Nao Button Sim

Build and Test (humble) Build and Test (iron) Build and Test (rolling)

This packages provides a simple way to simulate button presses on the NAO from a command line. This is useful when you cannot physically press the button on the robot, such as when:

  • working with simulated robots

  • working with a real robot in a location far away

The package simply converts key presses to nao_sensor_msgs/msg/Buttons and publishes it on /sensors/buttons at the rate specified by the frequency parameter (default: 50Hz)


In your ROS2 workspace,

git clone src/nao_button_sim
rosdep install --from-paths src
colcon build

Running the Button Simulator

In a new terminal, run:

ros2 run nao_button_sim nao_button_sim

If you see your terminal getting spammed, increase the width of your terminal window, or zoom out (Ctrl and -) a couple of times, to ensure the terminal window is at least 110 characters wide. Once the spamming stops, kill the node (Ctrl + C), and rerun it.

To simulate a button press, click on a key specified in the assigned keys list below:

---------  Assigned Keys  ---------
G - Chest button
C - Left Foot Bumper Left
V - Left Foot Bumper Right
B - Right Foot Bumper Left
N - Right Foot Bumper Right

The program provides visual feedback for which buttons are being pressed. The word “Pressed” will show in the corresponding column, as shown below:

---------------------------------------  BUTTON PRESS STATUS  ---------------------------------------

|     Chest (G)     | LFoot BumperL (C) | LFoot BumperR (V) | RFoot BumperL (B) | RFoot BumperR (N) |
|      Pressed      |                   |                   |      Pressed      |                   |

Multiple keys can be pressed at the same time.

Published Topics


  • frequency (int, default=50)