ROS 2 port for libQi

libQi is a C++ middleware that provides RPC, type-erasure, cross-language interoperability, OS abstractions, logging facilities, asynchronous task management, dynamic module loading.


Clone this project in your ROS 2 workspace (under src/), and run colcon build.

C++ Example

The following example shows some features of the framework, please refer to the documentation for further details.

#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <qi/log.hpp>
#include <qi/applicationsession.hpp>
#include <qi/anyobject.hpp>


class MyService
  void myFunction(int val) {
    qiLogInfo() << "myFunction called with " << val;
  qi::Signal<int> eventTriggered;
  qi::Property<float> angle;

// register the service to the type-system
QI_REGISTER_OBJECT(MyService, myFunction, eventTriggered, angle);

void print()
  qiLogInfo() << "print was called";

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  qi::ApplicationSession app(argc, argv);

  // connect the session included in the app

  qi::SessionPtr session = app.session();

  // register our service
  session->registerService("MyService", boost::make_shared<MyService>());

  // get our service through the middleware
  qi::AnyObject obj = session->service("MyService").value();

  // call myFunction<void>("myFunction", 42);

  // call print in 2 seconds
  qi::async(&print, qi::Seconds(2));

  // block until ctrl-c;

You can then run the program with:

./myservice --qi-standalone # for a standalone server
./myservice --qi-url tcp://somemachine:9559 # to connect to another galaxy of sessions