Class KinematicParameters

Class Documentation

class KinematicParameters

One representation of the robot’s kinematics.

Public Types

using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<KinematicParameters>

Public Functions

void initialize(const base2d_kinematics_msgs::msg::Base2DKinematics &msg)
void initialize(const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &node, const std::string &param_prefix = "")
inline double getMinX()
inline double getMaxX()
inline double getAccX()
inline double getDecelX()
inline double getMinY()
inline double getMaxY()
inline double getAccY()
inline double getDecelY()
inline double getMinSpeedXY()
inline double getMinTheta()
inline double getMaxTheta()
inline double getAccTheta()
inline double getDecelTheta()
inline double getMinSpeedTheta()
base2d_kinematics_msgs::msg::Base2DKinematics toMsg() const
void startPublisher(const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &node)
void startSubscriber(const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &node)
void clamp(double &x, double &y, double &theta)
bool isValidSpeed(double x, double y, double theta)

Check to see whether the combined x/y/theta velocities are valid.

This is based on three parameters: min_speed_xy, max_speed_xy and min_speed_theta. The speed is valid if 1) The combined magnitude hypot(x,y) is less than max_speed_xy (or max_speed_xy is negative) AND 2) min_speed_xy is negative or min_speed_theta is negative or hypot(x,y) is greater than min_speed_xy or fabs(theta) is greater than min_speed_theta.

In English, it makes sure the diagonal motion is not too fast, and that the velocity is moving in some meaningful direction.

In Latin, quod si motus sit signum quaerit et movere ieiunium et significantissime comprehendite.


True if the magnitude hypot(x,y) and theta are within the robot’s absolute limits

virtual nav_2d_msgs::msg::Twist2D calculateNewVelocity(const nav_2d_msgs::msg::Twist2D &cmd_vel, const nav_2d_msgs::msg::Twist2D &start_vel, const double dt)

Calculate the velocity after a set period of time, given the desired velocity and kinematics.

  • cmd_vel – Desired velocity

  • start_vel – starting velocity

  • dt – amount of time in seconds


new velocity after dt seconds

virtual geometry_msgs::msg::Pose2D calculateNewPosition(const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose2D start_pose, const nav_2d_msgs::msg::Twist2D &vel, const double dt)

Use the robot’s kinematic model to calculate new positions for the robot.

  • start_pose – Starting pose

  • vel – Actual robot velocity (assumed to be within acceleration limits)

  • dt – amount of time in seconds


New pose after dt seconds

Protected Functions

inline void kinematicsCB(const base2d_kinematics_msgs::msg::Base2DKinematics::SharedPtr msg)

Protected Attributes

double min_vel_x_
double min_vel_y_
double max_vel_x_
double max_vel_y_
double max_vel_theta_
double min_speed_xy_
double max_speed_xy_
double min_speed_theta_
double acc_lim_x_
double acc_lim_y_
double acc_lim_theta_
double decel_lim_x_
double decel_lim_y_
double decel_lim_theta_
double min_speed_xy_sq_
double max_speed_xy_sq_
rclcpp::Subscription<base2d_kinematics_msgs::msg::Base2DKinematics>::SharedPtr kinematics_sub_ = {nullptr}
rclcpp::Publisher<base2d_kinematics_msgs::msg::Base2DKinematics>::SharedPtr kinematics_pub_ = {nullptr}
rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr node_ = {nullptr}