xpath_string Member List
This is the complete list of members for xpath_string, including all inherited members.
_bufferxpath_string [private]
_length_heapxpath_string [private]
_uses_heapxpath_string [private]
append(const xpath_string &o, xpath_allocator *alloc)xpath_string [inline]
c_str() const xpath_string [inline]
data(xpath_allocator *alloc)xpath_string [inline]
duplicate_string(const char_t *string, size_t length, xpath_allocator *alloc)xpath_string [inline, private, static]
empty() const xpath_string [inline]
from_const(const char_t *str)xpath_string [inline, static]
from_heap(const char_t *begin, const char_t *end, xpath_allocator *alloc)xpath_string [inline, static]
from_heap_preallocated(const char_t *begin, const char_t *end)xpath_string [inline, static]
length() const xpath_string [inline]
operator!=(const xpath_string &o) const xpath_string [inline]
operator==(const xpath_string &o) const xpath_string [inline]
uses_heap() const xpath_string [inline]
xpath_string(const char_t *buffer, bool uses_heap_, size_t length_heap)xpath_string [inline, private]
xpath_string()xpath_string [inline]

Author(s): Jose Luis Sanchez-Lopez
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:00:00