Class FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface
Defined in File franka_cartesian_velocity_interface.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public franka_semantic_components::FrankaSemanticComponentInterface
(Class FrankaSemanticComponentInterface)
Class Documentation
class FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface : public franka_semantic_components::FrankaSemanticComponentInterface
Franka Cartesian Velocity interface abstraction on top of hardware_interface to set the full cartesian velocity. The Command should have the form [linear_velocity, angular_velocity] = [vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz]. Optionally, the elbow can be commanded. [joint_3_position, joint_4_sign].
Public Functions
explicit FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface(bool command_elbow_activate)
Initializes the franka cartesian velocity interface with access to the hardware interface command interfaces.
- Parameters:
command_elbow_active – [in] if true to activates the elbow commanding together with the cartesian velocity input, else elbow commanding is not allowed.
FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface(const FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface&) = delete
FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface &operator=(FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface const&) = delete
FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface(FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface&&) = default
~FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface() override = default
bool setCommand(const Eigen::Vector3d &linear_velocity_command, const Eigen::Vector3d &angular_velocity_command)
- Parameters:
twist_command – The velocity command in Cartesian coordinates
- Returns:
true if successul
- Returns:
if successful true, else when elbow is activated false.
bool setCommand(const Eigen::Vector3d &linear_velocity_command, const Eigen::Vector3d &angular_velocity_command, const std::array<double, 2> &elbow_command)
- Parameters:
twist_command – The velocity command in Cartesian coordinates
elbow_command – The elbow command: {joint_3, sign(joint_4)}
- Returns:
true if successul
- Returns:
if successful true, else when elbow is not activated false.
std::array<double, 2> getCommandedElbowConfiguration()
Get the commanded elbow interface elbow values.
- Throws:
std::runtime_error – if the elbow is not activated.
- Returns:
elbow_configuration [joint3_position, joint4_sign]
std::array<double, 2> getCurrentElbowConfiguration()
Get the current elbow configuration.
- Returns:
elbow_configuration [joint3_position, joint4_sign]
explicit FrankaCartesianVelocityInterface(bool command_elbow_activate)