Struct GeometryModel
Defined in File geometry.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
public pinocchio::NumericalBase< GeometryModel >
(Template Struct NumericalBase)public pinocchio::serialization::Serializable< GeometryModel >
(Template Struct Serializable)
Struct Documentation
struct GeometryModel : public pinocchio::NumericalBase<GeometryModel>, public pinocchio::serialization::Serializable<GeometryModel>
Public Types
typedef ::pinocchio::GeometryObject GeometryObject
typedef std::vector<CollisionPair> CollisionPairVector
Public Functions
- typedef PINOCCHIO_ALIGNED_STD_VECTOR (GeometryObject) GeometryObjectVector
inline GeometryModel()
GeometryModel(const GeometryModel &other) = default
inline ~GeometryModel()
template<typename S2, int O2, template<typename, int> class _JointCollectionTpl>
GeomIndex addGeometryObject(const GeometryObject &object, const ModelTpl<S2, O2, _JointCollectionTpl> &model) Add a geometry object to a GeometryModel and set its parent joint.
object is a nonconst copy to ease the insertion code.
- Parameters:
object – [in] Object
model – [in] Corresponding model, used to assert the attributes of object.
- Returns:
The index of the new added GeometryObject in geometryObjects
GeomIndex addGeometryObject(const GeometryObject &object)
Add a geometry object to a GeometryModel.
- Parameters:
object – [in] Object
- Returns:
The index of the new added GeometryObject in geometryObjects.
void removeGeometryObject(const std::string &name)
Remove a GeometryObject.
@node Remove also the collision pairs that contain the object.
- Parameters:
name – [in] Name of the GeometryObject
GeomIndex getGeometryId(const std::string &name) const
Return the index of a GeometryObject given by its name.
- Parameters:
name – [in] Name of the GeometryObject
- Returns:
Index of the corresponding GeometryObject
bool existGeometryName(const std::string &name) const
Check if a GeometryObject given by its name exists.
- Parameters:
name – [in] Name of the GeometryObject
- Returns:
True if the GeometryObject exists in the geometryObjects.
void addCollisionPair(const CollisionPair &pair)
Add a collision pair into the vector of collision_pairs. The method check before if the given CollisionPair is already included.
- Parameters:
pair – [in] The CollisionPair to add.
void addAllCollisionPairs()
Add all possible collision pairs.
Collision pairs between geometries having the same parent joint are not added.
void setCollisionPairs(const MatrixXb &collision_map, const bool upper = true)
Set the collision pairs from a given input array. Each entry of the input matrix defines the activation of a given collision pair (map[i,j] == true means that the pair (i,j) is active).
- Parameters:
collision_map – [in] Associative array.
upper – [in] Wheter the collision_map is an upper or lower triangular filled array.
void removeCollisionPair(const CollisionPair &pair)
Remove if exists the CollisionPair from the vector collision_pairs.
- Parameters:
pair – [in] The CollisionPair to remove.
void removeAllCollisionPairs()
Remove all collision pairs from collisionPairs. Same as collisionPairs.clear().
bool existCollisionPair(const CollisionPair &pair) const
Check if a collision pair exists in collisionPairs. See also findCollisitionPair(const CollisionPair & pair).
- Parameters:
pair – [in] The CollisionPair.
- Returns:
True if the CollisionPair exists, false otherwise.
PairIndex findCollisionPair(const CollisionPair &pair) const
Return the index of a given collision pair in collisionPairs.
- Parameters:
pair – [in] The CollisionPair.
- Returns:
The index of the CollisionPair in collisionPairs.
GeometryModel clone() const
Create a deep copy of *this.
inline bool operator==(const GeometryModel &other) const
Returns true if *this and other are equal.
inline bool operator!=(const GeometryModel &other) const
Returns true if *this and other are not equal.
Public Members
- EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW typedef context::Scalar Scalar
Index ngeoms
The number of GeometryObjects.
GeometryObjectVector geometryObjects
Vector of GeometryObjects used for collision computations.
CollisionPairVector collisionPairs
Vector of collision pairs.
MatrixXi collisionPairMapping
Matrix relating the collision pair ID to a pair of two GeometryObject indexes.
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GeometryModel &model_geom)
typedef ::pinocchio::GeometryObject GeometryObject