Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA)
00004 #
00005 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008 #
00009 #   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00010 #
00011 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 # limitations under the License.
00018 import os
00019 import sys
00020 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
00021 import paramiko
00023 import rospy
00024 from diagnostic_msgs.msg import DiagnosticArray, DiagnosticStatus, KeyValue
00026 class IwConfigParser(object):
00027     def _parse_info(self, info):
00028         if 'ESSID' in info:
00029            return self._parse_client(info)
00030         else:
00031            return self._parse_ap(info)
00033     def _parse_ap(self, info):
00034         values = []
00035         try:
00036             split = info.split('IEEE ',1)
00037             split = split[1].split('Mode:',1)
00038             norm = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00039             values.append(KeyValue("IEEE Norm", norm))
00040             split = split[1].split('\n',1)
00041             mode = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00042             values.append(KeyValue("Mode", mode))
00043             if split[1].find('Retry short limit:') != -1:
00044                 split = split[1].split('Retry short limit:',1)
00045             if split[1].find('Retry short limit=') != -1:
00046                 split = split[1].split('Retry short limit=',1)
00047             if split[1].find('RTS thr:') != -1:
00048                 split = split[1].split('RTS thr:',1)
00049             if split[1].find('RTS thr=') != -1:
00050                 split = split[1].split('RTS thr=',1)
00051             retry_short_limit = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00052             values.append(KeyValue("Retry short limit", str(retry_short_limit)))
00053             if split[1].find('Fragment thr:') != -1:
00054                 split = split[1].split('Fragment thr:',1)
00055             if split[1].find('Fragment thr=') != -1:
00056                 split = split[1].split('Fragment thr=',1)
00057             rts_thr = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00058             values.append(KeyValue("RTS thr", rts_thr))
00059             split = split[1].split('\n',1)
00060             fragment_thr = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00061             values.append(KeyValue("Fragment thr", fragment_thr))
00062             split = split[1].split('Power Management:',1)
00063             split = split[1].split('\n',1)
00064             power_managment = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00065             values.append(KeyValue("Power Managment", power_managment))
00067         except Exception, e:
00068             rospy.logerr("IwConfigParser parsing exception: %s" %e)
00069             values = [ KeyValue(key = 'parsing exception', value = str(e)) ]
00071         return values
00073     def _parse_client(self, info):
00074         values = []
00075         try:
00076             split = info.split('IEEE ',1)
00077             split = split[1].split('ESSID:',1)
00078             norm = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00079             values.append(KeyValue("IEEE Norm", norm))
00080             split = split[1].split('\n',1)
00081             essid = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00082             values.append(KeyValue("ESSID", essid))
00083             split = split[1].split('Mode:',1)
00084             split = split[1].split('Frequency:',1)
00085             mode = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00086             values.append(KeyValue("Mode", mode))
00087             split = split[1].split(' GHz',1)
00088             frequency = float(split[0].strip())
00089             values.append(KeyValue("Frequency", str(frequency)))
00090             split = split[1].split('Access Point: ',1)
00091             split = split[1].split('\n',1)
00092             access_point = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00093             values.append(KeyValue("Access Point", access_point))
00094             split = split[1].split('Bit Rate=',1)
00095             split = split[1].split(' Mb/s',1)
00096             bit_rate = float(split[0].strip())
00097             values.append(KeyValue("Bit Rate [Mb/s]", str(bit_rate)))
00098             if split[1].find('Tx-Power') != -1:
00099                 split = split[1].split('Tx-Power=',1)
00100                 split = split[1].split(' dBm',1)
00101                 tx_power = float(split[0].strip())
00102                 values.append(KeyValue("Tx-Power [dBm]", str(tx_power)))
00103             if split[1].find('Retry short limit:') != -1:
00104                 split = split[1].split('Retry short limit:',1)
00105             if split[1].find('Retry short limit=') != -1:
00106                 split = split[1].split('Retry short limit=',1)
00107             if split[1].find('RTS thr:') != -1:
00108                 split = split[1].split('RTS thr:',1)
00109             if split[1].find('RTS thr=') != -1:
00110                 split = split[1].split('RTS thr=',1)
00111             retry_short_limit = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00112             values.append(KeyValue("Retry short limit", str(retry_short_limit)))
00113             if split[1].find('Fragment thr:') != -1:
00114                 split = split[1].split('Fragment thr:',1)
00115             if split[1].find('Fragment thr=') != -1:
00116                 split = split[1].split('Fragment thr=',1)
00117             rts_thr = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00118             values.append(KeyValue("RTS thr", rts_thr))
00119             split = split[1].split('\n',1)
00120             fragment_thr = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00121             values.append(KeyValue("Fragment thr", fragment_thr))
00122             split = split[1].split('Power Management:',1)
00123             split = split[1].split('\n',1)
00124             power_managment = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00125             values.append(KeyValue("Power Managment", power_managment))
00126             split = split[1].split('Link Quality=',1)
00127             split = split[1].split('Signal level=',1)
00128             link_quality = split[0].encode('utf8').strip()
00129             values.append(KeyValue("Link Quality", link_quality))
00130             link_quality_percent = split[0].split('/')
00131             link_quality_percent = int(float(link_quality_percent[0].strip()) / float(link_quality_percent[1].strip())*100.0)
00132             values.append(KeyValue("Link Quality %", str(link_quality_percent)))
00133             split = split[1].split(' dBm',1)
00134             signal_level = float(split[0].strip())
00135             values.append(KeyValue("Signal level [dBm]", str(signal_level)))
00136             split = split[1].split('Rx invalid nwid:',1)
00137             split = split[1].split('Rx invalid crypt:',1)
00138             rx_invalid_nwid = int(split[0].strip())
00139             values.append(KeyValue("Rx invalid nwid", str(rx_invalid_nwid)))
00140             split = split[1].split('Rx invalid frag:',1)
00141             rx_invalid_crypt = int(split[0].strip())
00142             values.append(KeyValue("Rx invalid crypt", str(rx_invalid_crypt)))
00143             split = split[1].split('\n',1)
00144             rx_invalid_frag = int(split[0].strip())
00145             values.append(KeyValue("Rx invalid frag", str(rx_invalid_frag)))
00146             split = split[1].split('Tx excessive retries:',1)
00147             split = split[1].split('Invalid misc:',1)
00148             tx_excessive_retries = int(split[0].strip())
00149             values.append(KeyValue("Tx excessive retries", str(tx_excessive_retries)))
00150             split = split[1].split('Missed beacon:',1)
00151             invalid_misc = int(split[0].strip())
00152             values.append(KeyValue("Invalid misc", str(invalid_misc)))
00153             split = split[1].split('\n',1)
00154             missed_beacon = int(split[0].strip())
00155             values.append(KeyValue("Missed beacon", str(missed_beacon)))
00157         except Exception, e:
00158             rospy.logerr("IwConfigParser parsing exception: %s" %e)
00159             values = [ KeyValue(key = 'parsing exception', value = str(e)) ]
00161         return values
00163 class IwConfigLocal(IwConfigParser):
00164     def __init__(self):
00165         IwConfigParser.__init__(self)
00167         self.interfaces = []
00168         self.stat = DiagnosticStatus()
00169         self.stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
00170         self.stat.message = "OK"
00171         self.stat.values = []
00172         try:
00173             p = Popen("iw dev | awk '$1==\"Interface\"{print $2}'", stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
00174             res = p.wait()
00175             (stdout,stderr) = p.communicate()
00176             self.interfaces = sorted(os.linesep.join([s for s in stdout.splitlines() if s]).split('\n'))
00177         except Exception, e:
00178             rospy.logerr("IwConfigLocal init exception: %s" %e)
00180     def update(self):
00181         self.stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
00182         self.stat.message = "OK"
00183         self.stat.values = []
00184         for interface in self.interfaces:
00185             self.stat.values.append(KeyValue(key = str(interface), value = "======================="))
00186             try:
00187                 p = Popen(["iwconfig", interface], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
00188                 res = p.wait()
00189                 (stdout,stderr) = p.communicate()
00191                 if res != 0:
00192                     self.stat.values.append(KeyValue(key = 'iwconfig stderr', value = stderr))
00193                     self.stat.values.append(KeyValue(key = 'iwconfig stdout', value = stdout))
00194                 else:
00195                     self.stat.values += self._parse_info(stdout)
00196             except Exception, e:
00197                 rospy.logerr("IwConfigLocal update exception: %s" %e)
00198                 self.stat.values.append(KeyValue(key = 'update exception', value = str(e)))
00200 class IwConfigSSH(IwConfigParser):
00201     def __init__(self, hostname, user, password):
00202         IwConfigParser.__init__(self)
00203         self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
00204         self.ssh.load_system_host_keys()
00205         ssh_key_file   = os.getenv("HOME")+'/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
00206         self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())# no known_hosts error
00207         self.ssh.connect(str(hostname), username=user, key_filename=ssh_key_file) # no passwd needed
00208         #self.ssh.connect(str(hostname), username=user, password=password)
00210         self.interfaces = []
00211         self.stat = DiagnosticStatus()
00212         self.stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
00213         self.stat.message = "OK"
00214         self.stat.values = []
00215         try:
00216             (stdin, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh.exec_command("iw dev | awk '$1==\"Interface\"{print $2}'")
00217             output = ''.join(stdout.readlines())
00218             self.interfaces = sorted(os.linesep.join([s for s in output.splitlines() if s]).split('\n'))
00219         except Exception, e:
00220             rospy.logerr("IwConfigSSH init exception: %s" %e)
00222     def update(self):
00223         self.stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
00224         self.stat.message = "OK"
00225         self.stat.values = []
00226         for interface in self.interfaces:
00227             self.stat.values.append(KeyValue(key = str(interface), value = "======================="))
00228             try:
00229                 (stdin, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh.exec_command("iwconfig %s"%interface)
00231                 output = ''.join(stdout.readlines())
00232                 self.stat.values += self._parse_info(output)
00233             except Exception, e:
00234                 rospy.logerr("IwConfigSSH update exception: %s" %e)
00235                 self.stat.values.append(KeyValue(key = 'update exception', value = str(e)))
00237 class WlanMonitor():
00238     def __init__(self):
00239         rospy.init_node("wlan_monitor")
00240         self.get_params()
00242         self._wlan_stat = DiagnosticStatus()
00243         self._wlan_stat.name = '%s WLAN Info' % self.diag_hostname
00244         self._wlan_stat.hardware_id = self.diag_hostname
00245         self._wlan_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
00246         self._wlan_stat.message = 'No Data'
00247         self._wlan_stat.values = []
00248         self.msg = DiagnosticArray()
00249         self.msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
00250         self.msg.status = [self._wlan_stat]
00252         self.diag_pub = rospy.Publisher("/diagnostics", DiagnosticArray, queue_size=1)
00253         self.diag_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0), self.publish_diagnostics)
00255         if self.monitor_local:
00256             self.iwconfig = IwConfigLocal()
00257         else:
00258             try:
00259                 self.iwconfig = IwConfigSSH(self.diag_hostname, self.user, self.password)
00260             except Exception, e:
00261                 rospy.logerr("Error connecting ssh to host: %s",e.message)
00262                 self._wlan_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.ERROR
00263                 self._wlan_stat.message = 'iwconfig init error'
00264                 self._wlan_stat.values = [ KeyValue(key = 'Exception', value = str(e)) ]
00265                 self.msg.status = [self._wlan_stat]
00266                 return
00268         self.monitor_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0), self.update_diagnostics)
00270     def update_diagnostics(self, event):
00271         self.iwconfig.update()
00273         self.msg = DiagnosticArray()
00274         self.msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
00275         self._wlan_stat.level = self.iwconfig.stat.level
00276         self._wlan_stat.message = self.iwconfig.stat.message
00277         self._wlan_stat.values = self.iwconfig.stat.values
00278         self.msg.status = [self._wlan_stat]
00280     def publish_diagnostics(self, event):
00281         self.diag_pub.publish(self.msg)
00283     def get_params(self):
00284         self.diag_hostname = rospy.get_param('~diag_hostname', "localhost")
00285         self.monitor_local = rospy.get_param("~monitor_local", True)
00286         self.user = rospy.get_param('~user', "")
00287         self.password = rospy.get_param('~password', "")
00289 if __name__ == "__main__":
00290     monitor = WlanMonitor()
00291     rospy.spin()

Author(s): Florian Weisshardt , Felix Messmer
autogenerated on Sun Jun 9 2019 20:20:19