Changelog for package raspimouse_slam
2.1.0 (2024-03-05)
Use because does not exist. (#8)
Contributors: Shota Aoki
2.0.0 (2023-08-04)
Humble対応 (#6)
Contributors: Shuhei Kozasa
1.0.0 (2022-07-29)
Save the map file to the home directory and use the absolute path to the map file
Adds raspimouse_description as a dependent pacakgae
Update launch file to use rplidar
Adds new param file. Updates launch file to use it as default
Adds description to launch teleop launch file
Adds launch file to publish the robot_description
Update launch file so that it brings up the node for RPLIDAR
Change tag to exec_depend. The sllidar package is not included in the rosdep list
Removes static tf node. raspimouse_description has that covered
Update launch files. Use LaunchConfigurationEquals instead.
Adds rplidar related arguments and definitions
Updates joystick controller file name sequence
Adds lds and urg options
Adds necessary arguments for lds and urg
Adds urg_node package as a dependent package
Adds config file for SLAM
Creates raspimouse_slam package
Contributors: Shota Aoki, Shuhei Kozasa