Struct MjcfGeom
Defined in File mjcf-graph.hpp
Struct Documentation
struct MjcfGeom
Public Types
typedef boost::property_tree::ptree ptree
Public Functions
void findKind()
Find the geometry kind.
void computeSize()
Compute Geometry size based on sizeS and fromtoS.
void computeInertia()
Compute geometry inertia.
Public Members
std::string geomName
std::string geomType = "sphere"
int contype = 1
int conaffinity = 1
int group = 0
std::string sizeS
boost::optional<std::string> fromtoS
Eigen::VectorXd size
Eigen::Vector4d rgba = Eigen::Vector4d::Constant(1)
std::string materialName
std::string meshName
double density = 1000
bool shellinertia = false
boost::optional<double> massGeom
typedef boost::property_tree::ptree ptree