Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
00002 //
00003 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00004 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00005 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
00006 //
00007 //      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00008 //
00009 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00010 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00011 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00012 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00013 // limitations under the License.
00015 // Allow dynamic symbol lookup in an in-memory Elf image.
00016 //
00018 #include "absl/debugging/internal/elf_mem_image.h"
00020 #ifdef ABSL_HAVE_ELF_MEM_IMAGE  // defined in elf_mem_image.h
00022 #include <string.h>
00023 #include <cassert>
00024 #include <cstddef>
00025 #include "absl/base/internal/raw_logging.h"
00027 // From binutils/include/elf/common.h (this doesn't appear to be documented
00028 // anywhere else).
00029 //
00030 //   /* This flag appears in a Versym structure.  It means that the symbol
00031 //      is hidden, and is only visible with an explicit version number.
00032 //      This is a GNU extension.  */
00033 //   #define VERSYM_HIDDEN           0x8000
00034 //
00035 //   /* This is the mask for the rest of the Versym information.  */
00036 //   #define VERSYM_VERSION          0x7fff
00038 #define VERSYM_VERSION 0x7fff
00040 namespace absl {
00041 namespace debugging_internal {
00043 namespace {
00045 #if __WORDSIZE == 32
00046 const int kElfClass = ELFCLASS32;
00047 int ElfBind(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) { return ELF32_ST_BIND(symbol->st_info); }
00048 int ElfType(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) { return ELF32_ST_TYPE(symbol->st_info); }
00049 #elif __WORDSIZE == 64
00050 const int kElfClass = ELFCLASS64;
00051 int ElfBind(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) { return ELF64_ST_BIND(symbol->st_info); }
00052 int ElfType(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) { return ELF64_ST_TYPE(symbol->st_info); }
00053 #else
00054 const int kElfClass = -1;
00055 int ElfBind(const ElfW(Sym) *) {
00056   ABSL_RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Unexpected word size");
00057   return 0;
00058 }
00059 int ElfType(const ElfW(Sym) *) {
00060   ABSL_RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Unexpected word size");
00061   return 0;
00062 }
00063 #endif
00065 // Extract an element from one of the ELF tables, cast it to desired type.
00066 // This is just a simple arithmetic and a glorified cast.
00067 // Callers are responsible for bounds checking.
00068 template <typename T>
00069 const T *GetTableElement(const ElfW(Ehdr) * ehdr, ElfW(Off) table_offset,
00070                          ElfW(Word) element_size, size_t index) {
00071   return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ehdr)
00072                                     + table_offset
00073                                     + index * element_size);
00074 }
00076 }  // namespace
00078 // The value of this variable doesn't matter; it's used only for its
00079 // unique address.
00080 const int ElfMemImage::kInvalidBaseSentinel = 0;
00082 ElfMemImage::ElfMemImage(const void *base) {
00083   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(base != kInvalidBase, "bad pointer");
00084   Init(base);
00085 }
00087 int ElfMemImage::GetNumSymbols() const {
00088   if (!hash_) {
00089     return 0;
00090   }
00091   // See http://www.caldera.com/developers/gabi/latest/ch5.dynamic.html#hash
00092   return hash_[1];
00093 }
00095 const ElfW(Sym) *ElfMemImage::GetDynsym(int index) const {
00096   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(index < GetNumSymbols(), "index out of range");
00097   return dynsym_ + index;
00098 }
00100 const ElfW(Versym) *ElfMemImage::GetVersym(int index) const {
00101   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(index < GetNumSymbols(), "index out of range");
00102   return versym_ + index;
00103 }
00105 const ElfW(Phdr) *ElfMemImage::GetPhdr(int index) const {
00106   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(index < ehdr_->e_phnum, "index out of range");
00107   return GetTableElement<ElfW(Phdr)>(ehdr_,
00108                                      ehdr_->e_phoff,
00109                                      ehdr_->e_phentsize,
00110                                      index);
00111 }
00113 const char *ElfMemImage::GetDynstr(ElfW(Word) offset) const {
00114   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(offset < strsize_, "offset out of range");
00115   return dynstr_ + offset;
00116 }
00118 const void *ElfMemImage::GetSymAddr(const ElfW(Sym) *sym) const {
00119   if (sym->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF || sym->st_shndx >= SHN_LORESERVE) {
00120     // Symbol corresponds to "special" (e.g. SHN_ABS) section.
00121     return reinterpret_cast<const void *>(sym->st_value);
00122   }
00123   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(link_base_ < sym->st_value, "symbol out of range");
00124   return GetTableElement<char>(ehdr_, 0, 1, sym->st_value - link_base_);
00125 }
00127 const ElfW(Verdef) *ElfMemImage::GetVerdef(int index) const {
00128   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(0 <= index && static_cast<size_t>(index) <= verdefnum_,
00129                  "index out of range");
00130   const ElfW(Verdef) *version_definition = verdef_;
00131   while (version_definition->vd_ndx < index && version_definition->vd_next) {
00132     const char *const version_definition_as_char =
00133         reinterpret_cast<const char *>(version_definition);
00134     version_definition =
00135         reinterpret_cast<const ElfW(Verdef) *>(version_definition_as_char +
00136                                                version_definition->vd_next);
00137   }
00138   return version_definition->vd_ndx == index ? version_definition : nullptr;
00139 }
00141 const ElfW(Verdaux) *ElfMemImage::GetVerdefAux(
00142     const ElfW(Verdef) *verdef) const {
00143   return reinterpret_cast<const ElfW(Verdaux) *>(verdef+1);
00144 }
00146 const char *ElfMemImage::GetVerstr(ElfW(Word) offset) const {
00147   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(offset < strsize_, "offset out of range");
00148   return dynstr_ + offset;
00149 }
00151 void ElfMemImage::Init(const void *base) {
00152   ehdr_      = nullptr;
00153   dynsym_    = nullptr;
00154   dynstr_    = nullptr;
00155   versym_    = nullptr;
00156   verdef_    = nullptr;
00157   hash_      = nullptr;
00158   strsize_   = 0;
00159   verdefnum_ = 0;
00160   link_base_ = ~0L;  // Sentinel: PT_LOAD .p_vaddr can't possibly be this.
00161   if (!base) {
00162     return;
00163   }
00164   const char *const base_as_char = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(base);
00165   if (base_as_char[EI_MAG0] != ELFMAG0 || base_as_char[EI_MAG1] != ELFMAG1 ||
00166       base_as_char[EI_MAG2] != ELFMAG2 || base_as_char[EI_MAG3] != ELFMAG3) {
00167     assert(false);
00168     return;
00169   }
00170   int elf_class = base_as_char[EI_CLASS];
00171   if (elf_class != kElfClass) {
00172     assert(false);
00173     return;
00174   }
00175   switch (base_as_char[EI_DATA]) {
00176     case ELFDATA2LSB: {
00177       if (__LITTLE_ENDIAN != __BYTE_ORDER) {
00178         assert(false);
00179         return;
00180       }
00181       break;
00182     }
00183     case ELFDATA2MSB: {
00184       if (__BIG_ENDIAN != __BYTE_ORDER) {
00185         assert(false);
00186         return;
00187       }
00188       break;
00189     }
00190     default: {
00191       assert(false);
00192       return;
00193     }
00194   }
00196   ehdr_ = reinterpret_cast<const ElfW(Ehdr) *>(base);
00197   const ElfW(Phdr) *dynamic_program_header = nullptr;
00198   for (int i = 0; i < ehdr_->e_phnum; ++i) {
00199     const ElfW(Phdr) *const program_header = GetPhdr(i);
00200     switch (program_header->p_type) {
00201       case PT_LOAD:
00202         if (!~link_base_) {
00203           link_base_ = program_header->p_vaddr;
00204         }
00205         break;
00206       case PT_DYNAMIC:
00207         dynamic_program_header = program_header;
00208         break;
00209     }
00210   }
00211   if (!~link_base_ || !dynamic_program_header) {
00212     assert(false);
00213     // Mark this image as not present. Can not recur infinitely.
00214     Init(nullptr);
00215     return;
00216   }
00217   ptrdiff_t relocation =
00218       base_as_char - reinterpret_cast<const char *>(link_base_);
00219   ElfW(Dyn) *dynamic_entry =
00220       reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Dyn) *>(dynamic_program_header->p_vaddr +
00221                                     relocation);
00222   for (; dynamic_entry->d_tag != DT_NULL; ++dynamic_entry) {
00223     const ElfW(Xword) value = dynamic_entry->d_un.d_val + relocation;
00224     switch (dynamic_entry->d_tag) {
00225       case DT_HASH:
00226         hash_ = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Word) *>(value);
00227         break;
00228       case DT_SYMTAB:
00229         dynsym_ = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Sym) *>(value);
00230         break;
00231       case DT_STRTAB:
00232         dynstr_ = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(value);
00233         break;
00234       case DT_VERSYM:
00235         versym_ = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Versym) *>(value);
00236         break;
00237       case DT_VERDEF:
00238         verdef_ = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Verdef) *>(value);
00239         break;
00240       case DT_VERDEFNUM:
00241         verdefnum_ = dynamic_entry->d_un.d_val;
00242         break;
00243       case DT_STRSZ:
00244         strsize_ = dynamic_entry->d_un.d_val;
00245         break;
00246       default:
00247         // Unrecognized entries explicitly ignored.
00248         break;
00249     }
00250   }
00251   if (!hash_ || !dynsym_ || !dynstr_ || !versym_ ||
00252       !verdef_ || !verdefnum_ || !strsize_) {
00253     assert(false);  // invalid VDSO
00254     // Mark this image as not present. Can not recur infinitely.
00255     Init(nullptr);
00256     return;
00257   }
00258 }
00260 bool ElfMemImage::LookupSymbol(const char *name,
00261                                const char *version,
00262                                int type,
00263                                SymbolInfo *info_out) const {
00264   for (const SymbolInfo& info : *this) {
00265     if (strcmp(info.name, name) == 0 && strcmp(info.version, version) == 0 &&
00266         ElfType(info.symbol) == type) {
00267       if (info_out) {
00268         *info_out = info;
00269       }
00270       return true;
00271     }
00272   }
00273   return false;
00274 }
00276 bool ElfMemImage::LookupSymbolByAddress(const void *address,
00277                                         SymbolInfo *info_out) const {
00278   for (const SymbolInfo& info : *this) {
00279     const char *const symbol_start =
00280         reinterpret_cast<const char *>(info.address);
00281     const char *const symbol_end = symbol_start + info.symbol->st_size;
00282     if (symbol_start <= address && address < symbol_end) {
00283       if (info_out) {
00284         // Client wants to know details for that symbol (the usual case).
00285         if (ElfBind(info.symbol) == STB_GLOBAL) {
00286           // Strong symbol; just return it.
00287           *info_out = info;
00288           return true;
00289         } else {
00290           // Weak or local. Record it, but keep looking for a strong one.
00291           *info_out = info;
00292         }
00293       } else {
00294         // Client only cares if there is an overlapping symbol.
00295         return true;
00296       }
00297     }
00298   }
00299   return false;
00300 }
00302 ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator::SymbolIterator(const void *const image, int index)
00303     : index_(index), image_(image) {
00304 }
00306 const ElfMemImage::SymbolInfo *ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator::operator->() const {
00307   return &info_;
00308 }
00310 const ElfMemImage::SymbolInfo& ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator::operator*() const {
00311   return info_;
00312 }
00314 bool ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator::operator==(const SymbolIterator &rhs) const {
00315   return this->image_ == rhs.image_ && this->index_ == rhs.index_;
00316 }
00318 bool ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator::operator!=(const SymbolIterator &rhs) const {
00319   return !(*this == rhs);
00320 }
00322 ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator &ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator::operator++() {
00323   this->Update(1);
00324   return *this;
00325 }
00327 ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator ElfMemImage::begin() const {
00328   SymbolIterator it(this, 0);
00329   it.Update(0);
00330   return it;
00331 }
00333 ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator ElfMemImage::end() const {
00334   return SymbolIterator(this, GetNumSymbols());
00335 }
00337 void ElfMemImage::SymbolIterator::Update(int increment) {
00338   const ElfMemImage *image = reinterpret_cast<const ElfMemImage *>(image_);
00339   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(image->IsPresent() || increment == 0, "");
00340   if (!image->IsPresent()) {
00341     return;
00342   }
00343   index_ += increment;
00344   if (index_ >= image->GetNumSymbols()) {
00345     index_ = image->GetNumSymbols();
00346     return;
00347   }
00348   const ElfW(Sym)    *symbol = image->GetDynsym(index_);
00349   const ElfW(Versym) *version_symbol = image->GetVersym(index_);
00350   ABSL_RAW_CHECK(symbol && version_symbol, "");
00351   const char *const symbol_name = image->GetDynstr(symbol->st_name);
00352   const ElfW(Versym) version_index = version_symbol[0] & VERSYM_VERSION;
00353   const ElfW(Verdef) *version_definition = nullptr;
00354   const char *version_name = "";
00355   if (symbol->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
00356     // Undefined symbols reference DT_VERNEED, not DT_VERDEF, and
00357     // version_index could well be greater than verdefnum_, so calling
00358     // GetVerdef(version_index) may trigger assertion.
00359   } else {
00360     version_definition = image->GetVerdef(version_index);
00361   }
00362   if (version_definition) {
00363     // I am expecting 1 or 2 auxiliary entries: 1 for the version itself,
00364     // optional 2nd if the version has a parent.
00365     ABSL_RAW_CHECK(
00366         version_definition->vd_cnt == 1 || version_definition->vd_cnt == 2,
00367         "wrong number of entries");
00368     const ElfW(Verdaux) *version_aux = image->GetVerdefAux(version_definition);
00369     version_name = image->GetVerstr(version_aux->vda_name);
00370   }
00371   info_.name    = symbol_name;
00372   info_.version = version_name;
00373   info_.address = image->GetSymAddr(symbol);
00374   info_.symbol  = symbol;
00375 }
00377 }  // namespace debugging_internal
00378 }  // namespace absl
00380 #endif  // ABSL_HAVE_ELF_MEM_IMAGE

autogenerated on Wed Jun 19 2019 19:42:14