Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
karto::List< T > Class Template Reference

#include <List.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef ConstListIterator< TConstIterator
typedef ListIterator< TIterator

Public Member Functions

virtual void Add (const T &rValue)
virtual void Add (const List &rValue)
virtual const TBack () const
kt_int32s BinarySearch (const T &rValue, kt_int32s(*f)(const T &a, const T &b))
virtual void Clear ()
virtual kt_bool Contains (const T &rValue) const
void EnsureCapacity (kt_size_t newCapacity)
TFind (const T &rValue)
virtual const TFront () const
virtual TGet (kt_size_t index)
virtual const TGet (kt_size_t index) const
virtual ConstListIterator< TGetConstIterator () const
virtual ListIterator< TGetIterator ()
virtual kt_bool IsEmpty () const
 List ()
 List (kt_size_t size)
 List (const List &rOther)
Listoperator= (const List &rOther)
kt_bool operator== (const List &rOther) const
Toperator[] (kt_size_t index)
const Toperator[] (kt_size_t index) const
virtual kt_bool Remove (const T &rValue)
virtual void RemoveAt (kt_size_t index)
virtual void Resize (kt_size_t newSize)
void Set (kt_size_t index, const T &rValue)
virtual kt_size_t Size () const
virtual ~List ()

Private Member Functions

void Reset ()

Private Attributes

kt_size_t m_Capacity
kt_size_t m_Size

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class karto::List< T >

List class with boundary check. Any class that is used with List MUST implement operator==. Implementation notes: Do NOT use memcpy/memset (does not work with smart pointers)

Definition at line 49 of file List.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class T>
typedef ConstListIterator<T> karto::List< T >::ConstIterator

Type definition for const iterator

Definition at line 55 of file List.h.

template<class T>
typedef ListIterator<T> karto::List< T >::Iterator

Type definition for iterator

Definition at line 60 of file List.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
karto::List< T >::List ( ) [inline]

Constructs an empty list

Definition at line 65 of file List.h.

template<class T>
karto::List< T >::List ( kt_size_t  size) [inline]

Construct a list of given size

sizedesired size

Definition at line 75 of file List.h.

template<class T>
karto::List< T >::List ( const List< T > &  rOther) [inline]

Copy constructor

Definition at line 85 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual karto::List< T >::~List ( ) [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 100 of file List.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
virtual void karto::List< T >::Add ( const T rValue) [inline, virtual]

Adds the given value to the end of the list. Runs in amortized O(1) time.

rValuevalue to be added

Definition at line 111 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual void karto::List< T >::Add ( const List< T > &  rValue) [inline, virtual]

Appends the given list to this list

rValuelist to be added

Definition at line 126 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual const T& karto::List< T >::Back ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Last item in the list (list must have at least one item)

last item in the list
Exceptionif list is empty

Definition at line 319 of file List.h.

template<class T>
kt_int32s karto::List< T >::BinarySearch ( const T rValue,
kt_int32s(*)(const T &a, const T &b)  f 
) [inline]

Searches for value in list using given comparator f. Elements must be in sorted order for this function to work properly.

rValuevalue to search for
fcomparator takes two elements; returns 0 if the elements are equal, a value less than 0 if the first value is less than the second value, and a value greater than 0 if the first value is greater than the second value
index into list that is element or -1 if not found

Definition at line 380 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual void karto::List< T >::Clear ( ) [inline, virtual]

Clears this list

Definition at line 231 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual kt_bool karto::List< T >::Contains ( const T rValue) const [inline, virtual]

Check if this list contains the given value

rValuevalue to search for
true if this list contains the given value

Definition at line 197 of file List.h.

template<class T>
void karto::List< T >::EnsureCapacity ( kt_size_t  newCapacity) [inline]

Reserves capacity (for efficiency purposes). Don't use [] but Add() instead!

newCapacitynew capacity

Definition at line 361 of file List.h.

template<class T>
T* karto::List< T >::Find ( const T rValue) [inline]

Finds the given value in the list

rValuevalue to search for
pointer to item in list or NULL if not found

Definition at line 270 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual const T& karto::List< T >::Front ( ) const [inline, virtual]

First item in the list (list must have at least one item)

first item in the list
Exceptionif list is empty

Definition at line 303 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual T& karto::List< T >::Get ( kt_size_t  index) [inline, virtual]

Gets the item at the given index

item at given index

Definition at line 250 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual const T& karto::List< T >::Get ( kt_size_t  index) const [inline, virtual]

Gets the item at the given index (const version)

item at given index

Definition at line 260 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual ConstListIterator<T> karto::List< T >::GetConstIterator ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Gets a const list iterator of this list

const list iterator of this list

Definition at line 494 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual ListIterator<T> karto::List< T >::GetIterator ( ) [inline, virtual]

Gets a list iterator of this list

list iterator of this list

Definition at line 503 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual kt_bool karto::List< T >::IsEmpty ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Checks if this list is empty

true if this list is empty, false otherwise

Definition at line 223 of file List.h.

template<class T>
List& karto::List< T >::operator= ( const List< T > &  rOther) [inline]

Assignment operator

Definition at line 444 of file List.h.

template<class T>
kt_bool karto::List< T >::operator== ( const List< T > &  rOther) const [inline]

Equality operator

Definition at line 462 of file List.h.

template<class T>
T& karto::List< T >::operator[] ( kt_size_t  index) [inline]

Gets the item at the given index

item at given index

Definition at line 414 of file List.h.

template<class T>
const T& karto::List< T >::operator[] ( kt_size_t  index) const [inline]

Gets the item at the given index (const version)

item at given index

Definition at line 430 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual kt_bool karto::List< T >::Remove ( const T rValue) [inline, virtual]

Removes the first instance of the given value (does nothing if the value is not found). This method runs in O(n) time.

rValuevalue to be removed
true if item was removed, false otherwise

Definition at line 148 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual void karto::List< T >::RemoveAt ( kt_size_t  index) [inline, virtual]

Removes an element at index


Definition at line 166 of file List.h.

template<class T>
void karto::List< T >::Reset ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 481 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual void karto::List< T >::Resize ( kt_size_t  newSize) [inline, virtual]

Resizes the list. Sets the Size() to be newSize so don't use Add() but [] instead!

newSizenew size

Definition at line 334 of file List.h.

template<class T>
void karto::List< T >::Set ( kt_size_t  index,
const T rValue 
) [inline]

Sets the item at the given index to the given value

rValuenew value to place at given index

Definition at line 288 of file List.h.

template<class T>
virtual kt_size_t karto::List< T >::Size ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Gets the size of this list

size of this list

Definition at line 214 of file List.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class T>
kt_size_t karto::List< T >::m_Capacity [private]

Definition at line 511 of file List.h.

template<class T>
T* karto::List< T >::m_pElements [private]

Definition at line 509 of file List.h.

template<class T>
kt_size_t karto::List< T >::m_Size [private]

Definition at line 510 of file List.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Sebastian Kasperski
autogenerated on Sun Apr 2 2017 03:53:09