Template Struct AutoDiffAlgoBase

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

template<typename _Scalar>
struct AutoDiffAlgoBase

Subclassed by pinocchio::casadi::AutoDiffABA< _Scalar >, pinocchio::casadi::AutoDiffABADerivatives< _Scalar >, pinocchio::casadi::AutoDiffConstraintDynamics< _Scalar >, pinocchio::casadi::AutoDiffConstraintDynamicsDerivatives< _Scalar >

Public Types

enum [anonymous]


enumerator Options
typedef _Scalar Scalar
typedef ::casadi::SX ADScalar
typedef ::casadi::SXVector ADSVector
typedef ::casadi::DM DMMatrix
typedef ::casadi::DMVector DMVector
typedef pinocchio::ModelTpl<Scalar, Options> Model
typedef pinocchio::DataTpl<Scalar, Options> Data
typedef pinocchio::ModelTpl<ADScalar, Options> ADModel
typedef pinocchio::DataTpl<ADScalar, Options> ADData
typedef Model::ConfigVectorType ConfigVectorType
typedef Model::TangentVectorType TangentVectorType
typedef ADModel::ConfigVectorType ADConfigVectorType
typedef ADModel::TangentVectorType ADTangentVectorType
typedef Data::MatrixXs MatrixXs
typedef Data::VectorXs VectorXs
typedef Data::RowMatrixXs RowMatrixXs
typedef ::casadi::Function ADFun

Public Functions

inline AutoDiffAlgoBase(const Model &model, const std::string &filename, const std::string &libname, const std::string &fun_name)
inline virtual ~AutoDiffAlgoBase()
virtual void buildMap() = 0

build the mapping Y = f(X)

inline void initLib()
inline bool existLib() const
inline void compileLib()
inline void loadLib(const bool generate_if_not_exist = true)
inline casadi_int getFunOperationCount() const
inline casadi_int getFunDerivsOperationCount() const

Protected Attributes

ADModel ad_model
ADData ad_data
std::string filename
std::string libname
std::string fun_name
::casadi::CodeGenerator cg_generated
bool build_forward

Options to generate or not the source code for the evaluation function.

bool build_jacobian

Options to build or not the Jacobian of he function.

ADFun ad_fun
ADFun ad_fun_derivs
ADFun fun
ADFun fun_derivs
std::vector<DMMatrix> fun_output
std::vector<DMMatrix> fun_output_derivs
casadi_int fun_operation_count
casadi_int fun_derivs_operation_count