rqt_bag.timeline_frame module
- class rqt_bag.timeline_frame.TimelineFrame(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
TimelineFrame Draws the framing elements for the bag messages (time delimiters, labels, topic names and backgrounds). Also handles mouse callbacks since they interact closely with the drawn elements
- boundingRect()
- can_zoom(desired_zoom)
- can_zoom_in()
- can_zoom_out()
- emit_play_region()
- property end_stamp
- get_renderers()
- Returns:
a list of the currently loaded renderers for the plugins
- get_viewer_types(datatype)
- get_zoom_interval(zoom, center=None)
@rtype: tuple @requires: left & right zoom interval sizes.
- handle_close()
- property has_selected_region
- is_renderer_active(topic)
- load_plugins()
- map_dstamp_to_dx(dstamp)
- map_dx_to_dstamp(dx)
converts a distance in pixel space to a distance in stamp space :param dx: distance in pixel space to be converted, ‘’int’’ :returns: distance in stamp space, ‘’float’’
- map_stamp_to_x(stamp, clamp_to_visible=True)
converts a timestamp to the x value where that stamp exists in the timeline :param stamp: timestamp to be converted, ‘’int’’ :param clamp_to_visible:
disallow values that are greater than the current timeline bounds,’’bool’’
- Returns:
# of pixels from the left boarder, ‘’int’’
- map_x_to_stamp(x, clamp_to_visible=True)
converts a pixel x value to a stamp :param x: pixel value to be converted, ‘’int’’ :param clamp_to_visible:
disallow values that are greater than the current timeline bounds,’’bool’’
- Returns:
timestamp, ‘’int’’
- map_y_to_topic(y)
- on_left_down(event)
- on_middle_down(event)
- on_mouse_move(event)
- on_mouse_up(event)
- on_mousewheel(event)
- paint(painter, option, widget)
- pause()
- property play_region
- property playhead
- reset_timeline()
- reset_zoom()
- resume()
- set_renderer_active(topic, active)
- set_renderers_active(active)
- set_timeline_view(stamp_left, stamp_right)
- property start_stamp
- translate_timeline(dstamp)
- translate_timeline_left()
- translate_timeline_right()
- zoom_in()
- zoom_out()
- zoom_timeline(zoom, center=None)