Go to the documentation of this file.
00033 #include <avt_vimba_camera/vimba_ros.h>
00035 #include <ros/console.h>
00036 #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>
00037 #include <sensor_msgs/fill_image.h>
00039 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
00040 #include <sstream>
00042 namespace avt_vimba_camera {
00044 static const char* AutoMode[] = {"Off", "Once", "Continuous"};
00045 static const char* TriggerMode[] = {
00046   "Freerun",
00047   "FixedRate",
00048   "Software",
00049   "SyncIn1",
00050   "SyncIn2",
00051   "SyncIn3",
00052   "SyncIn4" };
00053 static const char* AcquisitionMode[] = {
00054   "Continuous",
00055   "SingleFrame",
00056   "MultiFrame",
00057   "Recorder"};
00058 static const char* PixelFormatMode[] = {
00059   "Mono8",
00060   "Mono12",
00061   "Mono12Packed",
00062   "BayerRG8",
00063   "BayerRG12Packed",
00064   "BayerRG12",
00065   "RGB8Packed",
00066   "BGR8Packed"};
00067 static const char* BalanceRatioMode[] = {"Red", "Blue"};
00068 static const char* FeatureDataType[] = {"Unknown", "int", "float", "enum", "string", "bool"};
00071 VimbaROS::VimbaROS(ros::NodeHandle nh, ros::NodeHandle nhp)
00072 :vimba_system_(VimbaSystem::GetInstance()), it_(nhp), nh_(nh), nhp_(nhp) {
00074   // Vimba startup & list all available cameras
00075   initApi();
00077   cinfo_ = boost::shared_ptr<camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager>(new camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager(nhp_));
00079   // Init global variables
00080   running_ = false;
00081   first_run_ = true;
00083   // Service call for setting calibration.
00084   //set_camera_info_srv_ = nh_.advertiseService("set_camera_info",
00085   //                                            &VimbaROS::setCameraInfo,
00086   //                                            this);
00088   // Start dynamic_reconfigure & run configure()
00089   reconfigure_server_.setCallback(boost::bind(&VimbaROS::configure,
00090                                               this,
00091                                               _1,
00092                                               _2));
00093 }
00095 void VimbaROS::start(Config& config) {
00096   if (running_) return;
00098   std::string ip_str   = config.ip_address;
00099   std::string guid_str = config.guid;
00101   // Determine which camera to use. Try IP first
00102   if (!ip_str.empty()) {
00103     ROS_INFO_STREAM("Trying to open camera by IP: " << ip_str);
00104     vimba_camera_ptr_ = openCamera(ip_str);
00105     // If both guid and IP are available, open by IP and check guid
00106     if (!guid_str.empty()) {
00107       std::string cam_guid_str;
00108       vimba_camera_ptr_->GetSerialNumber(cam_guid_str);
00109       assert(cam_guid_str == guid_str);
00110       ROS_INFO_STREAM("GUID " << cam_guid_str << " matches for camera with IP: " << ip_str);
00111     }
00112   } else if (!guid_str.empty()) {
00113     // Only guid available
00114     ROS_INFO_STREAM("Trying to open camera by ID: " << guid_str);
00115     vimba_camera_ptr_ = openCamera(guid_str);
00116   }
00118   // Get all cam properties we need for initialization
00119   getFeatureValue("WidthMax",vimba_camera_max_width_);
00120   getFeatureValue("HeightMax",vimba_camera_max_height_);
00122   // Set all camera configurations
00123   FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec;
00124   vimba_camera_ptr_->GetFeatures(feature_ptr_vec);
00125   updateAcquisitionConfig(config, feature_ptr_vec);
00126   updateExposureConfig(config, feature_ptr_vec);
00127   updateGainConfig(config, feature_ptr_vec);
00128   updateWhiteBalanceConfig(config, feature_ptr_vec);
00129   updateImageModeConfig(config, feature_ptr_vec);
00130   updateROIConfig(config, feature_ptr_vec);
00131   updateBandwidthConfig(config, feature_ptr_vec);
00132   updatePixelFormatConfig(config, feature_ptr_vec);
00133   updateCameraInfo(config);
00136   getFeatureValue("TriggerSource", trigger_mode_);
00137   ROS_INFO_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Trigger mode is " << trigger_mode_);
00139   trigger_mode_int_ = getTriggerModeInt(trigger_mode_);
00141   if (trigger_mode_int_ == Freerun || trigger_mode_int_ == FixedRate || trigger_mode_int_ == SyncIn1) {
00142     // Create a frame observer for this camera
00143     vimba_frame_observer_ptr_ = new FrameObserver(vimba_camera_ptr_,
00144                     boost::bind(&VimbaROS::frameCallback, this, _1));
00146     // Setup the image publisher before the streaming
00147     streaming_pub_ = it_.advertiseCamera("image_raw", 1);
00149     // Start streaming
00150     VmbErrorType err =
00151       vimba_camera_ptr_->StartContinuousImageAcquisition(1,//num_frames_,
00152                                 IFrameObserverPtr(vimba_frame_observer_ptr_));
00153     if (VmbErrorSuccess == err){
00154       ROS_INFO_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: StartContinuousImageAcquisition");
00155     } else {
00156       ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not StartContinuousImageAcquisition. "
00157         << "\n Error: " << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00158     }
00159   } else if (trigger_mode_int_ == Software) {
00160     vimba_camera_ptr_->Close();
00161     poll_srv_ = polled_camera::advertise(nhp_, "request_image", &VimbaROS::pollCallback, this);
00162   } else {
00163     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Trigger mode " <<
00164                        TriggerMode[trigger_mode_int_] <<
00165                        " not implemented.");
00166   }
00167 }
00169 void VimbaROS::stop() {
00170   if (!running_) return;
00172   vimba_camera_ptr_->Close();  // Must stop camera before streaming_pub_.
00173   poll_srv_.shutdown();
00174   //trigger_sub_.shutdown();
00175   streaming_pub_.shutdown();
00177   running_ = false;
00178 }
00180 void VimbaROS::pollCallback(polled_camera::GetPolledImage::Request& req,
00181                             polled_camera::GetPolledImage::Response& rsp,
00182                             sensor_msgs::Image& image,
00183                             sensor_msgs::CameraInfo& info) {
00184   if (trigger_mode_int_ != Software) {
00185     rsp.success = false;
00186     rsp.status_message = "Camera is not in software triggered mode";
00187     return;
00188   }
00190   // open the camera
00191   vimba_camera_ptr_ = openCamera(camera_config_.guid);
00193   // configure it
00194   configure(camera_config_,0);
00199   FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec;
00200   VmbErrorType err = vimba_camera_ptr_->GetFeatures(feature_ptr_vec);
00201   if (err == VmbErrorSuccess) {
00202     // Region of interest configuration
00203     // Make sure ROI fits in image
00204     if (req.roi.x_offset || req.roi.y_offset || req.roi.width || req.roi.height) {
00205       unsigned int left_x   = req.roi.x_offset / req.binning_x;
00206       unsigned int top_y    = req.roi.y_offset / req.binning_y;
00207       unsigned int right_x  = (req.roi.x_offset + req.roi.width  + req.binning_x - 1) / req.binning_x;
00208       unsigned int bottom_y = (req.roi.y_offset + req.roi.height + req.binning_y - 1) / req.binning_y;
00209       unsigned int width    = right_x - left_x;
00210       unsigned int height   = bottom_y - top_y;
00211       setFeatureValue("OffsetX", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(left_x));
00212       setFeatureValue("OffsetY", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(top_y));
00213       setFeatureValue("Width",   static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(width));
00214       setFeatureValue("Height",  static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(height));
00215     } else {
00216       setFeatureValue("OffsetX", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(0));
00217       setFeatureValue("OffsetY", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(0));
00218       setFeatureValue("Width",   static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(vimba_camera_max_width_));
00219       setFeatureValue("Height",  static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(vimba_camera_max_height_));
00220     }
00221   } else {
00222     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not GetFeatures. "
00223     << "\n Error: " << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00224   }
00226   ROS_INFO_STREAM("POLL CALLBACK CALLED: all features set");
00228   // Zero duration means "no timeout"
00229   VmbUint32_t VmbUint32_inf = 2e4-1;
00230   unsigned long timeout = req.timeout.isZero() ? VmbUint32_inf : req.timeout.toNSec() / 1e6;
00231   FramePtr frame;
00232   //runCommand("TriggerSoftware");
00233   err = vimba_camera_ptr_->AcquireSingleImage(frame, timeout);
00234   ROS_INFO_STREAM("POLL CALLBACK CALLED: acquire single image");
00235   if (err == VmbErrorSuccess) {
00236     if (!frame) {
00237       rsp.success = false;
00238       rsp.status_message = "Failed to capture frame, may have timed out";
00239       return;
00240     } else {
00241       //err = vimba_camera_ptr_->QueueFrame(frame);
00242       if (err == VmbErrorSuccess) {
00243         info = cinfo_->getCameraInfo();
00244         if (!frameToImage(frame, image)) {
00245           rsp.success = false;
00246           rsp.status_message = "Captured frame but failed to process it";
00247           return;
00248         }
00249         // do_rectify should be preserved from request
00250         info.roi.do_rectify = req.roi.do_rectify;
00251         rsp.success = true;
00253       }
00254     }
00255   }
00257   if (err != VmbErrorSuccess){
00258     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not AcquireSingleImage. "
00259     << "\n Error: " << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00260     rsp.success = false;
00261     rsp.status_message = "AVT_Vimba_ROS error";
00262     return;
00263   }
00265   // close the camera
00266   vimba_camera_ptr_->Close();
00267 }
00269 void VimbaROS::frameCallback(const FramePtr vimba_frame_ptr) {
00271   sensor_msgs::Image img;
00273   vimba_frame_ptr_ = vimba_frame_ptr;
00276   // if ( trigger_mode_ == SyncIn1  && !trig_time_.isZero() ) {
00278   img.header.stamp = cam_info_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00279   //VmbUint64_t timestamp;
00280   //vimba_frame_ptr->GetTimestamp(timestamp);
00281   //ROS_INFO_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: NEW_FRAME Timestamp: " << timestamp);
00283   img.header.frame_id = frame_id_.c_str();
00285   if(streaming_pub_.getNumSubscribers() > 0){
00286     if (frameToImage(vimba_frame_ptr, img)){
00287       streaming_pub_.publish(img, cam_info_); // add timestamp
00288     }
00289   }
00290   // Queue the frame so that we can receive a new one.
00291   vimba_camera_ptr_->QueueFrame(vimba_frame_ptr);
00292 }
00294 bool VimbaROS::frameToImage(const FramePtr vimba_frame_ptr,
00295                             sensor_msgs::Image& image) {
00296   VmbPixelFormatType pixel_format;
00297   VmbUint32_t width  = camera_config_.width;
00298   VmbUint32_t height = camera_config_.height;
00300   vimba_frame_ptr->GetPixelFormat(pixel_format);
00302   // NOTE: YUV and ARGB formats not supported
00303   std::string encoding;
00304   if      (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatMono8          ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8;
00305   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatMono10         ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16;
00306   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatMono12         ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16;
00307   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatMono12Packed   ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16;
00308   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatMono14         ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16;
00309   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatMono16         ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16;
00310   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGR8       ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BAYER_GRBG8;
00311   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerRG8       ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BAYER_RGGB8;
00312   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGB8       ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BAYER_GBRG8;
00313   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerBG8       ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BAYER_BGGR8;
00314   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGR10      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00315   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerRG10      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00316   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGB10      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00317   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerBG10      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00318   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGR12      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00319   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerRG12      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00320   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGB12      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00321   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerBG12      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00322   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGR12Packed) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32SC4;
00323   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerRG12Packed) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32SC4;
00324   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGB12Packed) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32SC4;
00325   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerBG12Packed) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32SC4;
00326   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGR16      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00327   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerRG16      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00328   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerGB16      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00329   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBayerBG16      ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC1;
00330   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatRgb8           ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGB8;
00331   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBgr8           ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8;
00332   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatRgba8          ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGBA8;
00333   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatBgra8          ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGRA8;
00334   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatRgb12          ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16UC3;
00335   else if (pixel_format == VmbPixelFormatRgb16          ) encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16UC3;
00336   else
00337     ROS_WARN("Received frame with unsupported pixel format %d", pixel_format);
00339   if (encoding == "") return false;
00341   VmbUint32_t nSize;
00342   vimba_frame_ptr->GetImageSize(nSize);
00343   VmbUint32_t step = nSize / height;
00345   VmbUchar_t *buffer_ptr;
00346   VmbErrorType err = vimba_frame_ptr->GetImage(buffer_ptr);
00347   bool res = false;
00349   if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err ) {
00350     res = sensor_msgs::fillImage(image,
00351                                  encoding,
00352                                  height,
00353                                  width,
00354                                  step,
00355                                  buffer_ptr);
00356   } else {
00357     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not GetImage. "
00358       << "\n Error: " << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00359   }
00360   return res;
00361 }
00363 void VimbaROS::updateCameraInfo(const Config& config) {
00364   cam_info_.header.frame_id = config.frame_id;
00366   // Set the operational parameters in CameraInfo (binning, ROI)
00367   cam_info_.height    = config.height;
00368   cam_info_.width     = config.width;
00369   cam_info_.binning_x = config.binning_x;
00370   cam_info_.binning_y = config.binning_y;
00371   // ROI in CameraInfo is in unbinned coordinates, need to scale up
00372   cam_info_.roi.x_offset = config.roi_offset_x;
00373   cam_info_.roi.y_offset = config.roi_offset_y;
00374   cam_info_.roi.height   = config.roi_height;
00375   cam_info_.roi.width    = config.roi_width;
00377   // set the new URL and load CameraInfo (if any) from it
00378   if(config.camera_info_url != camera_config_.camera_info_url || first_run_) {
00379     cinfo_->setCameraName(config.frame_id);
00380     if (cinfo_->validateURL(config.camera_info_url)) {
00381       cinfo_->loadCameraInfo(config.camera_info_url);
00382       cam_info_ = cinfo_->getCameraInfo();
00383     } else {
00384       ROS_WARN_STREAM("Camera info URL not valid: " << config.camera_info_url);
00385     }
00386   }
00388   bool roiMatchesCalibration = (cam_info_.height == config.roi_height
00389                               && cam_info_.width == config.roi_width);
00390   bool resolutionMatchesCalibration = (cam_info_.width == config.width
00391                                    && cam_info_.height == config.height);
00393   cam_info_.roi.do_rectify = roiMatchesCalibration || resolutionMatchesCalibration;
00394 }
00405 void VimbaROS::configure(Config& newconfig, uint32_t level) {
00406   // TODO(m): Do not run concurrently with poll().  Tell it to stop running,
00407   // and wait on the lock until it does.
00408   //boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
00410   try {
00411     ROS_INFO("dynamic reconfigure level 0x%x", level);
00414     // resolve frame ID using tf_prefix parameter
00415     if (newconfig.frame_id == "") {
00416       newconfig.frame_id = "camera";
00417     }
00419     if (running_ && (level & Levels::RECONFIGURE_CLOSE)) {
00420       // The device has to be closed to change these params
00421       stop();
00422       start(newconfig);
00423     } else if (running_ && (level & Levels::RECONFIGURE_STOP)) {
00424       // The device has to stop streaming to change these params
00425       stop();
00426       start(newconfig);
00427     } else if (!running_) {
00428       camera_config_ = newconfig;
00429       start(newconfig);
00430       first_run_ = false;
00431     } else if (running_) {
00432       // only change those params that can be changed while running
00433       FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec;
00434       vimba_camera_ptr_->GetFeatures(feature_ptr_vec);
00435       updateExposureConfig(newconfig, feature_ptr_vec);
00436       updateGainConfig(newconfig, feature_ptr_vec);
00437       updateWhiteBalanceConfig(newconfig, feature_ptr_vec);
00438       updateImageModeConfig(newconfig, feature_ptr_vec);
00439       updateROIConfig(newconfig, feature_ptr_vec);
00440       updateBandwidthConfig(newconfig, feature_ptr_vec);
00441       updateGPIOConfig(newconfig, feature_ptr_vec);
00442       updateCameraInfo(newconfig);
00443     }
00444     camera_config_ = newconfig;
00445   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
00446     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Error reconfiguring avt_vimba_camera node : " << e.what());
00447   }
00448 }
00451 void VimbaROS::updateAcquisitionConfig(const Config& config,
00452                                    FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec) {
00453   bool changed = false;
00454   if (config.acquisition_mode != camera_config_.acquisition_mode || first_run_) {
00455     changed = true;
00456     setFeatureValue("AcquisitionMode", config.acquisition_mode.c_str());
00457   }
00458   if (config.acquisition_rate != camera_config_.acquisition_rate || first_run_) {
00459     changed = true;
00460     setFeatureValue("AcquisitionFrameRateAbs",
00461                     static_cast<float>(config.acquisition_rate));
00462   }
00463   if (config.trigger_mode != camera_config_.trigger_mode || first_run_) {
00464     changed = true;
00465     setFeatureValue("TriggerSource", config.trigger_mode.c_str());
00466   }
00467   if (config.trigger_activation != camera_config_.trigger_activation || first_run_) {
00468     changed = true;
00469     setFeatureValue("TriggerActivation", config.trigger_activation.c_str());
00470   }
00471   if (config.trigger_delay != camera_config_.trigger_delay || first_run_) {
00472     changed = true;
00473     setFeatureValue("TriggerDelayAbs", config.trigger_delay);
00474   }
00475   if(changed){
00476     ROS_INFO_STREAM("New Trigger config: "
00477       << "\n\tAcquisitionMode         : " << config.acquisition_mode   << " was " << camera_config_.acquisition_mode
00478       << "\n\tAcquisitionFrameRateAbs : " << config.acquisition_rate   << " was " << camera_config_.acquisition_rate
00479       << "\n\tTriggerSource           : " << config.trigger_mode       << " was " << camera_config_.trigger_mode
00480       << "\n\tTriggerActivation       : " << config.trigger_activation << " was " << camera_config_.trigger_activation
00481       << "\n\tTriggerDelayAbs            : " << config.trigger_delay      << " was " << camera_config_.trigger_delay);
00482   }
00483 }
00486 void VimbaROS::updateExposureConfig(const Config& config,
00487                                     FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec) {
00488   bool changed = false;
00489   if (config.exposure != camera_config_.exposure || first_run_) {
00490     changed = true;
00491     setFeatureValue("ExposureTimeAbs", static_cast<float>(config.exposure));
00492   }
00493   if (config.exposure_auto != camera_config_.exposure_auto || first_run_) {
00494     changed = true;
00495     setFeatureValue("ExposureAuto", config.exposure_auto.c_str());
00496   }
00497   if (config.exposure_auto_tol != camera_config_.exposure_auto_tol || first_run_) {
00498     changed = true;
00499     setFeatureValue("ExposureAutoAdjustTol",
00500                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.exposure_auto_tol));
00501   }
00502   if (config.exposure_auto_max != camera_config_.exposure_auto_max || first_run_) {
00503     changed = true;
00504     setFeatureValue("ExposureAutoMax",
00505                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.exposure_auto_max));
00506   }
00507   if (config.exposure_auto_min != camera_config_.exposure_auto_min || first_run_) {
00508     changed = true;
00509     setFeatureValue("ExposureAutoMin",
00510                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.exposure_auto_min));
00511   }
00512   if (config.exposure_auto_outliers != camera_config_.exposure_auto_outliers || first_run_) {
00513     changed = true;
00514     setFeatureValue("ExposureAutoOutliers",
00515                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.exposure_auto_outliers));
00516   }
00517   if (config.exposure_auto_rate != camera_config_.exposure_auto_rate || first_run_) {
00518     changed = true;
00519     setFeatureValue("ExposureAutoRate",
00520                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.exposure_auto_rate));
00521   }
00522   if (config.exposure_auto_target != camera_config_.exposure_auto_target || first_run_) {
00523     changed = true;
00524     setFeatureValue("ExposureAutoTarget",
00525                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.exposure_auto_target));
00526   }
00527   if(changed){
00528     ROS_INFO_STREAM("New Exposure config: "
00529       << "\n\tExposureTimeAbs       : " << config.exposure               << " was " << camera_config_.exposure
00530       << "\n\tExposureAuto          : " << config.exposure_auto          << " was " << camera_config_.exposure_auto
00531       << "\n\tExposureAutoAdjustTol : " << config.exposure_auto_tol      << " was " << camera_config_.exposure_auto_tol
00532       << "\n\tExposureAutoMax       : " << config.exposure_auto_max      << " was " << camera_config_.exposure_auto_max
00533       << "\n\tExposureAutoMin       : " << config.exposure_auto_min      << " was " << camera_config_.exposure_auto_min
00534       << "\n\tExposureAutoOutliers  : " << config.exposure_auto_outliers << " was " << camera_config_.exposure_auto_outliers
00535       << "\n\tExposureAutoRate      : " << config.exposure_auto_rate     << " was " << camera_config_.exposure_auto_rate
00536       << "\n\tExposureAutoTarget    : " << config.exposure_auto_target   << " was " << camera_config_.exposure_auto_target);
00537   }
00538 }
00541 void VimbaROS::updateGainConfig(const Config& config,
00542                                 FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec) {
00543   bool changed = false;
00544   if (config.gain != camera_config_.gain || first_run_) {
00545     changed = true;
00546     setFeatureValue("Gain", static_cast<float>(config.gain));
00547   }
00548   if (config.gain_auto != camera_config_.gain_auto || first_run_) {
00549     changed = true;
00550     setFeatureValue("GainAuto", config.gain_auto.c_str());
00551   }
00552   if (config.gain_auto_tol != camera_config_.gain_auto_tol || first_run_) {
00553     changed = true;
00554     setFeatureValue("GainAutoAdjustTol",
00555                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.gain_auto_tol));
00556   }
00557   if (config.gain_auto_max != camera_config_.gain_auto_max || first_run_) {
00558     changed = true;
00559     setFeatureValue("GainAutoMax", static_cast<float>(config.gain_auto_max));
00560   }
00561   if (config.gain_auto_min != camera_config_.gain_auto_min || first_run_) {
00562     changed = true;
00563     setFeatureValue("GainAutoMin",
00564                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.gain_auto_min));
00565   }
00566   if (config.gain_auto_outliers != camera_config_.gain_auto_outliers || first_run_) {
00567     changed = true;
00568     setFeatureValue("GainAutoMin",
00569                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.gain_auto_outliers));
00570   }
00571   if (config.gain_auto_rate != camera_config_.gain_auto_rate || first_run_) {
00572     changed = true;
00573     setFeatureValue("GainAutoOutliers",
00574                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.gain_auto_rate));
00575   }
00576   if (config.gain_auto_target != camera_config_.gain_auto_target || first_run_) {
00577     changed = true;
00578     setFeatureValue("GainAutoRate", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.gain_auto_target));
00579   }
00580   if(changed){
00581     ROS_INFO_STREAM("New Exposure config: "
00582       << "\n\tGain              : " << config.gain               << " was " << camera_config_.gain
00583       << "\n\tGainAuto          : " << config.gain_auto          << " was " << camera_config_.gain_auto
00584       << "\n\tGainAutoAdjustTol : " << config.gain_auto_tol      << " was " << camera_config_.gain_auto_tol
00585       << "\n\tGainAutoMax       : " << config.gain_auto_max      << " was " << camera_config_.gain_auto_max
00586       << "\n\tGainAutoMin       : " << config.gain_auto_min      << " was " << camera_config_.gain_auto_min
00587       << "\n\tGainAutoOutliers  : " << config.gain_auto_outliers << " was " << camera_config_.gain_auto_outliers
00588       << "\n\tGainAutoRate      : " << config.gain_auto_rate     << " was " << camera_config_.gain_auto_rate
00589       << "\n\tGainAutoTarget    : " << config.gain_auto_target   << " was " << camera_config_.gain_auto_target);
00590   }
00591 }
00594 void VimbaROS::updateWhiteBalanceConfig(const Config& config,
00595                                         FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec){
00596   bool changed = false;
00597   if (config.balance_ratio_abs != camera_config_.balance_ratio_abs || first_run_) {
00598     changed = true;
00599     setFeatureValue("BalanceRatioAbs", static_cast<float>(config.balance_ratio_abs));
00600   }
00601   if (config.balance_ratio_selector != camera_config_.balance_ratio_selector || first_run_) {
00602     changed = true;
00603     setFeatureValue("BalanceRatioSelector", config.balance_ratio_selector.c_str());
00604   }
00605   if (config.whitebalance_auto != camera_config_.whitebalance_auto || first_run_) {
00606     changed = true;
00607     setFeatureValue("BalanceWhiteAuto", config.whitebalance_auto.c_str());
00608   }
00609   if (config.whitebalance_auto_tol != camera_config_.whitebalance_auto_tol || first_run_) {
00610     changed = true;
00611     setFeatureValue("BalanceWhiteAutoAdjustTol", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.whitebalance_auto_tol));
00612   }
00613   if (config.whitebalance_auto_rate != camera_config_.whitebalance_auto_rate || first_run_) {
00614     changed = true;
00615     setFeatureValue("BalanceWhiteAutoRate", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.whitebalance_auto_rate));
00616   }
00617   if(changed){
00618     ROS_INFO_STREAM("New ROI config: "
00619       << "\n\tBalanceRatioAbs           : " << config.balance_ratio_abs      << " was " << camera_config_.balance_ratio_abs
00620       << "\n\tBalanceRatioSelector      : " << config.balance_ratio_selector << " was " << camera_config_.balance_ratio_selector
00621       << "\n\tBalanceWhiteAuto          : " << config.whitebalance_auto      << " was " << camera_config_.whitebalance_auto
00622       << "\n\tBalanceWhiteAutoAdjustTol : " << config.whitebalance_auto_tol  << " was " << camera_config_.whitebalance_auto_tol
00623       << "\n\tBalanceWhiteAutoRate      : " << config.whitebalance_auto_rate << " was " << camera_config_.whitebalance_auto_rate);
00624   }
00625 }
00628 void VimbaROS::updateImageModeConfig(const Config& config,
00629                                      FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec) {
00630   bool changed = false;
00631   if (config.decimation_x != camera_config_.decimation_x || first_run_) {
00632     changed = true;
00633     setFeatureValue("DecimationHorizontal",
00634                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.decimation_x));
00635   }
00636   if (config.decimation_y != camera_config_.decimation_y || first_run_) {
00637     changed = true;
00638     setFeatureValue("DecimationVertical", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.decimation_y));
00639   }
00640   if (config.binning_x != camera_config_.binning_x || first_run_) {
00641     changed = true;
00642     setFeatureValue("BinningHorizontal", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.binning_x));
00643   }
00644   if (config.binning_y != camera_config_.binning_y || first_run_) {
00645     changed = true;
00646     setFeatureValue("BinningVertical", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.binning_y));
00647   }
00648   if(changed){
00649     ROS_INFO_STREAM("New Image config: "
00650       << "\n\tDecimationHorizontal : " << config.decimation_x << " was " << camera_config_.decimation_x
00651       << "\n\tDecimationVertical   : " << config.decimation_y << " was " << camera_config_.decimation_y
00652       << "\n\tBinningHorizontal    : " << config.binning_x    << " was " << camera_config_.binning_x
00653       << "\n\tBinningVertical      : " << config.binning_y    << " was " << camera_config_.binning_y);
00654   }
00655 }
00658 void VimbaROS::updateROIConfig(Config& config,
00659                                FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec) {
00660   bool changed = false;
00662   // Region of interest configuration
00663   // Make sure ROI fits in image
00664   config.width        = std::min(config.width,  (int)vimba_camera_max_width_);
00665   config.height       = std::min(config.height, (int)vimba_camera_max_height_);
00666   config.roi_offset_x = std::min(config.roi_offset_x, config.width - 1);
00667   config.roi_offset_y = std::min(config.roi_offset_y, config.height - 1);
00668   config.roi_width    = std::min(config.roi_width,  config.width  - config.roi_offset_x);
00669   config.roi_height   = std::min(config.roi_height, config.height - config.roi_offset_y);
00670   // If width or height is 0, set it as large as possible
00671   int width  = config.roi_width  ? config.roi_width  : vimba_camera_max_width_  - config.roi_offset_x;
00672   int height = config.roi_height ? config.roi_height : vimba_camera_max_height_ - config.roi_offset_y;
00674   // Adjust full-res ROI to binning ROI
00676   int offset_x = config.roi_offset_x / config.binning_x;
00677   int offset_y = config.roi_offset_y / config.binning_y;
00678   unsigned int right_x  = (config.roi_offset_x + width  + config.binning_x - 1) / config.binning_x;
00679   unsigned int bottom_y = (config.roi_offset_y + height + config.binning_y - 1) / config.binning_y;
00680   // Rounding up is bad when at max resolution which is not divisible by the amount of binning
00681   right_x  = std::min(right_x,  (unsigned)(config.width  / config.binning_x));
00682   bottom_y = std::min(bottom_y, (unsigned)(config.height / config.binning_y));
00683   width    = right_x  - offset_x;
00684   height   = bottom_y - offset_y;
00686   config.width  = width;
00687   config.height = height;
00689   if (config.roi_offset_x != camera_config_.roi_offset_x || first_run_) {
00690     changed = true;
00691     setFeatureValue("OffsetX", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.roi_offset_x));
00692   }
00693   if (config.roi_offset_y != camera_config_.roi_offset_y || first_run_) {
00694     changed = true;
00695     setFeatureValue("OffsetY", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.roi_offset_y));
00696   }
00697   if (config.width != camera_config_.width || first_run_) {
00698     changed = true;
00699     setFeatureValue("Width", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.width));
00700   }
00701   if (config.height != camera_config_.height || first_run_) {
00702     changed = true;
00703     setFeatureValue("Height", static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.height));
00704   }
00706   if(changed){
00707     ROS_INFO_STREAM("New ROI config: "
00708       << "\n\tOffsetX : " << config.roi_offset_x << " was " << camera_config_.roi_offset_x
00709       << "\n\tOffsetY : " << config.roi_offset_y << " was " << camera_config_.roi_offset_y
00710       << "\n\tWidth   : " << config.width        << " was " << camera_config_.width
00711       << "\n\tHeight  : " << config.height   << " was " << camera_config_.height);
00712   }
00713 }
00716 void VimbaROS::updateBandwidthConfig(const Config& config,
00717                                      FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec) {
00718   bool changed = false;
00719   if (config.stream_bytes_per_second
00720       != camera_config_.stream_bytes_per_second || first_run_) {
00721     changed = true;
00722     setFeatureValue("StreamBytesPerSecond",
00723                     static_cast<VmbInt64_t>(config.stream_bytes_per_second));
00724   }
00725   if(changed){
00726     ROS_INFO_STREAM("New Bandwidth config: "
00727       << "\n\tStreamBytesPerSecond : " << config.stream_bytes_per_second << " was " << camera_config_.stream_bytes_per_second);
00728   }
00729 }
00732 void VimbaROS::updatePixelFormatConfig(const Config& config,
00733                                        FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec) {
00734   bool changed = false;
00735   if (config.pixel_format != camera_config_.pixel_format || first_run_) {
00736     changed = true;
00737     setFeatureValue("PixelFormat", config.pixel_format.c_str());
00738   }
00739   if(changed){
00740     ROS_INFO_STREAM("New PixelFormat config: "
00741       << "\n\tPixelFormat : " << config.pixel_format << " was " << camera_config_.pixel_format);
00742   }
00743 }
00746 void VimbaROS::updateGPIOConfig(const Config& config,
00747                                      FeaturePtrVector feature_ptr_vec) {
00748   bool changed = false;
00749   if (config.sync_in_selector
00750       != camera_config_.sync_in_selector || first_run_) {
00751     changed = true;
00752     setFeatureValue("SyncInSelector", config.sync_in_selector.c_str());
00753   }
00754   if (config.sync_out_polarity
00755       != camera_config_.sync_out_polarity || first_run_) {
00756     changed = true;
00757     setFeatureValue("SyncOutPolarity", config.sync_out_polarity.c_str());
00758   }
00759   if (config.sync_out_selector
00760       != camera_config_.sync_out_selector || first_run_) {
00761     changed = true;
00762     setFeatureValue("SyncOutSelector", config.sync_out_selector.c_str());
00763   }
00764   if (config.sync_out_source
00765       != camera_config_.sync_out_source || first_run_) {
00766     changed = true;
00767     setFeatureValue("SyncOutSource", config.sync_out_source.c_str());
00768   }
00769   if(changed){
00770     ROS_INFO_STREAM("New Bandwidth config: "
00771       << "\n\tSyncInSelector  : " << config.sync_in_selector  << " was " << camera_config_.sync_in_selector
00772       << "\n\tSyncOutPolarity : " << config.sync_out_polarity << " was " << camera_config_.sync_out_polarity
00773       << "\n\tSyncOutSelector : " << config.sync_out_selector << " was " << camera_config_.sync_out_selector
00774       << "\n\tSyncOutSource   : " << config.sync_out_source   << " was " << camera_config_.sync_out_source);
00775   }
00776 }
00778 // Template function to GET a feature value from the camera
00779 template<typename T>
00780 bool VimbaROS::getFeatureValue(const std::string& feature_str, T& val) {
00781   VmbErrorType err;
00782   FeaturePtr vimba_feature_ptr;
00783   VmbFeatureDataType data_type;
00784   err = vimba_camera_ptr_->GetFeatureByName(feature_str.c_str(),
00785                                             vimba_feature_ptr);
00786   if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00787     bool readable;
00788     vimba_feature_ptr->IsReadable(readable);
00789     if (readable) {
00790       //VmbFeatureDataType data_type;
00791       vimba_feature_ptr->GetDataType(data_type);
00792       if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err ) {
00793         std::cout << "[Could not get feature Data Type. Error code: "
00794                   << err << "]" << std::endl;
00795       } else {
00796         std::string strValue;
00797         switch ( data_type ) {
00798           case VmbFeatureDataBool:
00799           bool bValue;
00800           err = vimba_feature_ptr->GetValue(bValue);
00801           if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00802             val = static_cast<T>(bValue);
00803           }
00804           break;
00805           case VmbFeatureDataFloat:
00806           double fValue;
00807           err = vimba_feature_ptr->GetValue(fValue);
00808           if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00809             val = static_cast<T>(fValue);
00810           }
00811           break;
00812           case VmbFeatureDataInt:
00813           VmbInt64_t  nValue;
00814           err = vimba_feature_ptr->GetValue(nValue);
00815           if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00816             val = static_cast<T>(nValue);
00817           }
00818           break;
00819         }
00820         if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
00821           ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Could not get feature value. Error code: "
00822                     << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00823         }
00824       }
00825     } else {
00826       ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Feature "
00827                        << feature_str
00828                        << " is not readable.");
00829     }
00830   } else {
00831     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not get feature " << feature_str);
00832   }
00833   ROS_INFO_STREAM("Asking for feature " << feature_str << " with datatype " << FeatureDataType[data_type] << " and value " << val);
00834   return (VmbErrorSuccess == err);
00835 }
00837 // Function to GET a feature value from the camera, overloaded to strings
00838 bool VimbaROS::getFeatureValue(const std::string& feature_str, std::string& val) {
00839   VmbErrorType err;
00840   FeaturePtr vimba_feature_ptr;
00841   VmbFeatureDataType data_type;
00842   err = vimba_camera_ptr_->GetFeatureByName(feature_str.c_str(),
00843                                             vimba_feature_ptr);
00844   if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00845     bool readable;
00846     vimba_feature_ptr->IsReadable(readable);
00847     if (readable) {
00848       //VmbFeatureDataType data_type;
00849       vimba_feature_ptr->GetDataType(data_type);
00850       if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err ) {
00851         std::cout << "[Could not get feature Data Type. Error code: "
00852                   << err << "]" << std::endl;
00853       } else {
00854         std::string strValue;
00855         switch ( data_type ) {
00856           case VmbFeatureDataEnum:
00857           err = vimba_feature_ptr->GetValue(strValue);
00858           if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00859             val = strValue;
00860           }
00861           break;
00862           case VmbFeatureDataString:
00863           err = vimba_feature_ptr->GetValue(strValue);
00864           if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00865             val = strValue;
00866           }
00867           break;
00868         }
00869         if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
00870           ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Could not get feature value. Error code: "
00871                     << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00872         }
00873       }
00874     } else {
00875       ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Feature "
00876                        << feature_str
00877                        << " is not readable.");
00878     }
00879   } else {
00880     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not get feature " << feature_str);
00881   }
00882   ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Asking for feature " << feature_str << " with datatype " << FeatureDataType[data_type] << " and value " << val);
00883   return (VmbErrorSuccess == err);
00884 }
00886 // Template function to SET a feature value from the camera
00887 template<typename T>
00888 bool VimbaROS::setFeatureValue(const std::string& feature_str, const T& val) {
00889   VmbErrorType err;
00890   FeaturePtr vimba_feature_ptr;
00891   err = vimba_camera_ptr_->GetFeatureByName(feature_str.c_str(),
00892                                             vimba_feature_ptr);
00893   if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00894     bool writable;
00895     err = vimba_feature_ptr->IsWritable(writable);
00896     if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00897       if (writable) {
00898         ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Setting feature " << feature_str << " value " << val);
00899         VmbFeatureDataType data_type;
00900         err == vimba_feature_ptr->GetDataType(data_type);
00901         if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00902           if (data_type == VmbFeatureDataEnum) {
00903             bool available;
00904             err = vimba_feature_ptr->IsValueAvailable(val, available);
00905             if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
00906               if (available){
00907                 err = vimba_feature_ptr->SetValue(val);
00908               } else {
00909                 ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Feature "
00910                                  << feature_str
00911                                  << " is available now.");
00912               }
00913             } else {
00914               ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Feature " << feature_str <<
00915                 ": value unavailable\n\tERROR " << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00916             }
00917           } else {
00918             err = vimba_feature_ptr->SetValue(val);
00919           }
00920         } else {
00921           ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Feature " << feature_str <<
00922             ": Bad data type\n\tERROR " << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00923         }
00924       } else {
00925         ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Feature "
00926                          << feature_str
00927                          << " is not writable.");
00928       }
00929     } else {
00930       ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Feature " << feature_str << ": ERROR " 
00931                        << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00932     }
00933   } else {
00934     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not get feature " << feature_str
00935       << "\n Error: " << errorCodeToMessage(err));
00936   }
00937   return (VmbErrorSuccess == err);
00938 }
00941 // Template function to RUN a command
00942 bool VimbaROS::runCommand(const std::string& command_str) {
00943   FeaturePtr feature_ptr;
00944   if ( VmbErrorSuccess == vimba_camera_ptr_->GetFeatureByName( command_str.c_str(), feature_ptr ))
00945   {
00946     if ( VmbErrorSuccess == feature_ptr->RunCommand() )
00947     {
00948       bool is_command_done = false;
00949       do
00950       {
00951         if ( VmbErrorSuccess != feature_ptr->IsCommandDone(is_command_done) )
00952         {
00953           break;
00954         }
00955         ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(1,"Waiting for command " << command_str.c_str() << "...");
00956       } while ( false == is_command_done );
00957       ROS_INFO_STREAM("Command " << command_str.c_str() << " done!");
00958     }
00959   }
00960 }
00969 std::string VimbaROS::errorCodeToMessage(VmbErrorType error) {
00970   std::map<VmbErrorType, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
00971     vimba_error_code_to_message_.find(error);
00972   if ( vimba_error_code_to_message_.end() != iter ) {
00973     return iter->second;
00974   }
00975   return "Unsupported error code passed.";
00976 }
00978 void VimbaROS::listAvailableCameras(void) {
00979   std::string name;
00980   CameraPtrVector cameras;
00982   if (VmbErrorSuccess == vimba_system_.Startup()) {
00983     if (VmbErrorSuccess == vimba_system_.GetCameras(cameras)) {
00984       for (CameraPtrVector::iterator iter = cameras.begin();
00985       cameras.end() != iter;
00986       ++iter) {
00987         if (VmbErrorSuccess == (*iter)->GetName(name)) {
00988           ROS_INFO_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Found camera: ");
00989         }
00990         std::string strID;            // The ID of the cam
00991         std::string strName;          // The name of the cam
00992         std::string strModelname;     // The model name of the cam
00993         std::string strSerialNumber;  // The serial number of the cam
00994         std::string strInterfaceID;  // The ID of the interface the cam is connected to
00995         VmbErrorType err = (*iter)->GetID( strID );
00996         if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
00997         {
00998             ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[Could not get camera ID. Error code: " << err << "]");
00999         }
01000         err = (*iter)->GetName( strName );
01001         if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
01002         {
01003             ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[Could not get camera name. Error code: " << err << "]");
01004         }
01006         err = (*iter)->GetModel( strModelname );
01007         if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
01008         {
01009             ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[Could not get camera mode name. Error code: " << err << "]");
01010         }
01012         err = (*iter)->GetSerialNumber( strSerialNumber );
01013         if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
01014         {
01015             ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[Could not get camera serial number. Error code: " << err << "]");
01016         }
01018         err = (*iter)->GetInterfaceID( strInterfaceID );
01019         if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err )
01020         {
01021             ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[Could not get interface ID. Error code: " << err << "]");
01022         }
01023         ROS_INFO_STREAM("\t\t/// Camera Name: " << strName);
01024         ROS_INFO_STREAM("\t\t/// Model Name: " << strModelname);
01025         ROS_INFO_STREAM("\t\t/// Camera ID: " << strID);
01026         ROS_INFO_STREAM("\t\t/// Serial Number: " << strSerialNumber);
01027         ROS_INFO_STREAM("\t\t/// @ Interface ID: " << strInterfaceID);
01029       }
01030     }
01031   }
01032 }
01034 std::string VimbaROS::interfaceToString(VmbInterfaceType interfaceType) {
01035   switch ( interfaceType ) {
01036     case VmbInterfaceFirewire: return "FireWire";
01037       break;
01038     case VmbInterfaceEthernet: return "GigE";
01039       break;
01040     case VmbInterfaceUsb: return "USB";
01041       break;
01042     default: return "Unknown";
01043   }
01044 }
01046 std::string VimbaROS::accessModeToString(VmbAccessModeType modeType){
01047   std::string s;
01048   if (modeType & VmbAccessModeFull)        s = std::string("Read and write access");
01049   else if (modeType & VmbAccessModeRead)   s = std::string("Only read access");
01050   else if (modeType & VmbAccessModeConfig) s = std::string("Device configuration access");
01051   else if (modeType & VmbAccessModeLite)   s = std::string("Device read/write access without feature access (only addresses)");
01052   else if (modeType & VmbAccessModeNone)   s = std::string("No access");
01053   return s;
01054 }
01056 int VimbaROS::getTriggerModeInt(std::string mode_str){
01057   int mode;
01058   if (mode_str == TriggerMode[Freerun]){
01059     mode = Freerun;
01060   } else if (mode_str == TriggerMode[FixedRate]){
01061     mode = FixedRate;
01062   } else if (mode_str == TriggerMode[Software]){
01063     mode = Software;
01064   } else if (mode_str == TriggerMode[SyncIn1]){
01065     mode = SyncIn1;
01066   } else if (mode_str == TriggerMode[SyncIn2]){
01067     mode = SyncIn2;
01068   } else if (mode_str == TriggerMode[SyncIn3]){
01069     mode = SyncIn3;
01070   } else if (mode_str == TriggerMode[SyncIn4]){
01071     mode = SyncIn4;
01072   }
01073   return mode;
01074 }
01076 CameraPtr VimbaROS::openCamera(std::string id_str) {
01077   // Details:   The ID might be one of the following:
01078   //            "IP:",
01079   //            "MAC:000f31000001",
01080   //            or a plain serial number: "1234567890".
01082   CameraPtr camera;
01083   VmbErrorType err = vimba_system_.GetCameraByID(id_str.c_str(), camera);
01084   if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
01085     std::string cam_id, cam_name, cam_model, cam_sn, cam_int_id;
01086     VmbInterfaceType cam_int_type;
01087     VmbAccessModeType accessMode;// = VmbAccessModeNone;
01088     camera->GetID(cam_id);
01089     camera->GetName(cam_name);
01090     camera->GetModel(cam_model);
01091     camera->GetSerialNumber(cam_sn);
01092     camera->GetInterfaceID(cam_int_id);
01093     camera->GetInterfaceType(cam_int_type);
01094     err = camera->GetPermittedAccess(accessMode);
01096     ROS_INFO_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Opened camera with"
01097     << "\n\t\t * Name     : " << cam_name
01098     << "\n\t\t * Model    : " << cam_model
01099     << "\n\t\t * ID       : " << cam_id
01100     << "\n\t\t * S/N      : " << cam_sn
01101     << "\n\t\t * Itf. ID  : " << cam_int_id
01102     << "\n\t\t * Itf. Type: " << interfaceToString(cam_int_type)
01103     << "\n\t\t * Access   : " << accessModeToString(accessMode));
01105     err = camera->Open(VmbAccessModeFull);
01106     if (VmbErrorSuccess == err){
01107       printAllCameraFeatures(camera);
01108     } else {
01109       ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not get camera " << id_str
01110         << "\n Error: " << errorCodeToMessage(err));
01111     }
01112   } else {
01113     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not get camera " << id_str
01114       << "\n Error: " << errorCodeToMessage(err));
01115   }
01116   running_ = true;
01117   return camera;
01118 }
01120 void VimbaROS::printAllCameraFeatures(CameraPtr camera) {
01121   VmbErrorType err;
01122   FeaturePtrVector features;
01124   // The static details of a feature
01125   std::string strName;           // The name of the feature
01126   std::string strDisplayName;    // The display name of the feature
01127   std::string strTooltip;        // A short description of the feature
01128   std::string strDescription;    // A long description of the feature
01129   std::string strCategory;       // A category to group features
01130   std::string strSFNCNamespace;  // The Std Feature Naming Convention namespace
01131   std::string strUnit;           // The measurement unit of the value
01132   VmbFeatureDataType eType;      // The data type of the feature
01134   // The changeable value of a feature
01135   VmbInt64_t  nValue;
01136   std::string strValue;
01138   std::stringstream strError;
01140   // Fetch all features of our cam
01141   err = camera->GetFeatures(features);
01142   if ( VmbErrorSuccess == err ) {
01143     // Query all static details as well as the value of
01144     // all fetched features and print them out.
01145     for (   FeaturePtrVector::const_iterator iter = features.begin();
01146       features.end() != iter;
01147       ++iter ) {
01148       err = (*iter)->GetName(strName);
01149       if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
01150         strError << "[Could not get feature Name. Error code: " << err << "]";
01151         strName.assign(strError.str());
01152       }
01154       err = (*iter)->GetDisplayName(strDisplayName);
01155       if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
01156         strError << "[Could not get feature Display Name. Error code: "
01157                  << err << "]";
01158         strDisplayName.assign(strError.str());
01159       }
01161       err = (*iter)->GetToolTip(strTooltip);
01162       if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
01163         strError << "[Could not get feature Tooltip. Error code: "
01164                  << err << "]";
01165         strTooltip.assign(strError.str());
01166       }
01168       err = (*iter)->GetDescription(strDescription);
01169       if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
01170         strError << "[Could not get feature Description. Error code: "
01171                  << err << "]";
01172         strDescription.assign(strError.str());
01173       }
01175       err = (*iter)->GetCategory(strCategory);
01176       if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
01177         strError << "[Could not get feature Category. Error code: "
01178                  << err << "]";
01179         strCategory.assign(strError.str());
01180       }
01182       err = (*iter)->GetSFNCNamespace(strSFNCNamespace);
01183       if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
01184         strError << "[Could not get feature SNFC Namespace. Error code: "
01185                  << err << "]";
01186         strSFNCNamespace.assign(strError.str());
01187       }
01189       err = (*iter)->GetUnit(strUnit);
01190       if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
01191         strError << "[Could not get feature Unit. Error code: " << err << "]";
01192         strUnit.assign(strError.str());
01193       }
01195       std::cout << "/// Feature Name: " << strName << std::endl;
01196       std::cout << "/// Display Name: " << strDisplayName << std::endl;
01197       std::cout << "/// Tooltip: " << strTooltip << std::endl;
01198       std::cout << "/// Description: " << strDescription << std::endl;
01199       std::cout << "/// SNFC Namespace: " << strSFNCNamespace << std::endl;
01200       std::cout << "/// Unit: " << strUnit << std::endl;
01201       std::cout << "/// Value: ";
01203       err = (*iter)->GetDataType(eType);
01204       if ( VmbErrorSuccess != err ) {
01205         std::cout << "[Could not get feature Data Type. Error code: "
01206                   << err << "]" << std::endl;
01207       } else {
01208         switch ( eType ) {
01209           case VmbFeatureDataBool:
01210           bool bValue;
01211           err = (*iter)->GetValue(bValue);
01212           if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
01213             std::cout << bValue << " bool" << std::endl;
01214           }
01215           break;
01216           case VmbFeatureDataEnum:
01217           err = (*iter)->GetValue(strValue);
01218           if (VmbErrorSuccess == err) {
01219             std::cout << strValue << " str Enum" << std::endl;
01220           }
01221           break;
01222           case VmbFeatureDataFloat:
01223           double fValue;
01224           err = (*iter)->GetValue(fValue);
01225           {
01226             std::cout << fValue << " float" << std::endl;
01227           }
01228           break;
01229           case VmbFeatureDataInt:
01230           err = (*iter)->GetValue(nValue);
01231           {
01232             std::cout << nValue << " int" << std::endl;
01233           }
01234           break;
01235           case VmbFeatureDataString:
01236           err = (*iter)->GetValue(strValue);
01237           {
01238             std::cout << strValue << " str" << std::endl;
01239           }
01240           break;
01241           case VmbFeatureDataCommand:
01242           default:
01243           std::cout << "[None]" << std::endl;
01244           break;
01245         }
01246         if (VmbErrorSuccess != err) {
01247           std::cout << "Could not get feature value. Error code: "
01248                     << err << std::endl;
01249         }
01250       }
01252       std::cout << std::endl;
01253     }
01254   } else {
01255     std::cout << "Could not get features. Error code: " << err << std::endl;
01256   }
01257 }
01259 void VimbaROS::initApi(void) {
01260   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorSuccess]        = "Success.";
01261   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorApiNotStarted]  = "API not started.";
01262   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorNotFound]       = "Not found.";
01263   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorBadHandle]      = "Invalid handle ";
01264   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorDeviceNotOpen]  = "Device not open.";
01265   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorInvalidAccess]  = "Invalid access.";
01266   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorBadParameter]   = "Bad parameter.";
01267   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorStructSize]     = "Wrong DLL version.";
01268   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorWrongType]      = "Wrong type.";
01269   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorInvalidValue]   = "Invalid value.";
01270   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorTimeout]        = "Timeout.";
01271   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorOther]          = "TL error.";
01272   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorInvalidCall]    = "Invalid call.";
01273   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorNoTL]           = "TL not loaded.";
01274   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorNotImplemented] = "Not implemented.";
01275   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorNotSupported]   = "Not supported.";
01276   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorResources]      = "Resource not available.";
01277   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorInternalFault]  = "Unexpected fault in VmbApi or driver.";
01278   vimba_error_code_to_message_[VmbErrorMoreData]       = "More data returned than memory provided.";
01280   if (VmbErrorSuccess == vimba_system_.Startup()) {
01281     ROS_INFO_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: AVT Vimba System initialized successfully");
01282     listAvailableCameras();
01283   } else {
01284     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[AVT_Vimba_ROS]: Could not start Vimba system: "
01285       << errorCodeToMessage(vimba_system_.Startup()) );
01286   }
01287 }
01288 };

Author(s): Miquel Massot , Allied Vision Technologies
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:29:49