Class GvmMulticameraBootstrapperPlugin
Defined in File gvm_multicamera_bootstrapper_plugin.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public WorldPlugin
Class Documentation
class GvmMulticameraBootstrapperPlugin : public WorldPlugin
Registers the GvmMulticameraSensor class in the SensorFactory, and adds a gvm_multicamera sensor to a given model.
Expects the following configuration:
sensor: configuration of a gvm_multicamera sensor
initService (optional): if one of the many reasons that make gazebo crash gives you trouble, you can configure a service to call to control when the gvm sensor gets created and initialized
sensorReference: reference model configuration for the multicamera sensor. It contains the name of the model (normally ground_plane) with which to associate the sensor, and the name of the link to which to attach the sensor (see parseRefModelConfig)