose();
02378       RF_DEBUG("Transformed covariance is \n" << covarianceRotated << "\n");
02380       // 6. Store our corrected measurement and covariance
02381       measurement(StateMemberAx) = accTmp.getX();
02382       measurement(StateMemberAy) = accTmp.getY();
02383       measurement(StateMemberAz) = accTmp.getZ();
02385       // Copy the covariances
02387         covarianceRotated.block(0, 0, ACCELERATION_SIZE, ACCELERATION_SIZE);
02389       // 7. Handle 2D mode
02390       if (twoDMode_)
02391       {
02392         forceTwoD(measurement, measurementCovariance, updateVector);
02393       }
02394     }
02395     else
02396     {
02397       RF_DEBUG("Could not transform measurement into " << targetFrame << ". Ignoring...\n");
02398     }
02400     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::prepareAcceleration(" << topicName << ") ------\n");
02402     return canTransform;
02403   }
02405   template<typename T>
02406   bool RosFilter<T>::preparePose(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr &msg,
02407                                  const std::string &topicName,
02408                                  const std::string &targetFrame,
02409                                  const bool differential,
02410                                  const bool relative,
02411                                  const bool imuData,
02412                                  std::vector<int> &updateVector,
02413                                  Eigen::VectorXd &measurement,
02414                                  Eigen::MatrixXd &measurementCovariance)
02415   {
02416     bool retVal = false;
02418     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::preparePose (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
02420     // 1. Get the measurement into a tf-friendly transform (pose) object
02421     tf2::Stamped<tf2::Transform> poseTmp;
02423     // We'll need this later for storing this measurement for differential integration
02424     tf2::Transform curMeasurement;
02426     // Handle issues where frame_id data is not filled out properly
02427     // @todo: verify that this is necessary still. New IMU handling may
02428     // have rendered this obsolete.
02429     std::string finalTargetFrame;
02430     if (targetFrame == "" && msg->header.frame_id == "")
02431     {
02432       // Blank target and message frames mean we can just
02433       // use our world_frame
02434       finalTargetFrame = worldFrameId_;
02435       poseTmp.frame_id_ = finalTargetFrame;
02436     }
02437     else if (targetFrame == "")
02438     {
02439       // A blank target frame means we shouldn't bother
02440       // transforming the data
02441       finalTargetFrame = msg->header.frame_id;
02442       poseTmp.frame_id_ = finalTargetFrame;
02443     }
02444     else
02445     {
02446       // Otherwise, we should use our target frame
02447       finalTargetFrame = targetFrame;
02448       poseTmp.frame_id_ = (differential ? finalTargetFrame : msg->header.frame_id);
02449     }
02451     RF_DEBUG("Final target frame for " << topicName << " is " << finalTargetFrame << "\n");
02453     poseTmp.stamp_ = msg->header.stamp;
02455     // Fill out the position data
02456     poseTmp.setOrigin(tf2::Vector3(msg->pose.pose.position.x,
02457                                    msg->pose.pose.position.y,
02458                                    msg->pose.pose.position.z));
02460     tf2::Quaternion orientation;
02462     // Handle bad (empty) quaternions
02463     if (msg->pose.pose.orientation.x == 0 && msg->pose.pose.orientation.y == 0 &&
02464        msg->pose.pose.orientation.z == 0 && msg->pose.pose.orientation.w == 0)
02465     {
02466       orientation.setValue(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
02468       if (updateVector[StateMemberRoll] || updateVector[StateMemberPitch] || updateVector[StateMemberYaw])
02469       {
02470         std::stringstream stream;
02471         stream << "The " << topicName << " message contains an invalid orientation quaternion, " <<
02472                   "but its configuration is such that orientation data is being used. Correcting...";
02474         addDiagnostic(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN,
02475                       topicName + "_orientation",
02476                       stream.str(),
02477                       false);
02478       }
02479     }
02480     else
02481     {
02482       tf2::fromMsg(msg->pose.pose.orientation, orientation);
02483     }
02485     // Fill out the orientation data
02486     poseTmp.setRotation(orientation);
02488     // 2. Get the target frame transformation
02489     tf2::Transform targetFrameTrans;
02490     bool canTransform = RosFilterUtilities::lookupTransformSafe(tfBuffer_,
02491                                                                 finalTargetFrame,
02492                                                                 poseTmp.frame_id_,
02493                                                                 poseTmp.stamp_,
02494                                                                 tfTimeout_,
02495                                                                 targetFrameTrans);
02497     // 3. Make sure we can work with this data before carrying on
02498     if (canTransform)
02499     {
02500       /* 4. robot_localization lets users configure which variables from the sensor should be
02501        *    fused with the filter. This is specified at the sensor level. However, the data
02502        *    may go through transforms before being fused with the state estimate. In that case,
02503        *    we need to know which of the transformed variables came from the pre-transformed
02504        *    "approved" variables (i.e., the ones that had "true" in their xxx_config parameter).
02505        *    To do this, we construct matrices using the update vector values on the diagonals,
02506        *    pass this matrix through the rotation, and use the length of each row to determine
02507        *    the transformed update vector. The process is slightly different for IMUs, as the
02508        *    coordinate frame transform is really the base_link->imu_frame transform, and not
02509        *    a transform from some other world-fixed frame (even though the IMU data itself *is*
02510        *    reported in a world fixed frame). */
02511       tf2::Matrix3x3 maskPosition(updateVector[StateMemberX], 0, 0,
02512                                   0, updateVector[StateMemberY], 0,
02513                                   0, 0, updateVector[StateMemberZ]);
02515       tf2::Matrix3x3 maskOrientation(updateVector[StateMemberRoll], 0, 0,
02516                                      0, updateVector[StateMemberPitch], 0,
02517                                      0, 0, updateVector[StateMemberYaw]);
02519       if (imuData)
02520       {
02521         /* We have to treat IMU orientation data differently. Even though we are dealing with pose
02522          * data when we work with orientations, for IMUs, the frame_id is the frame in which the
02523          * sensor is mounted, and not the coordinate frame of the IMU. Imagine an IMU that is mounted
02524          * facing sideways. The pitch in the IMU frame becomes roll for the vehicle. This means that
02525          * we need to rotate roll and pitch angles by the IMU's mounting yaw offset, and we must apply
02526          * similar treatment to its update mask and covariance. */
02528         double dummy, yaw;
02529         targetFrameTrans.getBasis().getRPY(dummy, dummy, yaw);
02530         tf2::Matrix3x3 transTmp;
02531         transTmp.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, yaw);
02533         maskPosition = transTmp * maskPosition;
02534         maskOrientation = transTmp * maskOrientation;
02535       }
02536       else
02537       {
02538         maskPosition = targetFrameTrans.getBasis() * maskPosition;
02539         maskOrientation = targetFrameTrans.getBasis() * maskOrientation;
02540       }
02542       // Now copy the mask values back into the update vector: any row with a significant vector length
02543       // indicates that we want to set that variable to true in the update vector.
02544       updateVector[StateMemberX] = static_cast<int>(
02545         maskPosition.getRow(StateMemberX - POSITION_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02546       updateVector[StateMemberY] = static_cast<int>(
02547         maskPosition.getRow(StateMemberY - POSITION_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02548       updateVector[StateMemberZ] = static_cast<int>(
02549         maskPosition.getRow(StateMemberZ - POSITION_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02550       updateVector[StateMemberRoll] = static_cast<int>(
02551         maskOrientation.getRow(StateMemberRoll - ORIENTATION_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02552       updateVector[StateMemberPitch] = static_cast<int>(
02553         maskOrientation.getRow(StateMemberPitch - ORIENTATION_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02554       updateVector[StateMemberYaw] = static_cast<int>(
02555         maskOrientation.getRow(StateMemberYaw - ORIENTATION_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02557       // 5a. We'll need to rotate the covariance as well. Create a container and copy over the
02558       // covariance data
02559       Eigen::MatrixXd covariance(POSE_SIZE, POSE_SIZE);
02560       covariance.setZero();
02561       copyCovariance(&(msg->pose.covariance[0]), covariance, topicName, updateVector, POSITION_OFFSET, POSE_SIZE);
02563       // 5b. Now rotate the covariance: create an augmented matrix that
02564       // contains a 3D rotation matrix in the upper-left and lower-right
02565       // quadrants, with zeros elsewhere.
02566       tf2::Matrix3x3 rot;
02567       Eigen::MatrixXd rot6d(POSE_SIZE, POSE_SIZE);
02568       rot6d.setIdentity();
02569       Eigen::MatrixXd covarianceRotated;
02571       if (imuData)
02572       {
02573         // Apply the same special logic to the IMU covariance rotation
02574         double dummy, yaw;
02575         targetFrameTrans.getBasis().getRPY(dummy, dummy, yaw);
02576         rot.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, yaw);
02577       }
02578       else
02579       {
02580         rot.setRotation(targetFrameTrans.getRotation());
02581       }
02583       for (size_t rInd = 0; rInd < POSITION_SIZE; ++rInd)
02584       {
02585         rot6d(rInd, 0) = rot.getRow(rInd).getX();
02586         rot6d(rInd, 1) = rot.getRow(rInd).getY();
02587         rot6d(rInd, 2) = rot.getRow(rInd).getZ();
02588         rot6d(rInd+POSITION_SIZE, 3) = rot.getRow(rInd).getX();
02589         rot6d(rInd+POSITION_SIZE, 4) = rot.getRow(rInd).getY();
02590         rot6d(rInd+POSITION_SIZE, 5) = rot.getRow(rInd).getZ();
02591       }
02593       // Now carry out the rotation
02594       covarianceRotated = rot6d * covariance * rot6d.transpose();
02596       RF_DEBUG("After rotating into the " << finalTargetFrame <<
02597                " frame, covariance is \n" << covarianceRotated <<  "\n");
02599       /* 6a. For IMU data, the transform that we get is the transform from the body
02600        * frame of the robot (e.g., base_link) to the mounting frame of the robot. It
02601        * is *not* the coordinate frame in which the IMU orientation data is reported.
02602        * If the IMU is mounted in a non-neutral orientation, we need to remove those
02603        * offsets, and then we need to potentially "swap" roll and pitch.
02604        * Note that this transform does NOT handle NED->ENU conversions. Data is assumed
02605        * to be in the ENU frame when it is received.
02606        * */
02607       if (imuData)
02608       {
02609         // First, convert the transform and measurement rotation to RPY
02610         // @todo: There must be a way to handle this with quaternions. Need to look into it.
02611         double rollOffset = 0;
02612         double pitchOffset = 0;
02613         double yawOffset = 0;
02614         double roll = 0;
02615         double pitch = 0;
02616         double yaw = 0;
02617         RosFilterUtilities::quatToRPY(targetFrameTrans.getRotation(), rollOffset, pitchOffset, yawOffset);
02618         RosFilterUtilities::quatToRPY(poseTmp.getRotation(), roll, pitch, yaw);
02620         // 6b. Apply the offset (making sure to bound them), and throw them in a vector
02621         tf2::Vector3 rpyAngles(FilterUtilities::clampRotation(roll - rollOffset),
02622                                FilterUtilities::clampRotation(pitch - pitchOffset),
02623                                FilterUtilities::clampRotation(yaw - yawOffset));
02625         // 6c. Now we need to rotate the roll and pitch by the yaw offset value.
02626         // Imagine a case where an IMU is mounted facing sideways. In that case
02627         // pitch for the IMU's world frame is roll for the robot.
02628         tf2::Matrix3x3 mat;
02629         mat.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, yawOffset);
02630         rpyAngles = mat * rpyAngles;
02631         poseTmp.getBasis().setRPY(rpyAngles.getX(), rpyAngles.getY(), rpyAngles.getZ());
02633         // We will use this target transformation later on, but
02634         // we've already transformed this data as if the IMU
02635         // were mounted neutrall on the robot, so we can just
02636         // make the transform the identity.
02637         targetFrameTrans.setIdentity();
02638       }
02640       // 7. Two cases: if we're in differential mode, we need to generate a twist
02641       // message. Otherwise, we just transform it to the target frame.
02642       if (differential)
02643       {
02644         bool success = false;
02646         // We're going to be playing with poseTmp, so store it,
02647         // as we'll need to save its current value for the next
02648         // measurement.
02649         curMeasurement = poseTmp;
02651         // Make sure we have previous measurements to work with
02652         if (previousMeasurements_.count(topicName) > 0 && previousMeasurementCovariances_.count(topicName) > 0)
02653         {
02654           // 7a. If we are carrying out differential integration and
02655           // we have a previous measurement for this sensor,then we
02656           // need to apply the inverse of that measurement to this new
02657           // measurement to produce a "delta" measurement between the two.
02658           // Even if we're not using all of the variables from this sensor,
02659           // we need to use the whole measurement to determine the delta
02660           // to the new measurement
02661           tf2::Transform prevMeasurement = previousMeasurements_[topicName];
02662           poseTmp.setData(prevMeasurement.inverseTimes(poseTmp));
02664           RF_DEBUG("Previous measurement:\n" << previousMeasurements_[topicName] <<
02665                    "\nAfter removing previous measurement, measurement delta is:\n" << poseTmp << "\n");
02667           // 7b. Now we we have a measurement delta in the frame_id of the
02668           // message, but we want that delta to be in the target frame, so
02669           // we need to apply the rotation of the target frame transform.
02670           targetFrameTrans.setOrigin(tf2::Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
02671           poseTmp.mult(targetFrameTrans, poseTmp);
02673           RF_DEBUG("After rotating to the target frame, measurement delta is:\n" << poseTmp << "\n");
02675           // 7c. Now use the time difference from the last message to compute
02676           // translational and rotational velocities
02677           double dt = msg->header.stamp.toSec() - lastMessageTimes_[topicName].toSec();
02678           double xVel = poseTmp.getOrigin().getX() / dt;
02679           double yVel = poseTmp.getOrigin().getY() / dt;
02680           double zVel = poseTmp.getOrigin().getZ() / dt;
02682           double rollVel = 0;
02683           double pitchVel = 0;
02684           double yawVel = 0;
02686           RosFilterUtilities::quatToRPY(poseTmp.getRotation(), rollVel, pitchVel, yawVel);
02687           rollVel /= dt;
02688           pitchVel /= dt;
02689           yawVel /= dt;
02691           RF_DEBUG("Previous message time was " << lastMessageTimes_[topicName].toSec() <<
02692                    ", current message time is " << msg->header.stamp.toSec() << ", delta is " <<
02693                    dt << ", velocity is (vX, vY, vZ): (" << xVel << ", " << yVel << ", " << zVel <<
02694                    ")\n" << "(vRoll, vPitch, vYaw): (" << rollVel << ", " << pitchVel << ", " <<
02695                    yawVel << ")\n");
02697           // 7d. Fill out the velocity data in the message
02698           geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped *twistPtr = new geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped();
02699           twistPtr->header = msg->header;
02700           twistPtr->header.frame_id = baseLinkFrameId_;
02701           twistPtr->twist.twist.linear.x = xVel;
02702           twistPtr->twist.twist.linear.y = yVel;
02703           twistPtr->twist.twist.linear.z = zVel;
02704           twistPtr->twist.twist.angular.x = rollVel;
02705           twistPtr->twist.twist.angular.y = pitchVel;
02706           twistPtr->twist.twist.angular.z = yawVel;
02707           std::vector<int> twistUpdateVec(STATE_SIZE, false);
02708           std::copy(updateVector.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET,
02709                     updateVector.begin() + POSE_SIZE,
02710                     twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET);
02711           std::copy(twistUpdateVec.begin(), twistUpdateVec.end(), updateVector.begin());
02712           geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStampedConstPtr ptr(twistPtr);
02714           // 7e. Now rotate the previous covariance for this measurement to get it
02715           // into the target frame, and add the current measurement's rotated covariance
02716           // to the previous measurement's rotated covariance, and multiply by the time delta.
02717           Eigen::MatrixXd prevCovarRotated = rot6d * previousMeasurementCovariances_[topicName] * rot6d.transpose();
02718           covarianceRotated = (covarianceRotated.eval() + prevCovarRotated) * dt;
02719           copyCovariance(covarianceRotated, &(twistPtr->twist.covariance[0]), POSE_SIZE);
02721           RF_DEBUG("Previous measurement covariance:\n" << previousMeasurementCovariances_[topicName] <<
02722                    "\nPrevious measurement covariance rotated:\n" << prevCovarRotated <<
02723                    "\nFinal twist covariance:\n" << covarianceRotated << "\n");
02725           // Now pass this on to prepareTwist, which will convert it to the required frame
02726           success = prepareTwist(ptr,
02727                                  topicName + "_twist",
02728                                  twistPtr->header.frame_id,
02729                                  updateVector,
02730                                  measurement,
02731                                  measurementCovariance);
02732         }
02734         // 7f. Update the previous measurement and measurement covariance
02735         previousMeasurements_[topicName] = curMeasurement;
02736         previousMeasurementCovariances_[topicName] = covariance;
02738         retVal = success;
02739       }
02740       else
02741       {
02742         // 7g. If we're in relative mode, remove the initial measurement
02743         if (relative)
02744         {
02745           if (initialMeasurements_.count(topicName) == 0)
02746           {
02747             initialMeasurements_.insert(std::pair<std::string, tf2::Transform>(topicName, poseTmp));
02748           }
02750           tf2::Transform initialMeasurement = initialMeasurements_[topicName];
02751           poseTmp.setData(initialMeasurement.inverseTimes(poseTmp));
02752         }
02754         // 7h. Apply the target frame transformation to the pose object.
02755         poseTmp.mult(targetFrameTrans, poseTmp);
02756         poseTmp.frame_id_ = finalTargetFrame;
02758         // 7i. Finally, copy everything into our measurement and covariance objects
02759         measurement(StateMemberX) = poseTmp.getOrigin().x();
02760         measurement(StateMemberY) = poseTmp.getOrigin().y();
02761         measurement(StateMemberZ) = poseTmp.getOrigin().z();
02763         // The filter needs roll, pitch, and yaw values instead of quaternions
02764         double roll, pitch, yaw;
02765         RosFilterUtilities::quatToRPY(poseTmp.getRotation(), roll, pitch, yaw);
02766         measurement(StateMemberRoll) = roll;
02767         measurement(StateMemberPitch) = pitch;
02768         measurement(StateMemberYaw) = yaw;
02770         measurementCovariance.block(0, 0, POSE_SIZE, POSE_SIZE) = covarianceRotated.block(0, 0, POSE_SIZE, POSE_SIZE);
02772         // 8. Handle 2D mode
02773         if (twoDMode_)
02774         {
02775           forceTwoD(measurement, measurementCovariance, updateVector);
02776         }
02778         retVal = true;
02779       }
02780     }
02781     else
02782     {
02783       retVal = false;
02785       RF_DEBUG("Could not transform measurement into " << finalTargetFrame << ". Ignoring...");
02786     }
02788     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::preparePose (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
02790     return retVal;
02791   }
02793   template<typename T>
02794   bool RosFilter<T>::prepareTwist(const geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr &msg,
02795                                const std::string &topicName,
02796                                const std::string &targetFrame,
02797                                std::vector<int> &updateVector,
02798                                Eigen::VectorXd &measurement,
02799                                Eigen::MatrixXd &measurementCovariance)
02800   {
02801     RF_DEBUG("------ RosFilter::prepareTwist (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
02803     // 1. Get the measurement into two separate vector objects.
02804     tf2::Vector3 twistLin(msg->twist.twist.linear.x,
02805                           msg->twist.twist.linear.y,
02806                           msg->twist.twist.linear.z);
02807     tf2::Vector3 measTwistRot(msg->twist.twist.angular.x,
02808                               msg->twist.twist.angular.y,
02809                               msg->twist.twist.angular.z);
02811     // 1a. This sensor may or may not measure rotational velocity. Regardless,
02812     // if it measures linear velocity, then later on, we'll need to remove "false"
02813     // linear velocity resulting from angular velocity and the translational offset
02814     // of the sensor from the vehicle origin.
02815     const Eigen::VectorXd &state = filter_.getState();
02816     tf2::Vector3 stateTwistRot(state(StateMemberVroll),
02817                                state(StateMemberVpitch),
02818                                state(StateMemberVyaw));
02820     // Determine the frame_id of the data
02821     std::string msgFrame = (msg->header.frame_id == "" ? targetFrame : msg->header.frame_id);
02823     // 2. robot_localization lets users configure which variables from the sensor should be
02824     //    fused with the filter. This is specified at the sensor level. However, the data
02825     //    may go through transforms before being fused with the state estimate. In that case,
02826     //    we need to know which of the transformed variables came from the pre-transformed
02827     //    "approved" variables (i.e., the ones that had "true" in their xxx_config parameter).
02828     //    To do this, we construct matrices using the update vector values on the diagonals,
02829     //    pass this matrix through the rotation, and use the length of each row to determine
02830     //    the transformed update vector.
02831     tf2::Matrix3x3 maskLin(updateVector[StateMemberVx], 0, 0,
02832                            0, updateVector[StateMemberVy], 0,
02833                            0, 0, updateVector[StateMemberVz]);
02835     tf2::Matrix3x3 maskRot(updateVector[StateMemberVroll], 0, 0,
02836                            0, updateVector[StateMemberVpitch], 0,
02837                            0, 0, updateVector[StateMemberVyaw]);
02839     // 3. We'll need to rotate the covariance as well
02840     Eigen::MatrixXd covarianceRotated(TWIST_SIZE, TWIST_SIZE);
02841     covarianceRotated.setZero();
02843     copyCovariance(&(msg->twist.covariance[0]),
02844                    covarianceRotated,
02845                    topicName,
02846                    updateVector,
02847                    POSITION_V_OFFSET,
02848                    TWIST_SIZE);
02850     RF_DEBUG("Original measurement as tf object:\nLinear: " << twistLin <<
02851              "Rotational: " << measTwistRot <<
02852              "\nOriginal update vector:\n" << updateVector <<
02853              "\nOriginal covariance matrix:\n" << covarianceRotated << "\n");
02855     // 4. We need to transform this into the target frame (probably base_link)
02856     tf2::Transform targetFrameTrans;
02857     bool canTransform = RosFilterUtilities::lookupTransformSafe(tfBuffer_,
02858                                                                 targetFrame,
02859                                                                 msgFrame,
02860                                                                 msg->header.stamp,
02861                                                                 tfTimeout_,
02862                                                                 targetFrameTrans);
02864     if (canTransform)
02865     {
02866       // Transform to correct frame. Note that we can get linear velocity
02867       // as a result of the sensor offset and rotational velocity
02868       measTwistRot = targetFrameTrans.getBasis() * measTwistRot;
02869       twistLin = targetFrameTrans.getBasis() * twistLin + targetFrameTrans.getOrigin().cross(stateTwistRot);
02870       maskLin = targetFrameTrans.getBasis() * maskLin;
02871       maskRot = targetFrameTrans.getBasis() * maskRot;
02873       // Now copy the mask values back into the update vector
02874       updateVector[StateMemberVx] = static_cast<int>(
02875         maskLin.getRow(StateMemberVx - POSITION_V_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02876       updateVector[StateMemberVy] = static_cast<int>(
02877         maskLin.getRow(StateMemberVy - POSITION_V_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02878       updateVector[StateMemberVz] = static_cast<int>(
02879         maskLin.getRow(StateMemberVz - POSITION_V_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02880       updateVector[StateMemberVroll] = static_cast<int>(
02881         maskRot.getRow(StateMemberVroll - ORIENTATION_V_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02882       updateVector[StateMemberVpitch] = static_cast<int>(
02883         maskRot.getRow(StateMemberVpitch - ORIENTATION_V_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02884       updateVector[StateMemberVyaw] = static_cast<int>(
02885         maskRot.getRow(StateMemberVyaw - ORIENTATION_V_OFFSET).length() >= 1e-6);
02887       RF_DEBUG(msg->header.frame_id << "->" << targetFrame << " transform:\n" << targetFrameTrans <<
02888                "\nAfter applying transform to " << targetFrame << ", update vector is:\n" << updateVector <<
02889                "\nAfter applying transform to " << targetFrame << ", measurement is:\n" <<
02890                "Linear: " << twistLin << "Rotational: " << measTwistRot << "\n");
02892       // 5. Now rotate the covariance: create an augmented
02893       // matrix that contains a 3D rotation matrix in the
02894       // upper-left and lower-right quadrants, and zeros
02895       // elsewhere
02896       tf2::Matrix3x3 rot(targetFrameTrans.getRotation());
02897       Eigen::MatrixXd rot6d(TWIST_SIZE, TWIST_SIZE);
02898       rot6d.setIdentity();
02900       for (size_t rInd = 0; rInd < POSITION_SIZE; ++rInd)
02901       {
02902         rot6d(rInd, 0) = rot.getRow(rInd).getX();
02903         rot6d(rInd, 1) = rot.getRow(rInd).getY();
02904         rot6d(rInd, 2) = rot.getRow(rInd).getZ();
02905         rot6d(rInd+POSITION_SIZE, 3) = rot.getRow(rInd).getX();
02906         rot6d(rInd+POSITION_SIZE, 4) = rot.getRow(rInd).getY();
02907         rot6d(rInd+POSITION_SIZE, 5) = rot.getRow(rInd).getZ();
02908       }
02910       // Carry out the rotation
02911       covarianceRotated = rot6d * covarianceRotated.eval() * rot6d.transpose();
02913       RF_DEBUG("Transformed covariance is \n" << covarianceRotated << "\n");
02915       // 6. Store our corrected measurement and covariance
02916       measurement(StateMemberVx) = twistLin.getX();
02917       measurement(StateMemberVy) = twistLin.getY();
02918       measurement(StateMemberVz) = twistLin.getZ();
02919       measurement(StateMemberVroll) = measTwistRot.getX();
02920       measurement(StateMemberVpitch) = measTwistRot.getY();
02921       measurement(StateMemberVyaw) = measTwistRot.getZ();
02923       // Copy the covariances
02924       measurementCovariance.block(POSITION_V_OFFSET, POSITION_V_OFFSET, TWIST_SIZE, TWIST_SIZE) =
02925         covarianceRotated.block(0, 0, TWIST_SIZE, TWIST_SIZE);
02927       // 7. Handle 2D mode
02928       if (twoDMode_)
02929       {
02930         forceTwoD(measurement, measurementCovariance, updateVector);
02931       }
02932     }
02933     else
02934     {
02935       RF_DEBUG("Could not transform measurement into " << targetFrame << ". Ignoring...");
02936     }
02938     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::prepareTwist (" << topicName << ") ------\n");
02940     return canTransform;
02941   }
02943   template<typename T>
02944   void RosFilter<T>::saveFilterState(FilterBase& filter)
02945   {
02946     FilterStatePtr state = FilterStatePtr(new FilterState());
02947     state->state_ = Eigen::VectorXd(filter.getState());
02948     state->estimateErrorCovariance_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(filter.getEstimateErrorCovariance());
02949     state->lastMeasurementTime_ = filter.getLastMeasurementTime();
02950     state->latestControl_ = Eigen::VectorXd(filter.getControl());
02951     state->latestControlTime_ = filter.getControlTime();
02952     filterStateHistory_.push_back(state);
02953     RF_DEBUG("Saved state with timestamp " << std::setprecision(20) << state->lastMeasurementTime_ <<
02954              " to history. " << filterStateHistory_.size() << " measurements are in the queue.\n");
02955   }
02957   template<typename T>
02958   bool RosFilter<T>::revertTo(const double time)
02959   {
02960     RF_DEBUG("\n----- RosFilter::revertTo -----\n");
02961     RF_DEBUG("\nRequested time was " << std::setprecision(20) << time << "\n")
02963     // Walk back through the queue until we reach a filter state whose time stamp is less than or equal to the
02964     // requested time. Since every saved state after that time will be overwritten/corrected, we can pop from
02965     // the queue. If the history is insufficiently short, we just take the oldest state we have.
02966     FilterStatePtr lastHistoryState;
02967     while (!filterStateHistory_.empty() && filterStateHistory_.back()->lastMeasurementTime_ > time)
02968     {
02969       lastHistoryState = filterStateHistory_.back();
02970       filterStateHistory_.pop_back();
02971     }
02973     // If the state history is not empty at this point, it means that our history was large enough, and we
02974     // should revert to the state at the back of the history deque.
02975     bool retVal = false;
02976     if (!filterStateHistory_.empty())
02977     {
02978       retVal = true;
02979       lastHistoryState = filterStateHistory_.back();
02980     }
02981     else
02982     {
02983       RF_DEBUG("Insufficient history to revert to time " << time << "\n");
02985       if (lastHistoryState.get() != NULL)
02986       {
02987         RF_DEBUG("Will revert to oldest state at " << lastHistoryState->latestControlTime_ << ".\n");
02988       }
02989     }
02991     // If we have a valid reversion state, revert
02992     if (lastHistoryState.get() != NULL)
02993     {
02994       // Reset filter to the latest state from the queue.
02995       const FilterStatePtr &state = lastHistoryState;
02996       filter_.setState(state->state_);
02997       filter_.setEstimateErrorCovariance(state->estimateErrorCovariance_);
02998       filter_.setLastMeasurementTime(state->lastMeasurementTime_);
03000       RF_DEBUG("Reverted to state with time " << std::setprecision(20) << state->lastMeasurementTime_ << "\n");
03001     }
03003     // Repeat for measurements, but push every measurement onto the measurement queue as we go
03004     int restored_measurements = 0;
03005     while (!measurementHistory_.empty() && measurementHistory_.back()->time_ > time)
03006     {
03007       measurementQueue_.push(measurementHistory_.back());
03008       measurementHistory_.pop_back();
03009       restored_measurements++;
03010     }
03012     RF_DEBUG("Restored " << restored_measurements << " to measurement queue.\n");
03014     RF_DEBUG("\n----- /RosFilter::revertTo\n");
03016     return retVal;
03017   }
03019   template<typename T>
03020   void RosFilter<T>::clearExpiredHistory(const double cutOffTime)
03021   {
03022     RF_DEBUG("\n----- RosFilter::clearExpiredHistory -----" <<
03023              "\nCutoff time is " << cutOffTime << "\n");
03025     int poppedMeasurements = 0;
03026     int poppedStates = 0;
03028     while (!measurementHistory_.empty() && measurementHistory_.front()->time_ < cutOffTime)
03029     {
03030       measurementHistory_.pop_front();
03031       poppedMeasurements++;
03032     }
03034     while (!filterStateHistory_.empty() && filterStateHistory_.front()->lastMeasurementTime_ < cutOffTime)
03035     {
03036       filterStateHistory_.pop_front();
03037       poppedStates++;
03038     }
03040     RF_DEBUG("\nPopped " << poppedMeasurements << " measurements and " <<
03041              poppedStates << " states from their respective queues." <<
03042              "\n---- /RosFilter::clearExpiredHistory ----\n");
03043   }
03044 }  // namespace RobotLocalization
03046 // Instantiations of classes is required when template class code
03047 // is placed in a .cpp file.
03048 template class RobotLocalization::RosFilter<RobotLocalization::Ekf>;
03049 template class RobotLocalization::RosFilter<RobotLocalization::Ukf>;

Author(s): Tom Moore
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:01:48