Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00004 """Conan recipe package for BehaviorTree.CPP
00005 """
00006 from conans import ConanFile, CMake, tools
00007 from conans.model.version import Version
00008 from conans.errors import ConanInvalidConfiguration
00011 class BehaviorTreeConan(ConanFile):
00012     name = "BehaviorTree.CPP"
00013     license = "MIT"
00014     url = ""
00015     author = "Davide Faconti <>"
00016     topics = ("conan", "behaviortree", "ai", "robotics", "games", "coordination")
00017     description = "This C++ library provides a framework to create BehaviorTrees. It was designed to be flexible, easy to use and fast."
00018     settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
00019     options = {"shared": [True, False]}
00020     default_options = {"shared": False}
00021     generators = "cmake"
00022     exports = "LICENSE"
00023     exports_sources = ("cmake/*", "include/*", "src/*", "3rdparty/*", "CMakeLists.txt")
00024     requires = "cppzmq/4.3.0@bincrafters/stable"
00026     def configure(self):
00027         if self.settings.os == "Linux" and \
00028            self.settings.compiler == "gcc" and \
00029            Version(self.settings.compiler.version.value) < "5":
00030             raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("BehaviorTree.CPP can not be built by GCC < 5")
00031         if self.settings.os == "Windows":
00032             raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("BehaviorTree.CPP is not prepared to be built on Windows yet")
00034     def _configure_cmake(self):
00035         """Create CMake instance and execute configure step
00036         """
00037         cmake = CMake(self)
00038         cmake.definitions["BUILD_EXAMPLES"] = False
00039         cmake.definitions["BUILD_UNIT_TESTS"] = False
00040         cmake.configure()
00041         return cmake
00043     def build(self):
00044         """Configure, build and install BehaviorTree using CMake.
00045         """
00046         tools.replace_in_file("CMakeLists.txt",
00047                               "project(behaviortree_cpp)",
00048                               """project(behaviortree_cpp)
00049                               include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake)
00050                               conan_basic_setup()""")
00051         # INFO (uilian): zmq could require libsodium
00052         tools.replace_in_file("CMakeLists.txt",
00053                              "BEHAVIOR_TREE_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES zmq",
00054                              "BEHAVIOR_TREE_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES ${CONAN_LIBS}")
00055         cmake = self._configure_cmake()
00058     def package(self):
00059         """Copy BehaviorTree artifacts to package folder
00060         """
00061         self.copy(pattern="LICENSE", dst="licenses")
00062         cmake = self._configure_cmake()
00063         cmake.install()
00065     def package_info(self):
00066         """Collect built libraries names and solve pthread path.
00067         """
00068         self.cpp_info.libs = tools.collect_libs(self)
00069         if self.settings.os == "Linux":
00070             self.cpp_info.libs.append("pthread")

Author(s): Michele Colledanchise, Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:17:15