Class InteractiveMarkerServer
Defined in File interactive_marker_server.hpp
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
class InteractiveMarkerServer
A server to one or many clients (e.g. rviz) displaying a set of interactive markers.
Note that changes made by calling insert(), erase(), setCallback() etc. are not applied until calling applyChanges().
Public Functions
- Parameters:
topic_namepsace – The namespace for the ROS services and topics used for communication with interactive marker clients.
base_interface – Node base interface.
clock_interface – Node clock interface.
logging_interface – Node logging interface.
topics_interface – Node topics interface.
service_interface – Node service interface.
update_pub_qos – QoS settings for the update publisher.
feedback_sub_qos – QoS settings for the feedback subscription.
template<typename NodePtr>
inline InteractiveMarkerServer(const std::string &topic_namespace, NodePtr node, const rclcpp::QoS &update_pub_qos = rclcpp::QoS(100), const rclcpp::QoS &feedback_sub_qos = rclcpp::QoS(1))
Destruction of the interface will lead to all managed markers being cleared.
- INTERACTIVE_MARKERS_PUBLIC void insert (const visualization_msgs::msg::InteractiveMarker &marker)
Add or replace a marker without changing its callback functions.
Note, changes to the marker will not take effect until you call applyChanges(). The callback changes immediately.
- Parameters:
marker – The marker to be added or replaced.
- INTERACTIVE_MARKERS_PUBLIC void insert (const visualization_msgs::msg::InteractiveMarker &marker, FeedbackCallback feedback_callback, uint8_t feedback_type=DEFAULT_FEEDBACK_CB)
Add or replace a marker and its callback functions.
Note, changes to the marker will not take effect until you call applyChanges(). The callback changes immediately.
- Parameters:
marker – The marker to be added or replaced.
feedback_callback – Function to call on the arrival of a feedback message.
feedback_type – Type of feedback for which to call the feedback callback.
- INTERACTIVE_MARKERS_PUBLIC bool setPose (const std::string &name, const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &pose, const std_msgs::msg::Header &header=std_msgs::msg::Header())
Update the pose of a marker by name.
Note, this change will not take effect until you call applyChanges().
- Parameters:
name – Name of the interactive marker to update.
pose – The new pose.
header – Header replacement. Leave this empty to use the previous one.
- Returns:
true if a marker with the provided name exists, false otherwise.
- INTERACTIVE_MARKERS_PUBLIC bool erase (const std::string &name)
Erase a marker by name.
Note, this change will not take effect until you call applyChanges().
- Parameters:
name – Name of the interactive marker to erase.
- Returns:
true if a marker with the provided name exists, false otherwise.
Clear all markers.
Note, this change will not take effect until you call applyChanges().
- INTERACTIVE_MARKERS_PUBLIC bool empty () const
Return whether the server contains any markers.
Does not include markers inserted since the last applyChanges().
- Returns:
true if the server contains no markers, false otherwise.
- INTERACTIVE_MARKERS_PUBLIC std::size_t size () const
Return the number of markers contained in the server.
Does not include markers inserted since the last applyChanges().
- Returns:
The number of markers contained in the server.
- INTERACTIVE_MARKERS_PUBLIC bool setCallback (const std::string &name, FeedbackCallback feedback_cb, uint8_t feedback_type=DEFAULT_FEEDBACK_CB)
Add or replace a callback function for a marker.
Note, this change will not take effect until you call applyChanges(). The server will try to call any type-specific callback first. If none is set, it will call the default callback. If a callback for the given type already exists, it will be replaced. To unset a type-specific callback, pass in an empty one.
- Parameters:
name – Name of an existing interactive marker.
feedback_callback – Function to call on the arrival of a feedback message.
feedback_type – Type of feedback for which to call the feedback callback. Leave this empty to make this the default callback.
- Returns:
true if the setting the callback was successful, false if the provided name does not match an existing marker.
Apply changes made since the last call to this method and broadcast an update to all clients.
- INTERACTIVE_MARKERS_PUBLIC bool get (std::string name, visualization_msgs::msg::InteractiveMarker &int_marker) const
Get a marker by name.
- Parameters:
name – [in] Name of the interactive marker.
marker – [out] Output message. Not set if a marker with the provided name does not exist.
- Returns:
true if a marker with the provided name exists, false otherwise.
Public Static Attributes
static const uint8_t DEFAULT_FEEDBACK_CB = 255