Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <bwi_tools/json/reader.h>
00002 #include <bwi_tools/json/value.h>
00003 #include <utility>
00004 #include <cstdio>
00005 #include <cassert>
00006 #include <cstring>
00007 #include <iostream>
00008 #include <stdexcept>
00010 #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // VC++ 8.0
00011 #pragma warning( disable : 4996 )   // disable warning about strdup being deprecated.
00012 #endif
00014 namespace Json {
00016 // Implementation of class Features
00017 // ////////////////////////////////
00019 Features::Features()
00020    : allowComments_( true )
00021    , strictRoot_( false )
00022 {
00023 }
00026 Features 
00027 Features::all()
00028 {
00029    return Features();
00030 }
00033 Features 
00034 Features::strictMode()
00035 {
00036    Features features;
00037    features.allowComments_ = false;
00038    features.strictRoot_ = true;
00039    return features;
00040 }
00042 // Implementation of class Reader
00043 // ////////////////////////////////
00046 static inline bool 
00047 in( Reader::Char c, Reader::Char c1, Reader::Char c2, Reader::Char c3, Reader::Char c4 )
00048 {
00049    return c == c1  ||  c == c2  ||  c == c3  ||  c == c4;
00050 }
00052 static inline bool 
00053 in( Reader::Char c, Reader::Char c1, Reader::Char c2, Reader::Char c3, Reader::Char c4, Reader::Char c5 )
00054 {
00055    return c == c1  ||  c == c2  ||  c == c3  ||  c == c4  ||  c == c5;
00056 }
00059 static bool 
00060 containsNewLine( Reader::Location begin, 
00061                  Reader::Location end )
00062 {
00063    for ( ;begin < end; ++begin )
00064       if ( *begin == '\n'  ||  *begin == '\r' )
00065          return true;
00066    return false;
00067 }
00069 static std::string codePointToUTF8(unsigned int cp)
00070 {
00071    std::string result;
00073    // based on description from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
00075    if (cp <= 0x7f) 
00076    {
00077       result.resize(1);
00078       result[0] = static_cast<char>(cp);
00079    } 
00080    else if (cp <= 0x7FF) 
00081    {
00082       result.resize(2);
00083       result[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & cp));
00084       result[0] = static_cast<char>(0xC0 | (0x1f & (cp >> 6)));
00085    } 
00086    else if (cp <= 0xFFFF) 
00087    {
00088       result.resize(3);
00089       result[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & cp));
00090       result[1] = 0x80 | static_cast<char>((0x3f & (cp >> 6)));
00091       result[0] = 0xE0 | static_cast<char>((0xf & (cp >> 12)));
00092    }
00093    else if (cp <= 0x10FFFF) 
00094    {
00095       result.resize(4);
00096       result[3] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & cp));
00097       result[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & (cp >> 6)));
00098       result[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & (cp >> 12)));
00099       result[0] = static_cast<char>(0xF0 | (0x7 & (cp >> 18)));
00100    }
00102    return result;
00103 }
00106 // Class Reader
00107 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00109 Reader::Reader()
00110    : features_( Features::all() )
00111 {
00112 }
00115 Reader::Reader( const Features &features )
00116    : features_( features )
00117 {
00118 }
00121 bool
00122 Reader::parse( const std::string &document, 
00123                Value &root,
00124                bool collectComments )
00125 {
00126    document_ = document;
00127    const char *begin = document_.c_str();
00128    const char *end = begin + document_.length();
00129    return parse( begin, end, root, collectComments );
00130 }
00133 bool
00134 Reader::parse( std::istream& sin,
00135                Value &root,
00136                bool collectComments )
00137 {
00138    //std::istream_iterator<char> begin(sin);
00139    //std::istream_iterator<char> end;
00140    // Those would allow streamed input from a file, if parse() were a
00141    // template function.
00143    // Since std::string is reference-counted, this at least does not
00144    // create an extra copy.
00145    std::string doc;
00146    std::getline(sin, doc, (char)EOF);
00147    return parse( doc, root, collectComments );
00148 }
00150 bool 
00151 Reader::parse( const char *beginDoc, const char *endDoc, 
00152                Value &root,
00153                bool collectComments )
00154 {
00155    if ( !features_.allowComments_ )
00156    {
00157       collectComments = false;
00158    }
00160    begin_ = beginDoc;
00161    end_ = endDoc;
00162    collectComments_ = collectComments;
00163    current_ = begin_;
00164    lastValueEnd_ = 0;
00165    lastValue_ = 0;
00166    commentsBefore_ = "";
00167    errors_.clear();
00168    while ( !nodes_.empty() )
00169       nodes_.pop();
00170    nodes_.push( &root );
00172    bool successful = readValue();
00173    Token token;
00174    skipCommentTokens( token );
00175    if ( collectComments_  &&  !commentsBefore_.empty() )
00176       root.setComment( commentsBefore_, commentAfter );
00177    if ( features_.strictRoot_ )
00178    {
00179       if ( !root.isArray()  &&  !root.isObject() )
00180       {
00181          // Set error location to start of doc, ideally should be first token found in doc
00182          token.type_ = tokenError;
00183          token.start_ = beginDoc;
00184          token.end_ = endDoc;
00185          addError( "A valid JSON document must be either an array or an object value.",
00186                    token );
00187          return false;
00188       }
00189    }
00190    return successful;
00191 }
00194 bool
00195 Reader::readValue()
00196 {
00197    Token token;
00198    skipCommentTokens( token );
00199    bool successful = true;
00201    if ( collectComments_  &&  !commentsBefore_.empty() )
00202    {
00203       currentValue().setComment( commentsBefore_, commentBefore );
00204       commentsBefore_ = "";
00205    }
00208    switch ( token.type_ )
00209    {
00210    case tokenObjectBegin:
00211       successful = readObject( token );
00212       break;
00213    case tokenArrayBegin:
00214       successful = readArray( token );
00215       break;
00216    case tokenNumber:
00217       successful = decodeNumber( token );
00218       break;
00219    case tokenString:
00220       successful = decodeString( token );
00221       break;
00222    case tokenTrue:
00223       currentValue() = true;
00224       break;
00225    case tokenFalse:
00226       currentValue() = false;
00227       break;
00228    case tokenNull:
00229       currentValue() = Value();
00230       break;
00231    default:
00232       return addError( "Syntax error: value, object or array expected.", token );
00233    }
00235    if ( collectComments_ )
00236    {
00237       lastValueEnd_ = current_;
00238       lastValue_ = &currentValue();
00239    }
00241    return successful;
00242 }
00245 void 
00246 Reader::skipCommentTokens( Token &token )
00247 {
00248    if ( features_.allowComments_ )
00249    {
00250       do
00251       {
00252          readToken( token );
00253       }
00254       while ( token.type_ == tokenComment );
00255    }
00256    else
00257    {
00258       readToken( token );
00259    }
00260 }
00263 bool 
00264 Reader::expectToken( TokenType type, Token &token, const char *message )
00265 {
00266    readToken( token );
00267    if ( token.type_ != type )
00268       return addError( message, token );
00269    return true;
00270 }
00273 bool 
00274 Reader::readToken( Token &token )
00275 {
00276    skipSpaces();
00277    token.start_ = current_;
00278    Char c = getNextChar();
00279    bool ok = true;
00280    switch ( c )
00281    {
00282    case '{':
00283       token.type_ = tokenObjectBegin;
00284       break;
00285    case '}':
00286       token.type_ = tokenObjectEnd;
00287       break;
00288    case '[':
00289       token.type_ = tokenArrayBegin;
00290       break;
00291    case ']':
00292       token.type_ = tokenArrayEnd;
00293       break;
00294    case '"':
00295       token.type_ = tokenString;
00296       ok = readString();
00297       break;
00298    case '/':
00299       token.type_ = tokenComment;
00300       ok = readComment();
00301       break;
00302    case '0':
00303    case '1':
00304    case '2':
00305    case '3':
00306    case '4':
00307    case '5':
00308    case '6':
00309    case '7':
00310    case '8':
00311    case '9':
00312    case '-':
00313       token.type_ = tokenNumber;
00314       readNumber();
00315       break;
00316    case 't':
00317       token.type_ = tokenTrue;
00318       ok = match( "rue", 3 );
00319       break;
00320    case 'f':
00321       token.type_ = tokenFalse;
00322       ok = match( "alse", 4 );
00323       break;
00324    case 'n':
00325       token.type_ = tokenNull;
00326       ok = match( "ull", 3 );
00327       break;
00328    case ',':
00329       token.type_ = tokenArraySeparator;
00330       break;
00331    case ':':
00332       token.type_ = tokenMemberSeparator;
00333       break;
00334    case 0:
00335       token.type_ = tokenEndOfStream;
00336       break;
00337    default:
00338       ok = false;
00339       break;
00340    }
00341    if ( !ok )
00342       token.type_ = tokenError;
00343    token.end_ = current_;
00344    return true;
00345 }
00348 void 
00349 Reader::skipSpaces()
00350 {
00351    while ( current_ != end_ )
00352    {
00353       Char c = *current_;
00354       if ( c == ' '  ||  c == '\t'  ||  c == '\r'  ||  c == '\n' )
00355          ++current_;
00356       else
00357          break;
00358    }
00359 }
00362 bool 
00363 Reader::match( Location pattern, 
00364                int patternLength )
00365 {
00366    if ( end_ - current_ < patternLength )
00367       return false;
00368    int index = patternLength;
00369    while ( index-- )
00370       if ( current_[index] != pattern[index] )
00371          return false;
00372    current_ += patternLength;
00373    return true;
00374 }
00377 bool
00378 Reader::readComment()
00379 {
00380    Location commentBegin = current_ - 1;
00381    Char c = getNextChar();
00382    bool successful = false;
00383    if ( c == '*' )
00384       successful = readCStyleComment();
00385    else if ( c == '/' )
00386       successful = readCppStyleComment();
00387    if ( !successful )
00388       return false;
00390    if ( collectComments_ )
00391    {
00392       CommentPlacement placement = commentBefore;
00393       if ( lastValueEnd_  &&  !containsNewLine( lastValueEnd_, commentBegin ) )
00394       {
00395          if ( c != '*'  ||  !containsNewLine( commentBegin, current_ ) )
00396             placement = commentAfterOnSameLine;
00397       }
00399       addComment( commentBegin, current_, placement );
00400    }
00401    return true;
00402 }
00405 void 
00406 Reader::addComment( Location begin, 
00407                     Location end, 
00408                     CommentPlacement placement )
00409 {
00410    assert( collectComments_ );
00411    if ( placement == commentAfterOnSameLine )
00412    {
00413       assert( lastValue_ != 0 );
00414       lastValue_->setComment( std::string( begin, end ), placement );
00415    }
00416    else
00417    {
00418       if ( !commentsBefore_.empty() )
00419          commentsBefore_ += "\n";
00420       commentsBefore_ += std::string( begin, end );
00421    }
00422 }
00425 bool 
00426 Reader::readCStyleComment()
00427 {
00428    while ( current_ != end_ )
00429    {
00430       Char c = getNextChar();
00431       if ( c == '*'  &&  *current_ == '/' )
00432          break;
00433    }
00434    return getNextChar() == '/';
00435 }
00438 bool 
00439 Reader::readCppStyleComment()
00440 {
00441    while ( current_ != end_ )
00442    {
00443       Char c = getNextChar();
00444       if (  c == '\r'  ||  c == '\n' )
00445          break;
00446    }
00447    return true;
00448 }
00451 void 
00452 Reader::readNumber()
00453 {
00454    while ( current_ != end_ )
00455    {
00456       if ( !(*current_ >= '0'  &&  *current_ <= '9')  &&
00457            !in( *current_, '.', 'e', 'E', '+', '-' ) )
00458          break;
00459       ++current_;
00460    }
00461 }
00463 bool
00464 Reader::readString()
00465 {
00466    Char c = 0;
00467    while ( current_ != end_ )
00468    {
00469       c = getNextChar();
00470       if ( c == '\\' )
00471          getNextChar();
00472       else if ( c == '"' )
00473          break;
00474    }
00475    return c == '"';
00476 }
00479 bool 
00480 Reader::readObject( Token &tokenStart )
00481 {
00482    Token tokenName;
00483    std::string name;
00484    currentValue() = Value( objectValue );
00485    while ( readToken( tokenName ) )
00486    {
00487       bool initialTokenOk = true;
00488       while ( tokenName.type_ == tokenComment  &&  initialTokenOk )
00489          initialTokenOk = readToken( tokenName );
00490       if  ( !initialTokenOk )
00491          break;
00492       if ( tokenName.type_ == tokenObjectEnd  &&  name.empty() )  // empty object
00493          return true;
00494       if ( tokenName.type_ != tokenString )
00495          break;
00497       name = "";
00498       if ( !decodeString( tokenName, name ) )
00499          return recoverFromError( tokenObjectEnd );
00501       Token colon;
00502       if ( !readToken( colon ) ||  colon.type_ != tokenMemberSeparator )
00503       {
00504          return addErrorAndRecover( "Missing ':' after object member name", 
00505                                     colon, 
00506                                     tokenObjectEnd );
00507       }
00508       Value &value = currentValue()[ name ];
00509       nodes_.push( &value );
00510       bool ok = readValue();
00511       nodes_.pop();
00512       if ( !ok ) // error already set
00513          return recoverFromError( tokenObjectEnd );
00515       Token comma;
00516       if ( !readToken( comma )
00517             ||  ( comma.type_ != tokenObjectEnd  &&  
00518                   comma.type_ != tokenArraySeparator &&
00519                   comma.type_ != tokenComment ) )
00520       {
00521          return addErrorAndRecover( "Missing ',' or '}' in object declaration", 
00522                                     comma, 
00523                                     tokenObjectEnd );
00524       }
00525       bool finalizeTokenOk = true;
00526       while ( comma.type_ == tokenComment &&
00527               finalizeTokenOk )
00528          finalizeTokenOk = readToken( comma );
00529       if ( comma.type_ == tokenObjectEnd )
00530          return true;
00531    }
00532    return addErrorAndRecover( "Missing '}' or object member name", 
00533                               tokenName, 
00534                               tokenObjectEnd );
00535 }
00538 bool 
00539 Reader::readArray( Token &tokenStart )
00540 {
00541    currentValue() = Value( arrayValue );
00542    skipSpaces();
00543    if ( *current_ == ']' ) // empty array
00544    {
00545       Token endArray;
00546       readToken( endArray );
00547       return true;
00548    }
00549    int index = 0;
00550    while ( true )
00551    {
00552       Value &value = currentValue()[ index++ ];
00553       nodes_.push( &value );
00554       bool ok = readValue();
00555       nodes_.pop();
00556       if ( !ok ) // error already set
00557          return recoverFromError( tokenArrayEnd );
00559       Token token;
00560       // Accept Comment after last item in the array.
00561       ok = readToken( token );
00562       while ( token.type_ == tokenComment  &&  ok )
00563       {
00564          ok = readToken( token );
00565       }
00566       bool badTokenType = ( token.type_ == tokenArraySeparator  &&  
00567                             token.type_ == tokenArrayEnd );
00568       if ( !ok  ||  badTokenType )
00569       {
00570          return addErrorAndRecover( "Missing ',' or ']' in array declaration", 
00571                                     token, 
00572                                     tokenArrayEnd );
00573       }
00574       if ( token.type_ == tokenArrayEnd )
00575          break;
00576    }
00577    return true;
00578 }
00581 bool 
00582 Reader::decodeNumber( Token &token )
00583 {
00584    bool isDouble = false;
00585    for ( Location inspect = token.start_; inspect != token.end_; ++inspect )
00586    {
00587       isDouble = isDouble  
00588                  ||  in( *inspect, '.', 'e', 'E', '+' )  
00589                  ||  ( *inspect == '-'  &&  inspect != token.start_ );
00590    }
00591    if ( isDouble )
00592       return decodeDouble( token );
00593    Location current = token.start_;
00594    bool isNegative = *current == '-';
00595    if ( isNegative )
00596       ++current;
00597    Value::UInt threshold = (isNegative ? Value::UInt(-Value::minInt) 
00598                                        : Value::maxUInt) / 10;
00599    Value::UInt value = 0;
00600    while ( current < token.end_ )
00601    {
00602       Char c = *current++;
00603       if ( c < '0'  ||  c > '9' )
00604          return addError( "'" + std::string( token.start_, token.end_ ) + "' is not a number.", token );
00605       if ( value >= threshold )
00606          return decodeDouble( token );
00607       value = value * 10 + Value::UInt(c - '0');
00608    }
00609    if ( isNegative )
00610       currentValue() = -Value::Int( value );
00611    else if ( value <= Value::UInt(Value::maxInt) )
00612       currentValue() = Value::Int( value );
00613    else
00614       currentValue() = value;
00615    return true;
00616 }
00619 bool 
00620 Reader::decodeDouble( Token &token )
00621 {
00622    double value = 0;
00623    const int bufferSize = 32;
00624    int count;
00625    int length = int(token.end_ - token.start_);
00626    if ( length <= bufferSize )
00627    {
00628       Char buffer[bufferSize];
00629       memcpy( buffer, token.start_, length );
00630       buffer[length] = 0;
00631       count = sscanf( buffer, "%lf", &value );
00632    }
00633    else
00634    {
00635       std::string buffer( token.start_, token.end_ );
00636       count = sscanf( buffer.c_str(), "%lf", &value );
00637    }
00639    if ( count != 1 )
00640       return addError( "'" + std::string( token.start_, token.end_ ) + "' is not a number.", token );
00641    currentValue() = value;
00642    return true;
00643 }
00646 bool 
00647 Reader::decodeString( Token &token )
00648 {
00649    std::string decoded;
00650    if ( !decodeString( token, decoded ) )
00651       return false;
00652    currentValue() = decoded;
00653    return true;
00654 }
00657 bool 
00658 Reader::decodeString( Token &token, std::string &decoded )
00659 {
00660    decoded.reserve( token.end_ - token.start_ - 2 );
00661    Location current = token.start_ + 1; // skip '"'
00662    Location end = token.end_ - 1;      // do not include '"'
00663    while ( current != end )
00664    {
00665       Char c = *current++;
00666       if ( c == '"' )
00667          break;
00668       else if ( c == '\\' )
00669       {
00670          if ( current == end )
00671             return addError( "Empty escape sequence in string", token, current );
00672          Char escape = *current++;
00673          switch ( escape )
00674          {
00675          case '"': decoded += '"'; break;
00676          case '/': decoded += '/'; break;
00677          case '\\': decoded += '\\'; break;
00678          case 'b': decoded += '\b'; break;
00679          case 'f': decoded += '\f'; break;
00680          case 'n': decoded += '\n'; break;
00681          case 'r': decoded += '\r'; break;
00682          case 't': decoded += '\t'; break;
00683          case 'u':
00684             {
00685                unsigned int unicode;
00686                if ( !decodeUnicodeCodePoint( token, current, end, unicode ) )
00687                   return false;
00688                decoded += codePointToUTF8(unicode);
00689             }
00690             break;
00691          default:
00692             return addError( "Bad escape sequence in string", token, current );
00693          }
00694       }
00695       else
00696       {
00697          decoded += c;
00698       }
00699    }
00700    return true;
00701 }
00703 bool
00704 Reader::decodeUnicodeCodePoint( Token &token, 
00705                                      Location &current, 
00706                                      Location end, 
00707                                      unsigned int &unicode )
00708 {
00710    if ( !decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence( token, current, end, unicode ) )
00711       return false;
00712    if (unicode >= 0xD800 && unicode <= 0xDBFF)
00713    {
00714       // surrogate pairs
00715       if (end - current < 6)
00716          return addError( "additional six characters expected to parse unicode surrogate pair.", token, current );
00717       unsigned int surrogatePair;
00718       if (*(current++) == '\\' && *(current++)== 'u')
00719       {
00720          if (decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence( token, current, end, surrogatePair ))
00721          {
00722             unicode = 0x10000 + ((unicode & 0x3FF) << 10) + (surrogatePair & 0x3FF);
00723          } 
00724          else
00725             return false;
00726       } 
00727       else
00728          return addError( "expecting another \\u token to begin the second half of a unicode surrogate pair", token, current );
00729    }
00730    return true;
00731 }
00733 bool 
00734 Reader::decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence( Token &token, 
00735                                      Location &current, 
00736                                      Location end, 
00737                                      unsigned int &unicode )
00738 {
00739    if ( end - current < 4 )
00740       return addError( "Bad unicode escape sequence in string: four digits expected.", token, current );
00741    unicode = 0;
00742    for ( int index =0; index < 4; ++index )
00743    {
00744       Char c = *current++;
00745       unicode *= 16;
00746       if ( c >= '0'  &&  c <= '9' )
00747          unicode += c - '0';
00748       else if ( c >= 'a'  &&  c <= 'f' )
00749          unicode += c - 'a' + 10;
00750       else if ( c >= 'A'  &&  c <= 'F' )
00751          unicode += c - 'A' + 10;
00752       else
00753          return addError( "Bad unicode escape sequence in string: hexadecimal digit expected.", token, current );
00754    }
00755    return true;
00756 }
00759 bool 
00760 Reader::addError( const std::string &message, 
00761                   Token &token,
00762                   Location extra )
00763 {
00764    ErrorInfo info;
00765    info.token_ = token;
00766    info.message_ = message;
00767    info.extra_ = extra;
00768    errors_.push_back( info );
00769    return false;
00770 }
00773 bool 
00774 Reader::recoverFromError( TokenType skipUntilToken )
00775 {
00776    int errorCount = int(errors_.size());
00777    Token skip;
00778    while ( true )
00779    {
00780       if ( !readToken(skip) )
00781          errors_.resize( errorCount ); // discard errors caused by recovery
00782       if ( skip.type_ == skipUntilToken  ||  skip.type_ == tokenEndOfStream )
00783          break;
00784    }
00785    errors_.resize( errorCount );
00786    return false;
00787 }
00790 bool 
00791 Reader::addErrorAndRecover( const std::string &message, 
00792                             Token &token,
00793                             TokenType skipUntilToken )
00794 {
00795    addError( message, token );
00796    return recoverFromError( skipUntilToken );
00797 }
00800 Value &
00801 Reader::currentValue()
00802 {
00803    return *(nodes_.top());
00804 }
00807 Reader::Char 
00808 Reader::getNextChar()
00809 {
00810    if ( current_ == end_ )
00811       return 0;
00812    return *current_++;
00813 }
00816 void 
00817 Reader::getLocationLineAndColumn( Location location,
00818                                   int &line,
00819                                   int &column ) const
00820 {
00821    Location current = begin_;
00822    Location lastLineStart = current;
00823    line = 0;
00824    while ( current < location  &&  current != end_ )
00825    {
00826       Char c = *current++;
00827       if ( c == '\r' )
00828       {
00829          if ( *current == '\n' )
00830             ++current;
00831          lastLineStart = current;
00832          ++line;
00833       }
00834       else if ( c == '\n' )
00835       {
00836          lastLineStart = current;
00837          ++line;
00838       }
00839    }
00840    // column & line start at 1
00841    column = int(location - lastLineStart) + 1;
00842    ++line;
00843 }
00846 std::string
00847 Reader::getLocationLineAndColumn( Location location ) const
00848 {
00849    int line, column;
00850    getLocationLineAndColumn( location, line, column );
00851    char buffer[18+16+16+1];
00852    sprintf( buffer, "Line %d, Column %d", line, column );
00853    return buffer;
00854 }
00857 std::string 
00858 Reader::getFormatedErrorMessages() const
00859 {
00860    std::string formattedMessage;
00861    for ( Errors::const_iterator itError = errors_.begin();
00862          itError != errors_.end();
00863          ++itError )
00864    {
00865       const ErrorInfo &error = *itError;
00866       formattedMessage += "* " + getLocationLineAndColumn( error.token_.start_ ) + "\n";
00867       formattedMessage += "  " + error.message_ + "\n";
00868       if ( error.extra_ )
00869          formattedMessage += "See " + getLocationLineAndColumn( error.extra_ ) + " for detail.\n";
00870    }
00871    return formattedMessage;
00872 }
00875 std::istream& operator>>( std::istream &sin, Value &root )
00876 {
00877     Json::Reader reader;
00878     bool ok = reader.parse(sin, root, true);
00879     //JSON_ASSERT( ok );
00880     if (!ok) throw std::runtime_error(reader.getFormatedErrorMessages());
00881     return sin;
00882 }
00885 } // namespace Json

Author(s): Piyush Khandelwal
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 10:14:29