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The self_test package

This package can be used to implement self tests for ROS packages.


It publishes a service for the node to call to perform the self test. This then performs multiple user-defined checks on the node and reports the results.


The file selftest_example.cpp contains an example of how to use the self_test package.

When we then call $ ros2 run self_test run_selftest we get the following output:

[INFO] [...] [...]: Self test FAILED for device with id: [12345]
[INFO] [...] [...]: 1) Pretest
[INFO] [...] [...]:     Pretest completed successfully.
[INFO] [...] [...]: 2) ID Lookup
[INFO] [...] [...]:     ID Lookup successful
[INFO] [...] [...]: 3) Exception generating test
[ERROR] [...] [...]:    Uncaught exception: we did something that threw an exception
[INFO] [...] [...]: 4) Value generating test
[INFO] [...] [...]:     We successfully changed the value.
[INFO] [...] [...]:     [some value] 42
[INFO] [...] [...]: 5) Value testing test
[INFO] [...] [...]:     We observed the change in value


The TestRunner class is the main class for self tests. It has a method _add which must be used to add the specific test as callback methods. The TestRunner then advertises the relevant self_test service and calls the aforemntioned callbacks when requested.



This node is used to call the self test service.