<package format="2">
  <description>rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
      computation graph.<br />
      Its components are made generic so that other packages
      where you want to achieve graph representation can depend upon this pkg
      (use <a href = "">rqt_dep</a> to find out
      the pkgs that depend. rqt_dep itself depends on rqt_graph too).
  <maintainer email="">Michael Jeronimo</maintainer>
  <maintainer email="">William Woodall</maintainer>
  <url type="website"></url>
  <url type="repository"></url>
  <url type="bugtracker"></url>
  <author email="">Dirk Thomas</author>
  <author email="">Aaron Blasdel</author>

  <exec_depend version_gte="1.1.2">qt_dotgraph</exec_depend>

    <rqt_gui plugin="${prefix}/plugin.xml"/>