launch_pal.include_utils module

launch_pal.include_utils.get_nested_launch_configurations(configuration_list: Dict)
launch_pal.include_utils.include_launch_py_description(pkg_name: launch.SomeSubstitutionsType, paths: List[launch.SomeSubstitutionsType], **kwargs) launch.Action

Return IncludeLaunchDescription for the file inside pkg at paths.


include_launch_py_description(‘my_pkg’, [‘launch’, ‘’]) returns file IncludeLaunchDescription from PATH_TO_MY_PKG_SHARE/launch/

launch_pal.include_utils.include_scoped_launch_py_description(pkg_name: launch.SomeSubstitutionsType, paths: List[launch.SomeSubstitutionsType], launch_arguments: Dict = {}, env_vars: List[launch.actions.SetEnvironmentVariable] = [], condition: launch.Condition | None = None, **kwargs) launch.Action

Return a GroupAction for the launch file inside pkg at paths.

The launch file will be scoped and launch arguments or environment variables have to be explicitly passed on in this function.


pkg_name: str

Name of the package of the launch file

paths: List[str]

Relative path to the launch file

launch_arguments: Dict

Dictionary of arguments required for the launch file. The key is the name of the argument, the value can be a LaunchConfiguration, DeclareLaunchArgument or default type (int, str, float etc.). Remappings of argument names are also done here.

env_vars: List[SetEnvironmentVariable]

Environment variables required for the launch file

condition: Optional[Condition]

Conditionally include this launch file


Any other required function arguments


scoped_launch_file: GroupAction

The launch file wrapped as a group action


include_scoped_launch_py_description(‘my_pkg’, [‘launch’, ‘’], launch_arguments= { ‘arg_a’: DeclareLaunchArgument(‘arg_a’),

‘arg_2’: DeclareLaunchArgument(‘arg_b’), ‘arg_c’: LaunchConfiguration(‘arg_c’), ‘arg_d’: “some_value’ }

env_vars= [SetEnvironmentVariable(“VAR_NAME”, ‘value)] condition=IfCondition(LaunchConfiguration(‘arg_a’)))