Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 """
00002 The create account command creates a new user account on the specified robot.
00004 Copyright 2015 Fetch Robotics Inc.
00005 Author: Alex Henning
00006 """
00008 import os
00009 import subprocess
00010 import sys
00011 from copy import deepcopy
00012 from getpass import getpass
00013 from pipes import quote
00015 from ..util import ssh, add_user, add_robot, add_workspace
00017 name = "create-account"
00018 help_text = "Create an account on a robot"
00020 create_user_script = """
00021 echo %(fetch_password)s | sudo -S adduser %(user)s --gecos '%(fullname)s,,,' --disabled-password &&
00022 echo '%(user)s:%(password)s' | sudo chpasswd &&
00023 sudo usermod -G adm,audio,cdrom,sudo,dip,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare %(user)s
00024 """  # noqa
00026 setup_user_script = """
00027 export FETCH_WORKSPACE=%(remote_workspace)s
00028 export ROS_DISTRO=%(ros_distro)s
00029 echo source /opt/ros/%(ros_distro)s/setup.bash >> ~/.bashrc.d/
00030 echo source %(remote_workspace)s/devel/setup.bash >> ~/.bashrc.d/
00031 echo '%(password)s' | sudo -S echo granting root priveleges for installation
00032 bash ~/
00033 """  # noqa
00036 def main(args):
00037     fullname = args.fullname if args.fullname is not None else args.user
00038     print "Creating account %s@%s for %s" % (args.user, args.robot, fullname)
00040     # Get fetch password for setup
00041     fetch_password = args.fetch_password[-1]
00042     if fetch_password is None:
00043         fetch_password = getpass(prompt="Fetch password: ")
00045     # Prompt for users password
00046     password = args.password
00047     if password is None:
00048         check_password = "Not the same"
00049         while password != check_password:
00050             if password is not None:
00051                 print "Passwords don't match, please try again."
00052             password = getpass(prompt="Password: ")
00053             check_password = getpass(prompt="Password (confirm): ")
00055     # Common values to substitute into scripts
00056     env = {
00057         "fetch_password": fetch_password,
00058         "password": password,
00059         "user": args.user,
00060         "fullname": fullname,
00061         "remote_workspace": args.remote_workspace,
00062         "ros_distro": os.getenv("ROS_DISTRO"),
00063     }
00065     # Automatically add robot to list of known_hosts, pinning the
00066     # current security certificate.
00067     # TODO(security): Force people to verify keys?
00068     proc = subprocess.Popen(["sshpass", "-e",
00069                              "ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
00070                              "fetch@" + args.robot, "exit"],
00071                             env={"SSHPASS": fetch_password})
00072     proc.wait()
00073     if proc.returncode != 0:
00074         print "ERROR: Could not add robot to known hosts"
00075         sys.exit(-1)
00077     # Create the user
00078     if ssh("fetch", args.robot, create_user_script % env, fetch_password) != 0:
00079         print "ERROR: Creating user failed"
00080         sys.exit(-1)
00082     # Copy SSH ID
00083     # TODO(enhancement): Allow copying of custom ids and of no id
00084     dd = deepcopy(os.environ)
00085     dd["SSHPASS"] = password
00086     proc = subprocess.Popen(["sshpass", "-e",
00087                              "ssh-copy-id", args.user + "@" + args.robot],
00088                             env=dd)
00089     proc.wait()
00090     if proc.returncode != 0:
00091         print "WARNING: Copying ID failed, continuing anyways"
00092         print "To manually copy an ID, first create one " \
00093             " " \
00094             "and then run `ssh-copy-id " + args.user + "@" + args.robot + "`"
00096     # Copy over skeleton setup
00097     skeleton = args.skeleton
00098     if skeleton is None:
00099         user_skeleton = os.getenv("HOME") + "/.fetch/robot_skeleton"
00100         if os.path.isdir(user_skeleton):
00101             skeleton = user_skeleton
00102         else:
00103             package_dir = subprocess.check_output(["rospack",
00104                                                    "find",
00105                                                    "fetch_tools"]).strip()
00106             skeleton = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
00107                                     package_dir + "/resources/robot_skeleton")
00108     proc = subprocess.Popen(["scp", "-r", ".", args.user + "@" +
00109                              args.robot + ":~/"],
00110                             cwd=skeleton)
00111     proc.wait()
00112     if proc.returncode != 0:
00113         print "ERROR: Could not copy skeleton directory"
00114         sys.exit(-1)
00116     # Run setup script
00117     if ssh(args.user, args.robot, setup_user_script % env) != 0:
00118         print "ERRROR: Setting up user failed"
00119         sys.exit(-1)
00122 def add_arguments(parser):
00123     add_user(parser)
00124     add_robot(parser)
00125     add_workspace(parser)
00126     parser.add_argument(
00127         "--fetch-password", nargs="?", action="append", default=["robotics"],
00128         help="Password for the fetch account (or blank to prompt)"
00129     )
00130     parser.add_argument("--password", nargs="?", action="store",
00131                         help="Password for the new account")
00132     parser.add_argument("--fullname", action="store", help="Users full name")
00133     parser.add_argument("--skeleton", action="store",
00134                         help="Skeleton directory to setup account")

Author(s): Alex Henning
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:10:20