Changelog for package ros_babel_fish
0.25.2 (2025-02-07)
Updated docs on template call array bounded / fixed length.
Fixed FixedLengthArray assigns in CompoundMessages (#11).
Use no declaration instead of static assert for compilers that evaluate it even when not used.
Added a method to get the actual underlying message from a compound message. Usage: using geometry_msgs::msg::Point; Point point = compound[“position”].as<CompoundMessage>().message<Point>();
Contributors: Stefan Fabian
0.9.6 (2024-12-30)
Fixes service server segfaulting (#10) and adds a new test to cover this.
Added convenience methods to get and set values of compound messages.
Add ActionServer (#9) * More verbose error message when trying to assign a value to a CompoundMessage. * Moved BabelFishAction definition to separate header in preparation for BabelFishActionServer. * Added BabelFishActionServer with tests. * Suppress false positive in cppcheck. * Enable inline suppression in cppcheck.
Updated test message and added goal rejected and cancel rejected tests for client.
Refactored action client and added new tests.
Added more method documentation.
Added convenience methods to create empty action goals with BabelFish.
Improved exceptions in type support loading.
Updated export of cmake variables.
Contributors: Stefan Fabian
0.9.4 (2024-09-03)
0.9.1 (2024-09-02)
Updated dependencies.
Added missing test depend and configured ament_cmake_clang_format.
Renamed package to ros_babel_fish as requested in ros/rosdistro#41540
Contributors: Stefan Fabian