Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <ros/ros.h>
00002 #include <geometry_msgs/Point.h>
00003 #include <geometry_msgs/Pose.h>
00004 #include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
00005 #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
00006 #include <geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.h>
00007 #include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
00008 #include <visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.h>
00009 #include <riskrrt/PoseTwistStamped.h>
00010 #include <riskrrt/Trajectory.h>
00011 #include <nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid.h>
00012 #include <riskrrt/OccupancyGridArray.h>
00013 #include <vector>
00014 #include <tf/tf.h>
00016 using namespace std;
00018 struct Params{
00019         double timeStep;//time step between each node (s)
00020   int maxDepth;//maximum depth a node can have
00021   int nv;//discretization of the robot's linear speed, used to create the set of possible controls from a node
00022   int nphi;//discretization of the robot's angular speed, used to create the set of possible controls from a node
00023   double threshold;//maximum risk value a node can have to be considered free
00024   double socialWeight;//weight of the risk component in the computation of the node's score
00025   double rotationWeight;//weight of the node's orientation toward the goal (compared to the distance)
00026   double growTime;//time allocated for the tree growth between map updates (s) /!\: issue forces growtime < timestep
00027   double bias;//percentage of the time the final goal is chosen as random goal
00028   double goalTh;//maximum distance the robot can be from the final goal to consider the goal reached (m)
00029   double windowSize;//size of the window from which to pick a random goal (m)
00030   double robotLength;//robot lenght (m) /!\: the wheel axis is assumed to be in the middle
00031   double robotWidth;//robot width (m)
00032   double vMin;//minimum robot linear speed (m/s), set it to 0 or a negative value to allow reverse
00033   double vMax;//maximum robot linear speed (m/s)
00034   double accMax;//maximum linear acceleration (m/s^2)
00035   double omegaMax;//maximum angular speed (rad/s)
00036   double accOmegaMax;//maximum angular acceleration (rad/s^2)
00037 };
00039 struct custom_pose{//function provided by the tf library to get yaw from quaternion is terrible, hence this.
00040   double x;//in meters
00041   double y;//in meters
00042   double theta;//in radians (-PI, PI)
00043 };
00045 struct Control{
00046   geometry_msgs::Twist twist;
00047   bool open;//whether the control has already been tested or not (doesn't matter if the resulting node was in collision or was effectively added to the tree)
00048 };
00050 struct Node{
00051   ros::Time time;//time at which node is valid
00052   custom_pose pose;//pose of the node
00053   geometry_msgs::Twist vel;//velocity the robot should have at this node
00054   Node* parent;//parent node
00055   vector<Node*> sons;//list of sons
00056   vector<Control> possible_controls;//list of all possible controls from that node considering nv, nphi, velocities and acceleration limits
00057   double risk;//node risk (=/= node weight, we don't consider distance to goal)
00058   int depth;//depth of node in the tree
00059   bool isFree;//false if the node is in collision (the risk is higher than the threshold set by user)
00060   bool isOpen;//true if at least one control among all possible controls remain open
00061 };
00064 class RRT{
00065 public:
00068   ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle;
00069   custom_pose robot_pose;//pose of the robot
00070   geometry_msgs::Twist robot_vel;//velocity of the robot
00071   Node* root;//tree root
00072   Node* best_node;//best node to reach final goal (=/= best node to reach random goal)
00073   vector<Node*> candidate_nodes;//all the nodes that are candidates to grow, list is created and updated during growing phase, then deleted
00074   custom_pose final_goal;//final goal set by user (=/= random goal)
00075   bool goal_received;//flag to know when a new goal has been received
00076   bool robot_on_traj;//is the robot close enough to its theoretical pose, flag for reinit
00077   riskrrt::OccupancyGridArray og_array;//array of maps, time of map = timeStep * position in array. TODO: multiple gridArray
00078   riskrrt::Trajectory traj_msg;//trajectory msg for controller
00079   vector<Node*> traj;//trajectory with pointer to the nodes, used to update tree
00080   Params params;//list of params
00081   //tree markers
00082   visualization_msgs::MarkerArray node_markers;
00083   visualization_msgs::MarkerArray path_markers;
00084   //subscribers
00085   ros::Subscriber controllerFeedbackSubscriber;
00086   ros::Subscriber ogArraySubscriber;
00087   ros::Subscriber poseSubscriber;
00088   ros::Subscriber goalSubscriber;
00089   ros::Subscriber odomSubscriber;
00093   RRT(Params params);
00094   ~RRT();
00095   void init();//initialisation, creates a root at robot location
00096   void grow();//adds 1 new node to the tree
00097   void grow_to_goal(Node* best_node, custom_pose goal);//TODO
00098   void update();//updates the tree, deletes unreachable nodes and updates remaining nodes
00099   void updateNodes();//depth first update of all nodes in tree, also creates node markers
00100   void deleteUnreachableNodes(Node* new_root);//deletes the tree minus the subtree defined by new_root
00101   Node* chooseBestNode(custom_pose goal);//returns the best node among candidates nodes with respect to goal
00102   void findPath();//select the best node with respect to the final goal and creates the path from root to that node
00103   bool isGoalReached();//returns true if robot close enough to the goal (threshold set by user)
00104   custom_pose chooseRandomGoal();//returns a random pose inside a user defined window
00105   double computeNodeWeight(Node* node, custom_pose goal);//returns the node score given the goal to reach (final or random)
00106   void extend(Node* node, custom_pose random_goal);//extends the tree from by creating a new node given an already existing node and a goal 
00107   vector<Control> discretizeVelocities(Node* node);//returns a list of all possible controls for a node
00108   double trajLength(custom_pose pose, custom_pose goal);//return a distance from pose to goal based on both euclidian distance and orientation
00109   custom_pose robotKinematic(custom_pose pose, Control control);//get the pose of the new node for a differential robot
00110   double computeControlScore(custom_pose expected_pose, custom_pose random_goal);//returns control score given the pose that would be obtained by applying the control during timestep and a goal
00111   double computeNodeRisk(Node* node);//read the risks from the grid and compute a global risk
00113   //bunch of functions to help switching between coordinates types
00114   int gridIndexFromPose(custom_pose pose);
00115   int gridIFromPose(custom_pose pose);
00116   int gridJFromPose(custom_pose pose);
00117   int gridIndexFromCoord(int i, int j);
00118   int gridIFromIndex(int index);
00119   int gridJFromIndex(int index);
00120   custom_pose poseFromGridIndex(int index);
00121   custom_pose poseFromGridCoord(int i, int j);
00123   //subscribers initializations and callbacks
00124   void controllerFeedbackCallback(const std_msgs::Bool::ConstPtr& msg);
00125   void initcontrollerFeedbackSub();
00126   void ogArrayCallback(const riskrrt::OccupancyGridArray::ConstPtr& msg);
00127   void initOgArraySub();
00128   void odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg);
00129   void initOdomSub();
00130   void poseCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr& msg);
00131   void initPoseSub();
00132   void goalCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr& msg);
00133   void initGoalSub();
00135 };

Author(s): Gregoire Vignon
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 18:42:06