Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA)
00004 #
00005 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008 #
00009 #
00010 #
00011 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 # limitations under the License.
00018 import sys
00019 import os
00021 import roslib
00022 import rospy
00023 import copy
00024 import math
00026 from gazebo_msgs.srv import SpawnModel, SpawnModelRequest, DeleteModel, DeleteModelRequest, GetWorldProperties
00027 from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
00028 import tf.transformations as tft
00030 parents = {}
00031 compound_keys={}
00033 def get_flat_dict(objects, parent_name):
00034     """expands all objects to a flat dictionary"""
00035     flat_objects = {}
00036     for key, value in objects.iteritems():
00037         # check if we have an atomic object
00039         if(parent_name!=None):
00041             if('parent_name' not in parents):
00042                 parents[key] = parent_name
00044                 compound_keys[parent_name] = parent_name
00046             compound_keys[key] = key+'_'+compound_keys[parent_name]
00048         else:
00049             compound_keys[key] = key
00051         if "children" in value:
00052             # add parent object without children to flat_objects
00053             tmp_value = copy.deepcopy(value)
00054             to_process = tmp_value["children"]
00056             # add position and orientation of parent to all children
00057             for child_key, child_value in tmp_value["children"].iteritems():
00058                 yaw = objects[key]["orientation"][2]
00059                 x = objects[key]["position"][0] + math.cos(yaw) * child_value["position"][0] - math.sin(yaw) * child_value["position"][1]
00060                 y = objects[key]["position"][1] + math.sin(yaw) * child_value["position"][0] + math.cos(yaw) * child_value["position"][1]
00061                 child_value["position"][0] = x
00062                 child_value["position"][1] = y
00063                 child_value["position"][2] = objects[key]["position"][2] + child_value["position"][2]
00064                 child_value["orientation"][2] = yaw + child_value["orientation"][2]
00065             del tmp_value["children"]
00066             flat_objects.update({compound_keys[key]:tmp_value})
00067             # add flattened children to flat_objects
00068             flat_objects.update(get_flat_dict(to_process, compound_keys[key]))
00070         else:
00071             # add object to flat_objects
00072             flat_objects.update({compound_keys[key]:value})
00074     return flat_objects
00076 if __name__ == "__main__":
00077     if len(sys.argv) < 2:
00078         print '[] Please specify the names of the objects to be loaded'
00079         sys.exit()
00081     rospy.init_node("object_spawner")
00083     # check for all objects on parameter server
00084     if not rospy.has_param("/objects"):
00085         rospy.logerr("No objects uploaded to /objects")
00086         sys.exit()
00087     objects = rospy.get_param("/objects")
00088     flat_objects = get_flat_dict(objects,None)
00090     # check for all object groups on parameter server
00091     if rospy.has_param("/object_groups"):
00092         groups = rospy.get_param("/object_groups")
00093     else:
00094         groups = {}
00095         rospy.loginfo('No object-groups uploaded to /object_groups')
00097     # if keyword all is in list of object names we'll load all models uploaded to parameter server
00098     if "all" in sys.argv:
00099         objects = flat_objects
00100     elif not set(groups.keys()).isdisjoint(sys.argv):
00101         # get all key that are in both, the dictionary and argv
00102         found_groups = set(groups.keys()) & set(sys.argv)
00103         # get all object_names from keys that are in argv
00104         object_names = [groups[k] for k in found_groups]
00105         # flatten list of lists 'object_names' to a list
00106         object_names = [item for sublist in object_names for item in sublist]
00107         # save all dict-objects with names in 'object_names' in 'objects'
00108         objects = {}
00109         for object_name in object_names:
00110             if object_name in flat_objects.keys():
00111                 objects.update({object_name:flat_objects[object_name]})
00112     elif sys.argv[1] not in flat_objects.keys():
00113         rospy.logerr("Object %s not found", sys.argv[1])
00114         sys.exit()
00115     else:
00116         objects = {sys.argv[1]:flat_objects[sys.argv[1]]}
00118     rospy.loginfo("Trying to spawn %s", objects.keys())
00120     # get all current models from gazebo
00121     # check if object is already spawned
00122     try:
00123         rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/get_world_properties', 30)
00124     except rospy.exceptions.ROSException:
00125         rospy.logerr("Service /gazebo/get_world_properties not available.")
00126         sys.exit()
00128     srv_get_world_properties = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_world_properties', GetWorldProperties)
00130     try:
00131         world_properties = srv_get_world_properties()
00132     except rospy.ServiceException as exc:
00133         rospy.logerr("Service did not process request: " + str(exc))
00135     if world_properties.success:
00136         existing_models = world_properties.model_names
00137     else:
00138         existing_models = []
00140     # Iterate through all objects
00141     for key, value in objects.iteritems():
00142         # check for model
00143         if not "model" in value:
00144             rospy.logerr("No model for " + key + " found.")
00145             continue
00146         model_string = value["model"]
00147         model_type = value["model_type"]
00149         # check for position
00150         if not "position" in value:
00151             rospy.logerr("No position for " + key + " found.")
00152             continue
00153         position = value["position"]
00155         # check for orientation
00156         if not "orientation" in value:
00157             rospy.logerr("No orientation for " + key + " found.")
00158             continue
00159         # convert rpy to quaternion for Pose message
00160         orientation = value["orientation"]
00161         quaternion = tft.quaternion_from_euler(orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2])
00163         # compose pose of object
00164         object_pose = Pose()
00165         object_pose.position.x = float(position[0])
00166         object_pose.position.y = float(position[1])
00167         object_pose.position.z = float(position[2])
00168         object_pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0]
00169         object_pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1]
00170         object_pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2]
00171         object_pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3]
00173         # get file location
00174         try:
00175             file_location = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('cob_gazebo_objects') + '/objects/' + model_string+ '.' + model_type
00176         except roslib.packages.InvalidROSPkgException:
00177             rospy.logerr("No model package found for " + key + ": " + cob_gazebo_objects + " does not exist in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH")
00178             continue
00180         # open file for urdf.xacro or urdf/sdf/model
00181         if model_type == "urdf.xacro":
00182             try:
00183                 f = os.popen("rosrun xacro xacro --inorder " + file_location)
00184             except:
00185                 rospy.logerr("No xacro file found for " + key + " at " + file_location)
00186                 continue
00187             model_type = "urdf"
00188         elif model_type in ['urdf', 'sdf', 'model']:
00189             try:
00190                 f = open(file_location)
00191             except:
00192                 rospy.logerr("No model file found for " + key + " at " + file_location)
00193                 continue 
00194         else:
00195             rospy.logerr('Model type not known. model_type = ' + model_type)
00196             continue
00198         # read and close file
00199         xml_string =
00200         f.close()
00202         # open spawn service
00203         try:
00204             rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/spawn_'+model_type+'_model',30)
00205         except rospy.exceptions.ROSException:
00206             rospy.logerr("Service /gazebo/spawn_"+model_type+"_model not available.")
00207             sys.exit()
00208         srv_spawn_model = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/spawn_'+model_type+'_model', SpawnModel)
00210         # delete model if it already exists
00211         if key in existing_models:
00212             srv_delete_model = rospy.ServiceProxy('gazebo/delete_model', DeleteModel) # TODO this service causes gazebo (current groovy version) to crash
00213             try:
00214                 res = srv_delete_model(key)
00215             except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00216                 rospy.logdebug("Error while trying to call Service /gazebo/get_world_properties.")
00217             rospy.loginfo("Model %s already exists in gazebo. Model will be deleted and added again.", key)
00219         # spawn new model
00220         req = SpawnModelRequest()
00221         req.model_name = key # model name from command line input
00222         req.model_xml = xml_string
00223         req.initial_pose = object_pose
00225         try:
00226             res = srv_spawn_model(req)
00227         except rospy.service.ServiceException:
00228             break
00230         # evaluate response
00231         if res.success == True:
00232             rospy.loginfo(res.status_message + " " + key)
00233         else:
00234             rospy.logerr("Error: model %s not spawn. error message = "% key + res.status_message)

Author(s): Felix Messmer , Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia , Florian Weisshardt
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:52:45