This is the complete list of members for
IncGroundRemoval, including all inherited members.
cloud_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
cloud_cb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &msg) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
cloud_noground_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
cloud_notifier_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
cloud_publisher_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
cloud_subscriber_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
computeCentroid(const sample_consensus::PointCloud &points, const std::vector< int > &indices, pcl::PointXYZ ¢roid) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
computeCovarianceMatrix(const sample_consensus::PointCloud &points, const std::vector< int > &indices, Eigen::Matrix3d &covariance_matrix, pcl::PointXYZ ¢roid) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
computePointNormal(const sample_consensus::PointCloud &points, const std::vector< int > &indices, Eigen::Vector4d &plane_parameters, double &curvature) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
fitSACLine(sample_consensus::PointCloud *points, vector< int > *indices, vector< int > &inliers) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
flipNormalTowardsViewpoint(Eigen::Vector4d &normal, const pcl::PointXYZ &point, const geometry_msgs::PointStamped &viewpoint) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
getCloudViewPoint(string cloud_frame, geometry_msgs::PointStamped &viewpoint_cloud, tf::TransformListener *tf) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
ground_slope_threshold_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
IncGroundRemoval(ros::NodeHandle &anode) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
laser_cloud_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
laser_tilt_mount_frame_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
node_ | IncGroundRemoval | [protected] |
planar_refine_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
pointToPlaneDistanceSigned(const pcl::PointXYZ &p, const Eigen::Vector4d &plane_coefficients) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
robot_footprint_frame_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
sac_distance_threshold_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
sac_fitting_distance_threshold_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
sac_max_iterations_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
sac_min_points_per_model_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
tf_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
transformDoubleValueTF(double val, std::string src_frame, std::string tgt_frame, ros::Time stamp, tf::TransformListener *tf) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
transformPoint(tf::TransformListener *tf, const std::string &target_frame, const tf::Stamped< pcl::PointXYZ > &stamped_in, tf::Stamped< pcl::PointXYZ > &stamped_out) | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
updateParametersFromServer() | IncGroundRemoval | [inline] |
viewpoint_cloud_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
z_threshold_ | IncGroundRemoval | |
~IncGroundRemoval() | IncGroundRemoval | [inline, virtual] |