
ROS Foxglove Bridge



ROS Melodic version ROS Noetic version ROS Galactic version ROS Humble version ROS Rolling version

High performance ROS 1 and ROS 2 WebSocket bridge using the Foxglove WebSocket protocol, written in C++.


Live debugging of ROS systems has traditionally relied on running ROS tooling such as rviz. This requires either a GUI and connected peripherals on the robot, or replicating the same ROS environment on a network-connected development machine including the same version of ROS, all custom message definitions, etc. To overcome this limitation and allow remote debugging from web tooling or non-ROS systems, rosbridge was developed. However, rosbridge suffers from performance problems with high frequency topics and/or large messages, and the protocol does not support full visibility into ROS systems such as interacting with parameters or seeing the full graph of publishers and subscribers.

The foxglove_bridge uses the Foxglove WebSocket protocol, a similar protocol to rosbridge but with the ability to support additional schema formats such as ROS 2 .msg and ROS 2 .idl, parameters, graph introspection, and non-ROS systems. The bridge is written in C++ and designed for high performance with low overhead to minimize the impact to your robot stack.


ROS packages will be made available soon for ROS 1 Melodic and Noetic, and ROS 2 Galactic, Humble, and Rolling. Earlier releases of ROS will not be supported due to API design and/or performance limitations.

In the meantime, you can try foxglove_bridge now by building from source or running a pre-built Docker container.

ROS 1 Source Build

cd <path/to/your/ros_ws>
git clone src/ros-foxglove-bridge
source install/local_setup.bash
rosrun foxglove_bridge foxglove_bridge

ROS 2 Source Build

cd <path/to/your/ros_ws>
git clone src/ros-foxglove-bridge
colcon build
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run foxglove_bridge foxglove_bridge

ROS 1 Docker

docker run --rm -it -v /opt/ros:/opt/ros --net=host

ROS 2 Docker

docker run --rm -it -v /opt/ros:/opt/ros --net=host


Parameters are provided to configure the behavior of the bridge. These parameters must be set at initialization through a launch file or the command line, they cannot be modified at runtime.

  • port: The TCP port to bind the WebSocket server to. Must be a valid TCP port number, or 0 to use a random port. Defaults to 8765.

  • address: The host address to bind the WebSocket server to. Defaults to, listening on all interfaces by default. Change this to to only accept connections from the local machine.

  • tls: If true, use Transport Layer Security (TLS) for encrypted communication. Defaults to false.

  • certfile: Path to the certificate to use for TLS. Required when tls is set to true. Defaults to "".

  • keyfile: Path to the private key to use for TLS. Required when tls is set to true. Defaults to "".

  • (ROS 1) max_update_ms: The maximum number of milliseconds to wait in between polling roscore for new topics, services, or parameters. Defaults to 5000.

  • (ROS 2) num_threads: The number of threads to use for the ROS node executor. This controls the number of subscriptions that can be processed in parallel. 0 means one thread per CPU core. Defaults to 0.

  • (ROS 2) max_qos_depth: Maximum depth used for the QoS profile of subscriptions. Defaults to 10.


Foxglove Studio connects to foxglove_bridge for live robotics visualization. There are client libraries for the Foxglove WebSocket protocol in Python, C++, and TypeScript.


A VSCode container is provided with a dual ROS 1 and ROS 2 installation and enough tools to build and run the bridge. Some bash aliases are defined to simplify the common workflow. Here’s an example of building and running the ROS 2 node:

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
ros2_build_debug  # or ros2_build_release

To test the bridge with example data, open another terminal and download the test .mcap files:


Then start playback:

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
ros2 bag play -l --clock 100 -s mcap data/nuScenes-v1.0-mini-scene-0061-ros2.mcap


foxglove_bridge is released with a MIT license. For full terms and conditions, see the LICENSE file.