Class CameraContainsPlugin

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public WorldPlugin

Class Documentation

class CameraContainsPlugin : public WorldPlugin

Publishes a camera select message when a model enters a certain space.

Tracks n models, and when one of them intersects the space of a box container, it publishes a list of camera names.


Expects the following configuration:

  • updateRate: rate at which the plugin should run

  • visualize (optional, defaults to false): flag to enable or disable the visualization of the container

  • trackedModels: list of tracked model names

  • cameras: list of camera names

  • topic: name of the topic to which to publish the camera names

  • pose (6-tuple): pose of the container

  • size (3-tuple): size of the container

Public Functions

virtual ~CameraContainsPlugin() override
void Load(physics::WorldPtr _world, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) override