
aandd ek/ew series driver python package



install python module “serial”

sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths aandd_ekew_driver_py -y --ignore-src

prepare for interfaces (option)

this node uses weight_scale_interfaces

cd ~/dev_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/TechMagicKK/weight_scale_interfaces.git
cd ~/dev_ws
colcon build --cmake-clean-first --symlink-install --packages-select weight_scale_interfaces
. install/local_setup.zsh

rs-232c device setting

cd ~/dev_ws/aandd_ekew_driver_py/launch
edit bringup.launch.py for change params (port, baudrate, rate)


cd ~/dev_ws
colcon build --cmake-clean-first --symlink-install --packages-select aandd_ekew_driver_py
. install/local_setup.zsh

launch node

ros2 launch aandd_ekew_driver_py bringup.launch.py

launch node with fake device for test

ros2 launch aandd_ekew_driver_py bringup.launch.py use_fake:=True

change publish rate to 1.2[Hz]

ros2 param set /aandd_ekew_node rate 1.2