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<package format="2">
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library.
class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
<maintainer email="geoff@openrobotics.org">Geoffrey Biggs</maintainer>
<maintainer email="michael@openrobotics.org">Michael Carroll</maintainer>
<url type="website">http://ros.org/wiki/class_loader</url>
<author>Dirk Thomas</author>
<author email="michel@ekumenlabs.com">Michel Hidalgo</author>
<author>Mirza Shah</author>
<author email="stevenragnarok@osrfoundation.org">Steven! Ragnarök</author>