
The raspimouse_description package



ROS package with URDF description macro for Raspberry Pi Mouse


This ROS package was separated from rt-net/raspimouse_sim. See details from rt-net/raspimouse_sim#42.

The main development branch for ROS 1 is master. The main development branch for ROS 2 is ros2.

Supported ROS distributions


# Clone raspimouse_description and install dependencies
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone -b $ROS_DISTRO-devel https://github.com/rt-net/raspimouse_description
rosdep install -r -y -i --from-paths .

# Build the package
cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash

How to Use

Display a Raspberry Pi Mouse robot model on RViz2 with the following command:

ros2 launch raspimouse_description display.launch.py

You can also display a LiDAR mounted robot model with the following command:

ros2 launch raspimouse_description display.launch.py lidar:=rplidar

The lidar option supports urg, lds, and rplidar.

Similarly, display a RGB Camera mounted robot model with the following command:

ros2 launch raspimouse_description display.launch.py use_rgb_camera:=true

RGB Camera can be pointed down with the following command:

ros2 launch raspimouse_description display.launch.py use_rgb_camera:=true camera_downward:=true


(C) 2016-2022 RT Corporation

This repository is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE. Unless attributed otherwise, everything in this repository is under the MIT license.


Special thanks to https://gbiggs.github.io/rosjp_urdf_tutorial_text/index.html

The file robotis_lds01.stl is released from ROBOTIS and licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The original file is released in turtlebot3_description package.