Changelog for package test_interface_files
0.9.1 (2022-04-05)
0.9.0 (2021-08-06)
Added BoundedPlainSequences messages (#14)
Contributors: Miguel Company
0.8.1 (2021-03-18)
Update maintainer (#13)
Contributors: Jacob Perron
0.8.0 (2019-09-24)
0.7.0 (2019-05-08)
add WStrings message (#4)
- Refactor interface messages (#3)
Rename messages towards consolidation
- Refactor message fields
Add fields to cover test cases
Move string fields to Strings.msg
Comment out fields that have issues to be resolved
Remove old interface files
Rename messages to align with IDL terminology
rename package, remove all dependencies, and only install the interface files
move package content into the root of the repo
Merge: test_msgs package from ros2/rcl_interfaces The commit messages have been rewritten to reference the tickets in the original repository