Classes | Namespaces | Functions
matrix.hpp File Reference

Object manager for numpy.matrix. More...

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/numpy/numpy_object_mgr_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/numpy/ndarray.hpp>
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struct  boost::numpy::as_matrix< Base >
 CallPolicies that causes a function that returns a numpy.ndarray to return a numpy.matrix instead. More...
class  boost::numpy::matrix
 A boost.python "object manager" (subclass of object) for numpy.matrix. More...


namespace  boost
namespace  boost::numpy
namespace  boost::python
namespace  boost::python::converter


 boost::python::converter::NUMPY_OBJECT_MANAGER_TRAITS (numpy::matrix)

Detailed Description

Object manager for numpy.matrix.

Definition in file matrix.hpp.

Author(s): Jim Bosch, Ankit Daftery
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 10:10:40