Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright 2018 The Abseil Authors.
00002 //
00003 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00004 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00005 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
00006 //
00007 //
00008 //
00009 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00010 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00011 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00012 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00013 // limitations under the License.
00015 #include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
00017 #include <cctype>
00018 #include <string>
00019 #include <array>
00020 #include <random>
00022 #include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
00024 namespace {
00026 std::array<unsigned char, 256> MakeShuffledBytes() {
00027   std::array<unsigned char, 256> bytes;
00028   for (size_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i) bytes[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);
00029   std::random_device rd;
00030   std::seed_seq seed({rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd()});
00031   std::mt19937 g(seed);
00032   std::shuffle(bytes.begin(), bytes.end(), g);
00033   return bytes;
00034 }
00036 template <typename Function>
00037 void AsciiBenchmark(benchmark::State& state, Function f) {
00038   std::array<unsigned char, 256> bytes = MakeShuffledBytes();
00039   size_t sum = 0;
00040   for (auto _ : state) {
00041     for (unsigned char b : bytes) sum += f(b) ? 1 : 0;
00042   }
00043   // Make a copy of `sum` before calling `DoNotOptimize` to make sure that `sum`
00044   // can be put in a CPU register and not degrade performance in the loop above.
00045   size_t sum2 = sum;
00046   benchmark::DoNotOptimize(sum2);
00047   state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * bytes.size());
00048 }
00050 using StdAsciiFunction = int (*)(int);
00051 template <StdAsciiFunction f>
00052 void BM_Ascii(benchmark::State& state) {
00053   AsciiBenchmark(state, f);
00054 }
00056 using AbslAsciiIsFunction = bool (*)(unsigned char);
00057 template <AbslAsciiIsFunction f>
00058 void BM_Ascii(benchmark::State& state) {
00059   AsciiBenchmark(state, f);
00060 }
00062 using AbslAsciiToFunction = char (*)(unsigned char);
00063 template <AbslAsciiToFunction f>
00064 void BM_Ascii(benchmark::State& state) {
00065   AsciiBenchmark(state, f);
00066 }
00068 inline char Noop(unsigned char b) { return static_cast<char>(b); }
00071 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::isalpha);
00072 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isalpha);
00073 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::isdigit);
00074 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isdigit);
00075 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::isalnum);
00076 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isalnum);
00077 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::isspace);
00078 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isspace);
00079 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::ispunct);
00080 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_ispunct);
00081 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::isblank);
00082 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isblank);
00083 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::iscntrl);
00084 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_iscntrl);
00085 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::isxdigit);
00086 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isxdigit);
00087 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::isprint);
00088 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isprint);
00089 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::isgraph);
00090 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isgraph);
00091 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::isupper);
00092 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isupper);
00093 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::islower);
00094 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_islower);
00095 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, isascii);
00096 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_isascii);
00097 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::tolower);
00098 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_tolower);
00099 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, std::toupper);
00100 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Ascii, absl::ascii_toupper);
00102 static void BM_StrToLower(benchmark::State& state) {
00103   const int size = state.range(0);
00104   std::string s(size, 'X');
00105   for (auto _ : state) {
00106     benchmark::DoNotOptimize(absl::AsciiStrToLower(s));
00107   }
00108 }
00109 BENCHMARK(BM_StrToLower)->Range(1, 1 << 20);
00111 static void BM_StrToUpper(benchmark::State& state) {
00112   const int size = state.range(0);
00113   std::string s(size, 'x');
00114   for (auto _ : state) {
00115     benchmark::DoNotOptimize(absl::AsciiStrToUpper(s));
00116   }
00117 }
00118 BENCHMARK(BM_StrToUpper)->Range(1, 1 << 20);
00120 }  // namespace

autogenerated on Wed Jun 19 2019 19:42:14